Consillient Updates Push Email Client
Consilient Technologies has announced support for the Treo 650 from palmOne. Smartphone users can now access complete wireless push email functionality using Consilient Mobile Mail.
Consilient Mobile Mail extends wireless functionality and features of the Treo, including wireless email, wireless reconciliation, and attachment support. Email platforms supported for push email on Treo include Oracle Collaboration Suite, Sun Java System Messaging Server (iPlanet, Netscape), Novell GroupWise, Cyrus, Mirapoint or any IMAP4 server.
Mobile Mail supports multiple networks and email platforms, delivering push email on the Treo 650. Two versions of Consilient Mobile Mail are available, Hosted (subscriber) and Enterprise. The Hosted version is activated over the air, without any software installation required in-house. The Enterprise edition integrates into an organization’s existing network behind the firewall. It can be installed quickly and easily and is designed for an IT-managed environment for up to thousands of mobile users per server.
Features of Consilient Mobile Mail for Treo 650 include:
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RE: Advantage over Versamail
Palm is still not in the game with Outlook
Plus, how about the remote erasing feature that allows stolen or lost devices to be remotely erased to prevent information theft.
RE: Advantage over Versamail
That being said, it seems that MS's solution is more well thought out for the needs of the corporation with its integration and security features. Besides, for any company using exchange server, the MS solution is a no-brainer.
RE: Advantage over Versamail
> stolen or lost devices to be remotely erased to
> prevent information theft.
Yeah, how about it. Maybe take a look at mSafe from MotionApps.
(no, I am not affiliated with them, and haven't even tried it on my Treo yet)
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Does anyone at Palm have a plan?
Suuuure. An integrated all-Microsoft solution Vs. a 3rd party app from a minor league developer. Which option do you think will appeal to most companies?
When the Palm rep was demoing mSafe at the recent DevCon, I kept wondering "Why the he11 isn't this a standard part of the Treo's security system?" Palm needs to start acting like a company that's prepared to COMPETE with Microsoft, feature for feature. Expecting 3rd party developers to kludge together fixes to Palm's deficient designs and then expecting users to pay extra money for the "fixes" is truly insane.
Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.
The Palm Economy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:
RE: Advantage over Versamail
I agree completely with your observations of Microsofts complete solution verses Palm's hobbled together incomplete disjointed excuses.
The earlier post from Oliver with the link reference to the Remote Treo disabler was a good find. But the general public sure should not have to be as knowledgable as Oliver. It should be a no brain to everyone.
RE: Advantage over Versamail
"This is far short of Microsoft's new plans"
Sounds like the MS attempt is far short of push email...
RE: Advantage over Versamail
Back to your caves trolls. Face it, the PPC so called 'push' (with a bit of pull) email is just blowing smoke.
RE: Advantage over Versamail
Remember, its FREE.
RE: Advantage over Versamail
If PPC or Palm actually got push email right, do you think this will actually impact on RIM's market share? I think people who want a glorified pager will still go for Blackberry. Too many other factors involved with PDA purchase.
As for me, I'm happy with Versamail or whatever does the job while I'm on the go - I don't need immediate notification.
RE: Advantage over Versamail
It will be a bottom up solution, but in the end it will only be the less competent who will have "pure-play" e-mail solutions, everyone else will have a more fully features WM device.
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Advantage over Versamail
I know this is a push email but can configure Versamail to check every 5 min if you want?