2 Millionth Palm Centro Sold
Palm has announced that it has now sold over two-million Palm Centro smartphones. Available from almost 20 carriers worldwide, including the three largest carriers in the United States, Centro has reached more young adults and women, as well as a broader range of household income, than any prior Palm smartphone. The Centro is on store shelves in more than 25 countries in North America, South America, Europe and Asia Pacific.
In addition, recent data released by AdMob, the largest advertising network on the mobile web, states that Centro is among the top 10 devices worldwide for mobile Internet.
According to the Admob's Mobile Metrics report, the Centro leapt onto the list of mobile phones worldwide in May as the No. 8 device, and moved up in June to No. 7. The company cites the growth of inexpensive phones, such as the $99 Palm Centro, as a primary driver in mobile Internet usage.
Palm also showed strong growth among smartphone manufacturers, ranking No. 2 in the United States in mobile advertising reach, and No. 3 worldwide. The AdMob report, which analyzes worldwide data to gauge mobile Internet use among devices able to receive mobile ads, also noted that 24.3 percent of worldwide ad requests in June were from smartphones, up from 22.4 percent in May. As more consumers leave their traditional mobile phones behind in favor of moving up to phones with greater functionality, mobile web usage is expected to increase.
"Consumers are ready to do more on their mobile phone, and Centro has struck a chord around the world," said Brodie Keast, senior vice president of marketing for Palm, Inc. "Centro has everything a person needs to stay connected with everyone who is important to them - and at a price point and size that make smartphones more attractive to a much wider audience."
Article Comments
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No worries, Mike, Palm's still 'well positioned'!
As the interview came to a close, the reporter said, "I've got to ask you about your suit." Yankowski smiled. He was wearing a very special suit, he let on, designed to satisfy the public's high expectations from Palm's IPO. The shiny pinstripes woven into the otherwise standard wool suit were made from threads of pure gold. CNBC cut back to the studio anchor. "Was that for real?" he asked the correspondent. The Palm managers assembled around the TV set looked at each other. "We're not showing this video," one of the executives decreed. Then they walked out to start the employee meeting."
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
great little product
i still don't understand all this animosity and vitriol towards the Centro. it's just as powerful as the latest Treo AND it's lighter, smaller, thinner, sleeker, and more modern looking - it rivals the BB Pearl in terms of size/weight/sleekness/form factor - it makes the Treo look like a brick/dinosaur. AND Centro has Outlook EAS and My Location support etc. as well. AND it's only $99!!!!!!
What in the F do you people want?????????????
RE: great little product
RE: great little product
I'm not saying that the Centro is a bad device--certainly not relative to other <$100 handsets and not relative to older Treos. But it's not THE perfect "one size fits all" device for every type of user.
The Treo COULD have everything the Centro does if Palm WANTED it to. There's no genuine technical limitation the Treo cannot support My Location, the latest versions of VersaMail & Blazer etc etc. Garnet is still OS 5.x, just like it has been since 2002.
With Palm already crying the blues about razor-thin Centro margins and the marketplace becoming more competitive by the day, the only way to sustain the Centro's momentum going into the fall/holiday season is with more new colors & price drops.
What the Centro improves on from the Treo 755/680 on one hand is mitigated by dimished capabilities on the other hand. Keep in mind that the entire POS market is currently served by a SINGLE device (Centro), with the 755p/680/all remaining PDAs effectively EOL'd and dead in the water for all intents and purposes. That's not a good indication from anyone's perspective that Palm will be able to support Nova/Garnet/WinMob this time next year.
IMO, Palm would have been wise to release a higher-end, higher-margin POS device (at least for CDMA markets) alongside the Centro last year or alongside the 800w this year. But with Palm essentially going forward with a 3-OS, 3-smartphone line, I think both the user & developer communities would appreciate a clearly worded, non-waffling public statement of support for the Garnet platform/devices at least through next year AND some kind of roadmap + w/ proof of existence that Nova is indeed not vaporware.
At the very least, a mildly refreshed Centro 2 with a larger screen/keyboard (maybe along the lines of the rumored Treo 850 FF) & a 3.5mm headphone jack would be a solid way to bridge the gap until Nova is ready. Sad to say, I fear such a beast seems highly unlikely as there have been zero leaks or rumors of anything new from Palm aside from the usual Treo 850 & Treo 500 replacement rumors that made the rounds months ago.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
RE: great little product
I've added the new Treo 800w to my collection, and I find it too is fast and stable. I like the look and feel of both devices, and I still prefer the Treo/Centro form factor over the competition. I'm glad Palm still offers a good product, and that they've seemingly learned from the 700p fiasco.
RE: great little product
RE: great little product
The market is (well, WAS-the iPhone/various WinMob/BB Thunder + Bold stole much of Palm's potential marketshare and the mindshare of both current & future users) SCREAMING for a 320x480 Treo.
Not EVERYONE wants a tiny 320x320 QWERTY device, especially users that are data/media/web-centric (iPhone + virtual keyboard), as opposed to voice/e-mail-centric (square screen + QWERTY).
I don't keep a 4-year old PC around for doing productivity work b/c my new one handles both gaming & productivity tasks far better than any older device. For a 5/4/3 year-old Palm handheld to have any features (large screens, 3.5mm headphone jacks, 128mb RAM, internal storage volumes etc) that trump Palm's current smartphones is just pitiful.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
RE: great little product
Let's start with HVGA, WiFi(g), BT2, 3.5mm audio, 1,600+mah, 624mhz, Palm OS, SDHC ... all for $299 + a freakish US contract. Pretty much the same thing we've been begging to spend our money on for fours years. Apple listened and has started marching toward similar goals, but as we know their iPhones/Touches have just flopped and nobody wants them. :-o
The Centro is great for those who don't care to view much and can type on the micronic keyboard. My son (16) has one and it's great. Pretty impressive device otherwise at the price point IMO. Just not what I'm looking for.
Currently milking another 6-12 months at exorbitant ATT fees for my currently renewable Treo 680. Palm offers noting to upgrade to besides a pretty color, so I'll wait this last time. If the "Nova era" produces more SSS and typical innovation, then I'll throw in the towel. I'll make the painful switch to WM, RIM, or Apple.
Not that both of you didn't already know this of course. :-\
Pat Horne
RE: great little product
RE: great little product
To drive you crazy!
In this:
RE: great little product
Anyway I got the Centro after searching reviews and finding about 99% favorable ones. I also got the e-mail and web.
I've only had the Centro for about 1 1/2 weeks, but, so far, so good. It is as easy to use as any Palm and the integration of functions is very smooth. I got an e-mail from my brother with his new phone number and was able to copy and paste the number right from the e-mail to my contacts.
Centro is being marketed as a starter smart phone, but it is fully functional as a complete smart phone. I like the QWERTY keyboard better than the odd one on the Blackberry Pearl.
I am pretty happy that I bought the Palm and would recommend the Centro to others as well.
This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
From http://www.thestockmasters.com/PALM-07292008.html
"JP Morgan says Palm's channel checks at more than 20 Sprint and Best Buy Stores yielded a consistent takeaway: there aren't enough Treo 800Ws to meet demand."
This has led Palm shares to gain 13% in one day.
RE: This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
pilot 5000 >Palm V > m505 >Tungsten T >A bad win mo 5 pda >Clie Peg ux50 > Tungsten t3 >Treo 680 >Centro
RE: This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
RE: This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
Why don't you fill out your relating of that particular "analyst" note?
"5 per week" is probably a good place to start, no?
RE: This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
RE: This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
RE: This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
Did he say "they can't get enough of them"?
Does that mean they're selling a gajillion of them?
Because he ALSO said:
== "...800W Channel Inventory is very lean. We conducted 800W
== channel checks at more than 20 Sprint and Best Buy stores. The
== stores reported strong demand for the recently-introduced 800W,
== but nearly all of them complained of a lack of inventory. Four of
== ten Best Buys (offering the 800W at $180 with a 2-year contract)
== in the NY tri-state area complained of zero inventory, and weekly
== deliveries of just 5 units, which sell out nearly immediately. We
== heard similar complaints at Sprint stores, where inventory levels
== ranged from zero to just 5 units, typically..."
5 units a week, at best, per store.
They're selling as many as they can get!
RE: This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
As a tip, 1 per business day sounds even worse than 5 per week, assuming you are looking to spin things in the most negative light possible.
RE: This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
I always use quotes around "analyst" for a reason.
RE: This is a good news day for Palm: Centro And 800W
The 800w is not ramped up to sell like the iPhone, it is more of a business commodity and as such has hit Sprint retailers in lower initial numbers. No exciting in-store frenzy here.
But, this preliminary news reveals that there is some traction in the market for the 800w.
A device that competes favorably to WM competitors rather than cannibalizing other Palm devices is a good move, and incidentally no secret since last years announcements.
3 million in a week? Impossible, but half a million by years end may be doable.
Now wait a minute
Also, don't you think Apple can't keep dropping the iPhone price?
RE: Now wait a minute
2. It doesn't matter how low the iPhone price goes, the Centro is an affordable, unpretentious device with a small, light formfactor and a great combination of a touchscreen and physical keyboard.
Centro is "easy to use" AND has a cool, free Faceboo app AND is available in lots of cool, hip colors. Plus, it's a "3G" device that's been available for nearly a year now, long before the iPhone 3G. AND it's available on both CDMA & GSM carriers & unlocked GSM versions!
3. Palm doesn't care what happens NEXT quarter or certainly not next year. All they want to do is sell as many 800w's & Centros as they can TODAY and stockpile cash.
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
RE: Now wait a minute
You got to be kidding. They would look so bad if they didn't release a new OS next year.
RE: Now wait a minute
Frankly I think that the comparison between a SRP $99 phone and the iPhone 3G only goes so far. Yes, they're both smartphones, and yes, they both are targeted at a more consumer-centric demographic. But the iPhone targets a much higher end audience, more power-user, more media-friendly. The Centro is lower end, favoring the basic keyboard phone audience, and those who want a few smartphone abilities without the pricetag that comes with the full monty.
Until and unless the iPhone drops to the $99 price point, there's always going to be very limited overlap between the two markets.
RE: Now wait a minute
You got to be kidding. They would look so bad if they didn't release a new OS next year.
Yes, it would. But the signs of Nova's life aren't good: there's been no platform buzz, no previews to software developers, no released toolkits, no leaked screenshots, no preproduction hardware, no media buzz about features, no news about tie-ins to external services... In short, none of the things that lead up to the actual release of a real live OS.
Add to this the fact that even if they hit their supposed release window, they're going to be going up against Windows Mobile 7, Android, the next iteration of OS X Mobile, and the newly retooled Blackberry platform. And Palm is NOT a software company: they've never developed an OS. They're strictly the old Palm Inc.'s hardware division. So chances are that it's going to be longer and harder than they originally planned for.
RE: Now wait a minute
RE: Now wait a minute
The Full Monty of course would have to include the voice & data price plans. Which, according to the article here at PIC, wasn't trotted out for a comparison of Centro v. iPhone.
RE: Now wait a minute
I was dead-serious on #1 & #3. #2 was so heavily tongue in cheek that I still don't dare risk eating dinner tonight lest I bite my tongue off. Watch the Colligan interview on the CNBC news item and you'll quickly see the tired retread arguments of the "small, cheap, easy to use, Facebook app blah blah blah" that I was referencing. And, c'mon, y'all know I'm fully aware of FrankenGarnet's 3G GSM limitations! It was Colligan that stated the Centro had been 3G since its introduction last year, not me (thus, again, the "3G" comments in #2)!
Apple & Palm are targeting somewhat different markets at the moment, yes. But Apple is quickly approaching the critical mass of total mass-market acceptance with the iPhone line (I predict we are less than a year away from a smaller/cheaper iPhone Nano-esque device) much like the near-ubiquity the iPod has achieved over the past 4-5 years.
With ALP pretty much now dead in the water (article coming on up shortly), I agree with Adama that the signs of life for Nova aren't good. I'll even go on a limb and fast-forward to, oh, November or so and predict that Palm quietly announced on their blog that Nova is being canned in favor of "smaller, sleeker, lighter, easier to use Garnet OS 2" targeting only $100 and below devices for these trying economic times. I'm only half-kidding here, folks. I NEVER expected Palm to latch onto the "low-price" bandwagon so aggressively. Next thing will be the limited edition lime green Centro with an eco-friendly 550mAh battery!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
RE: Now wait a minute
What people are missing here is that Palm is stealing *Nokia* sales. Nokia's specialty has been small cheap (and dumb!) phones.
I'll love Palm for helping to kill kill kill Nokia.
RE: Now wait a minute
RE: Now wait a minute
hkk, I was mostly thinking of the whole comparison, not just anything you said... but I do get your comment, having seen the Colligan quote.
RE: Now wait a minute
Nokia hardly even gives the CDMA market a 2nd thought and couldn't even be bothered with Sprint or Verizon with more than the occasional token CDAM dumbphone.
Palm's best chance for making Nokia, ahem, "notice" them would be to whip out a proper TX2 running Nova that one-ups the N8xx Internet Tablets and comes in several variants (3G CDMA, 3G GSM, wi-max, wi-fi/BT).
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p
RE: Now wait a minute
They can say that, but the reality is that they ARE competing against Windows Mobile. There's only so many niches in the smartphone market, and WM is playing for all of them. Wherever they aim Nova, they'd be hitting WM and to a lesser extent Apple.
I'm not saying its going to be easy but I still believe it will be released next year.
Shrug. It's not impossible, but I'm starting to get the same feeling I did with first Cobalt, then ALP: the longer things go, and the quieter it is, the less confidence I have.
RE: Now wait a minute
> to a much lesser extent, Verizon)...
Ya think?
Did ya see the most recent "customer percentages"? Especially note that CHANGE in percent:
== "...In fiscal years 2008, 2007 and 2006, our largest customers
== represented the following percentages of consolidated revenues,
== respectively:
== Sprint Corporation represented 41%, 24% and 14%;
== Verizon Wireless represented 13%, 18% and 30%; and
== AT&T, Inc. represented 11%, 14% and 11%..."
From Palm's most recent 10K.

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