Treo 800w Appears on Possible Sprint Roadmap

Treo 800wRumor: The long awaited and perpetually rumored Treo 800w has made an appearance on a leaked slide from a possible Sprint smartphone roadmap. Originating from a forum post at the message board, the slide shows the Treo 800w may debut sometime in July and includes a few device features. Assuming the leaked Sprint roadmap is accurate, the listed specs coincide perfectly with most of the earlier reports of the device's specs: Palm's first device with WM6 standard, its first 320x320 Windows Mobile product, Palm's first wi-fi and GPS-enabled smartphone, and its first EVDO Rev.A device of any kind. The only rumor that seems to be dispelled by this roadmap is that the 800w is destined to ship with Windows Mobile 6.1 standard.

[Image removed due to a Copyright Protected Materials claim from Sprint Legal.]

Another interesting detail mentioned in the leaked image is that both camera and camera-free versions of the device will be available, something that is always a good sign for individuals working in government positions or in areas with heightened security concerns.

No word as of yet on pricing or if the device will be a Sprint exclusive for an undisclosed period of time. One questionable aspect of the leaked roadmap image is that it claims this device is the successor the Treo 700w. The 700w has the dubious distinction of being Palm's first Windows Mobile-based product and was an exclusive to Verizon Wireless; to date, only its beefed-up 700wx successor has been available on Sprint. Prior to today's surprising find, the most concrete evidence of the 800w's existence was a slide image from Bill Gates' keynote at CES 2008 in January that showed what definitely appears to be the 800w.

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Camera/No Camera option

ronhoney @ 3/28/2008 10:06:09 AM # Q
It's great to see the Camera/No Camera option. That combined with WiFi & GPS just might persuade me to shift from Palm OS & my beloved Kyocera 7135 to the dark side......if only it was clamshell form factor & had WiMax.....

Ron Honey
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That timeline looks a little odd.

shrike4242 @ 3/28/2008 10:27:44 AM # Q
Shows the timeframe of the timeline from Feb to April, and yet the Blackberry shows a release of April and is in the Feb area. The 800W shows that it's coming out in July, and it's at the end of the timeline, in April.

If it's for PDAs that are coming out between Feb and July, why not have the timeline reflect that?

RE: That timeline looks a little odd.
shrike4242 @ 3/28/2008 10:29:17 AM # Q
Alright, the Blackberry is in between Mar & Apr, though the comment about the 800W still is correct.
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PDAs are NOT dead.

twrock @ 3/28/2008 12:05:25 PM # Q
Just look at the title of that slide. 'Nuff said.

"twrock is infamous around these parts"
(from my profile over at Brighthand due to my negative 62 rep points rating)
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