Science Guys Develop Holgographic PDA Displays
An article on points out, Scientists have developed a holographic laser projector that is significantly more efficient than today's models and could be incorporated into handheld devices allowing you, for instance, to project snaps from a phonecam onto a wall. It could also be used to replace the screen on a notebook or PDA.
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RE: Now if they......
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Bill Nye and Mr Wizard
SEGA hologram game
RE: SEGA hologram game
Powered by Palm OS since March 2002
What about the keyboard?
Sounds like another pipe dream... :-)
Looks good in theory, but not really practical.
RE: What about the keyboard?
[signature0]the secret to enjoying your job is to have a hobby that's even worse[/signature0]
[signature1]My PDAs: Visor --> Visor Neo (blue) --> Zire 71.... so ends the "marathon", for now[/signature1]
Death toll reaches 100,000
Let's remember what's happened in Asia. Some people will *never* know what happened to those they knew and loved. This is staggering.
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
To fully (not just in an abstract intelectual way) understand the true horrors and sadness that exisit in this world would drive a person insane. So, we remove ourselves from things that do not dirrectly effect us, as sad as they may be.
100,000 people died in Asia. 43 million Gullijians died on Gullijon 4 near the Crab Nebula. While both are tragedies for those they effected, as a distant and unrelated party, it is hard for most people in America to feel any real sadness.
Sharp Wizard-->Handspring Visor "Deluxe"-->Sony Clie SJ30-->Palm Tungsten T3 w/ SE T68i
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
Early data on Asian quake went unnoticed in Vienna
"The group's officials have long noted that their organization, which has an annual budget of $100 million, is sitting on equipment that could save lives. [...]"
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
MikeCon - yes, it's all Bush's and the Republicans fault because we didn't "care" enough. Quick - go call that fat socialist pig Michael Moore.
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
...wasn't the number closer to about 2,000? Not to belittle that tragedy, but it appears that the death toll is already over forty (forty) times the carnage in the tsunami. And some of them were even Americans!
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
Anyone interested in following up would do well to read this book:
And to see:
My cat always knew when I was coming home from school as a kid -- even when we were let out early for some reason!
RE: Death toll reaches 100,000
Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
Wed Dec 29, 9:21 AM ET U.S. National - AFP
AMMAN (AFP) - Former US attorney general and left-wing activist Ramsey Clark is to join the defence team of Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), a spokesman for the toppled Iraqi president's lawyers said.
Clark, who held the office of attorney general under US president Lyndon B. Johnson, "is one of the members of the defence team of president Saddam Hussein," Ziad Khassawneh said. "This honours and inspires us."
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
But, man, imagine someone on trial actually having to have a DEFENSE! What do these people think, that human beings have something like INALIENABLE RIGHTS?
(This from me, whose motto is from an old Barney Miller episode: "Book 'em, beat 'em, try 'em and fry 'em.")
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
>"But, man, imagine someone on trial actually having to have a DEFENSE! What do these people think, that human beings have something like INALIENABLE RIGHTS?"
You and the filthy Liberals can give the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, and Osama a defense. I'd give them all a bullet between the eyes.
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
Thank God!
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
Dude?! How you could possibly forget to add G.W. Bush to the list?
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
You're darn right! Giving them a kangaroo trial and dragging
them into the ally and shooting them is exactly what they
would do to you and me. So, you'd be no less a war criminal
and no better a human than them.
Besides, their crimes are so bad that the best defense won't
save them. Obstructing a defense, however, would only damage
the credibility of their eventual conviction and the entire
justice system.
Gekko wrote:
> You and the filthy Liberals can give the likes of Hitler,
> Stalin, Pol Pot, Saddam, and Osama a defense. I'd give them
> all a bullet between the eyes.
- Tere
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
This is what makes us the country G. W. Bush wants to protect and Iraq the country he wants to destroy.
It is our freedom and our liberties that G. W. is protecting. I think even G. W. Bush would say that Sadam is entitled to the best defense he can receive.
To say anything less would be UN-American. (And, if you don't like it, go someplace that doesn't support these American values!) ;-)
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
The Forums are back up, so this stuff will now stop here.
RE: Another Filthy Liberal Democrat Traitor
Ryan, please delete this ridiculous thread.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
No, I don't do requests
-- mainly because that's not me.
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