Golden Tee Golf Comes to Mobile Devices
Mobile Game Publisher In-Fusio has just released a version of Golden Tee Golf for Palm OS and Windows Mobile devices. Golden Tee Mobile Edge is based on the same hugely popular coin-op video golf game franchise. The game features easy ball control, reactive environments, 4 all-new challenging golf courses, quick-play putting and driving games, Daily and All-Time leaderboards, golfer customization and "great moments" replays. In-Fusio also says players can link up to their coin-op play and retrieve their stats from the arcade game, get contest history and locate a machine in their area (US only).
Golden Tee Golf Mobile Edge is available for Palm OS and Windows Mobile devices. The game comes with a free trial version and costs $14.99 for the full version.
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RE: Palm OS 6 ?
Thats Cobalt, of course. Since it was released in 2003,we've been using it in our Tungsten T6s...
Oh, wait...
RE: Palm OS 6 ?
The last known classic PDA user.
I've recently upgraded from a PLAM TX to a Newton MP2000!
320X480 ?
The last known classic PDA user.
I've recently upgraded from a PLAM TX to a Newton MP2000!
Latest Comments
- I got one -Tuckermaclain
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- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
- Like Deja Vu -T_W
Palm OS 6 ?
The last known classic PDA user.
I've recently upgraded from a PLAM TX to a Newton MP2000!