Full Music Album Created on a Palm OS PDA
A music and software enthusiast has composed and released a full length music composition using only his Palm OS PDA. The artist used only his palmOne Tungsten T to create the music and art for the free album.
The Album entitled WarmPlace can be found and downloaded here.
From the artists description, Are you ready for changing your notions? :) No more PC, no notebooks, no large synths and mixers, no close studio and no fastidious sound mans :) Only the warm open air, nature and small PDA - all that is necessary for creation of new music album. Not more of it.
And it is there now: first in the world music CD, created and designed entirely on the Palm (Tungsten T). Album, called the "Warm Place": hundreds hours of outdoor work, mass of positive feelings, nine completed tracks and 13 thematic images. Free music for free people. Enjoy it!
Article Comments
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RE: Link down
RE: Link down
RE: Link down
Zulu makes a perfect example and shows a nice creativity boost. Great job, nice music. I am enjoying your tunes alot.
RE: Link down
Alex, I enjoyed the music, the artwork, and appreciate your creativity... a job well done.
No offense but...
I fully understand the coolness and hook that comes with saying you've recorded an album on your Palm, but how is it any different?
I want to be clear that I'm merely curious and not looking to rip anyone's project to shreds.
-We've got folks for that here already...
RE: No offense but...
"People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are."
RE: No offense but...
RE: No offense but...
RE: No offense but...
Icy Jamie, I think I was pretty clear about merely being curious and not ripping the effort.
If you or the artist has problems with scrutiny by the dullard masses such as myself who simply ask for some guidance, then I suggest steering clear of the critics entirely.
RE: No offense but...
Point taken.
RE: No offense but...
RE: No offense but...
I think the reason P1 said it was changing the UC to it's current connector was specifically to add audio capabiltiy.
I'm not sure SDIO has "what it takes" to be able to do audio. Hopefully someone else can shed some light on that subject?
Perhaps a Sony Clie?
I know they make a cradle that will allow my TH55 to play through IT'S built-in stereo speakers. The TH55's voice recorder also produces .wav files that are easily manipulated.
I sing and do voice over stuff on occasion, and the voice recorder on my TH has been great for capturing bits of tunes (or whole ones)
I've even ping-ponged recordings from my TH to my cell phone's voice recorder, adding harmonies, but the result is extremely rough and not suitable for anything other than an audio "sketch" of sorts.
RE: software?
RE: software?
Warning of possible incompatibility with LauncherX
I even have my Z71 set up so that I can always run FileZ in an emergency, and tried to delete the psy** software. To no avail.
I suppose it could be an incompatibility with some other software I have but I thought I'd bring it up.
Thankfully I have BackupMan on my PDA backing the unit up every day.
Now do that on a PPC
this definitely is a sign that the Palm OS handheld is widely supported in the music sector. Actually, there are lots of software programs for creating/editing tunes available for the Tungsten Series-too bad that the T3's mic sucks and that the T5 hasn't got any!
Just my 2 cents
Tam Hanna
Find out more about the Palm OS in my blog:
RE: Now do that on a PPC
The TH55 comes to mind, not only because I own one, but because it's audio recording and playback abilities ain't too bad.
RE: Now do that on a PPC
I'm not familiar with the software used on this project, but thought it would be neat to have a 16 track virtual digital studio on your handheld. Now all you would need is a line in for acoustic stuff...
RE: Now do that on a PPC
Actually, it just sucks for anything music related. I have to remind myself that it was built to record lectures and meeting notes. I've been tempted many times to hit the record button when the band is doing something new during practice, but held back by the fact that it will be 50% distortion. The problem is that the mic is too sensitive for most tasks... we need a way to adjust input trim for louder sound sources.
THAT being said, the extra sensitivity is great in some situations. I was investigating building noises once, and I let the recorder run while I was checking things out. The heating system had a pipe which was contacting a metal cover, and when the pipe moved due to thermal expansion it sounded like a little girl's voice saying "dad". Having the recorder on made sure that I did not miss anything while poking around in the basement alone :)
RE: Now do that on a PPC
"Hambug or Ba-gug, that's me.!"
RE: Now do that on a PPC
The Palm Tungsten T was much better...
Best regards
Tam Hanna
Find out more about the Palm OS in my blog:
Crash warning
RE: Crash warning
RE: Crash warning
No one here has heard of Bhaji's Loops or Microbe?
He's not the only one !
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