Get CallRec for Free - One Day Only
The PalmInfocenter Software Store is running a special one day promotion now through the end of Friday. The store is giving away a free, fully functional copy of CallRec with every software purchase!
CallRec is the premier voice recording application for Palm OS smartphones. The app allows you to automatically record your telephone conversations to a memory card. It has consistently received rave reviews and is among the top-selling Palm applications every month. It normally sells for $19.99 but for one day only, this Friday, February 22 we are giving away a FREE copy with any purchase over $5.00.
To take advantage of the free offer simply purchase any other software title over $5 to qualify. Add CallRec to your cart, and enter the coupon code CALLRECFREE at checkout. CallRec is compatible with the Treo 755p/700p/680/650 and the newly released Palm Centro.
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RE: CallRec v5.2 Report
be careful of recording calls, Reverend. i think that's how they got Jim Bakker.
RE: CallRec v5.2 Report
As for the problems you reported in another post
- quality is fine for me
- never had it stop in middle of recording unless I ran out of space on SD
- slo-mo playback?... err hate to ask an obvious question but you do realise you can vary the speed of playback? ie if you like hearing your friends as chipmunks you can speed it up too....
- UI fine for me. Supports shift-select for selecting multiple records
- I don't know why my 680 crashes but I'm sure CallRec is occasionally implicated
- PC playback?? I just copy the relevant wav file straight from the SD card if I ever wanted to do this
SD card speed makes a big difference. I recently upgraded my SD card and noticed significant improvement in CallRec performance. In particular, with my slow SD card I was finding it difficult to hang up - CallRec was trying to write data prior to ending conversation. NOW - instant hang up with fast SD. Also deleting unwanted recordings took forever with slow SD card. NOW -instant.
RE: CallRec v5.2 Report
I have excellent recording quality from the caller on v3.1, but v5.2 was either barely discernble or nonexistant. Same hardware. 680 w/ 8GB class 6. Yeah, I saw the setting for playback speed, but never actually used it. Only some of them would do it.
I'll reload and give it another shot.
Pat Horne
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CallRec v5.2 Report
But a few weeks ago I bought v5.2 upgrade and ran into lots of issues on my 680. Stability, recording quality and even a more cluttered recording list disappointed. After it botched some important info on a customer call, I gave it the boot and reverted back to the old rock solid v3.1.
All I wanted in the upgrade was background playback so that I could write notes to another app while listening to them on CallRec.
Could someone with a Treo 680 report back about your experience with v5.2. I will probably try the upgrade again when I can. If it still presents the issues, I may see if the dev will send me a copy of the last version 4 app. I think it had background playback too?
Pat Horne