New Major PalmSource Licensee Expected Soon

During the company's fiscal fourth quarter conference call interim CEO Patrick McVeigh announced that PalmSource has signed a new "Tier 1" licensee.

PalmSource LogoPalmSource did not announce who that licensee will be. The company is expected to formally announce the deal soon. While providing no details of yet, McVeigh did say that the company is one of the top five global handset providers.

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What's a Tier 1

Mr T @ 6/29/2005 6:32:14 PM # Q
What does a "Tier 1" licensee mean? Does it take a certain minimum number of sales to qualify?
RE: What's a
LiveFaith @ 6/29/2005 6:40:02 PM # Q
It means a real one I think. Tapwave, Garmin and Sony all show up on the list, but only ship 263 devices per year for a total profit after expenses of $11.95. About enough to get a Mexican lunch of the quick menu. :-)

This is goot nooos tho!

Pat Horne;

RE: What's a
Admin @ 6/29/2005 6:42:48 PM # Q
When asked he stated Tier 1 meant one of the top five global handset producers.

RE: What's a Tier 1
LiveFaith @ 6/29/2005 7:10:33 PM # Q
What are the top 5?

Off the top of my head?

... Seimens, Audiovox ?

Pat Horne;

RE: What's a Tier 1
I.M Anonymous @ 6/29/2005 7:41:32 PM # Q
In 2004, the top 5 were:


Now Samsung is already a licensee, and SonyEricsson and Nokia are both dedicated to Symbian, which would lead me to believe that it is either Motorola or Seimens. Personally, I am hoping it is Motorola, since I would love to see of PalmOS version of the WinMob Razr they just announced.

RE: What's a Tier 1
Timothy Rapson @ 6/29/2005 7:43:28 PM # Q
So the Yopi is finally going to ship with Palm OS instead of the Linux PDA they promised 5 years ago?
Great news. I am buying Palm stock right away in big quantities at any price.

These guys at TweedlePee and TweedlePalm are such rotten liars.

RE: What's a Tier 1
gfunkmagic @ 6/29/2005 10:55:10 PM # Q
OKay, here is a breakdown of the top 5 handset vendors:

Nokia - will never be palmOS lisencee b/c have too much invested in Symbian Consortium (founding member and largest shareholder).

Moto - possilbe, has hands in other 3 major smartphone platforms (M$ WM, Linux, Symbian) and thus could also lisence palmos. Furthermore, was once a palmos lisencee prior looong time ago I recall...

Samsung - already Palmos lisencee...

Siemens - recently sold off its handset business to Benq which is a MS WM lisencee based in Taiwan I believe. Recall Benq developed the WM based P50 Treo clone which just received FCC approval. I doubt Siemens, a founding member of Symbian Consortiums, wouls lisence palmos...

Sony Ericcson - This would be a dream come true for PalmOS. Recall there were previous rumors of SE becoming a palmos lisencee back in 2003:

Thus, it may indeed be possibility that this has finally happenned. Of course, Sony is already a palmos lisencee now!!!

Finally, another OEM I would love to see lisence PalmOS is Sanyo!! They make great handsets and would seem a perfect fit for palmos IMO!!!

I support


RE: What's a Tier 1
Gekko @ 6/29/2005 11:13:18 PM # Q

Siemens is not top 5. LG is.

Try again.

RE: What's a Tier 1
Gekko @ 6/29/2005 11:14:57 PM # Q

sorry I meant

Sony Ericsson is not top 5.

RE: What's a Tier 1
I.M Anonymous @ 6/30/2005 1:14:54 PM # Q
In 2004 they were. I didn't have the 2005 list.

RE: What's a Tier 1
Masamune @ 6/30/2005 2:34:08 PM # Q
I recall Sony saying some while ago that they would like to own Palm OS - it was in an article on The Reg.

RE: What's a Tier 1
Timothy Rapson @ 6/30/2005 3:32:46 PM # Q
Sony BUY PalmSource? You couldn't pay someone to take it.

RE: What's a Tier 1
AdamaDBrown @ 6/30/2005 6:04:50 PM # Q
Masamune, that was something like three years ago.

RE: What's a Tier 1
siralien @ 7/5/2005 4:13:10 PM # Q
Sony-Ericsson is also a member of the Symbian consortium. Before Ericsson and Sony decided to pool their loss-making mobile phone businesses into one, Ericsson joined the consortium.

I can't see S-E going back to Palm now with so much invested in Symbian. It's a damn good OS.

If I were a betting man I would say Motorola would be the more lilkely candidate. It's US owned, where Palm is still big, and they also have a habit of provinding handsets in all flavours, with Symbian and Windows Mobile.

LG is a good possibility too. They don't have any smart-phones yet but are big in the 3G market now.

Remember Symbian is still no. 1 in the world outside of America for phones. Unless a firm is trying to break into the US market or trying to expand their range ourtside of one supplier I don't think you'll see everyone jumping on the Palm bandwagon.

Also look China. They are the second biggest mobile phone market now. It may be a local producer there.


RE: It's LG
mikecane @ 7/6/2005 10:06:47 AM # Q
Dammit, you beat me to it.

This is what I get for listening to Morrissey on my PC and not surfing...

Ah well.

Continue with your Death Pools, kids.

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LiveFaith @ 6/29/2005 6:35:34 PM # Q
Probably Sharp. This looks like a new OS6, VGA PDA/Phone combo!

Pat Horne;

LiveFaith @ 6/29/2005 6:38:04 PM # Q
... That is unless he's referring to Samsung and the OS6 Treo Killer coming from them?

Pat Horne;

reidme @ 6/29/2005 9:38:09 PM # Q
If you're going to photoshop a fake phone you should at least pick a model number that isn't already in use.
LiveFaith @ 6/30/2005 1:28:21 AM # Q
What did you expect for free?

Pat Horne;
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Motorola or Sony Ericsson

Rome @ 6/29/2005 7:14:01 PM # Q
Since Samsung is already a licensee, I am guessing that either Motorola or Sony Ericsson is the new Palmsource licensee. If I had to pick one, I would go with Motorola.

RE: Motorola or Sony Ericsson
LiveFaith @ 6/29/2005 7:16:31 PM # Q
How about an LG or Seimens shocker?

Pat Horne;
RE: Motorola or Sony Ericsson
Timothy Rapson @ 6/29/2005 7:47:00 PM # Q
It's Motorola. In fact, the last time this almost happened Sony put a Motorola ARM processor in one of the Clies instead if I recall. Moto has lisences for all the OS and has so far shipped practically Zero really smart full-featured OS models with any of them.

Motorola was already once a PalmOS lisencee in the past...
gfunkmagic @ 6/29/2005 10:46:35 PM # Q
If you recall Moto had been a palm os lisencee looong ago! In fact, Moto was once the supplier of old dragonball proc that powered palmos devices in pre OS 5.x era!

Since then, Moto ended its lisencing agreement with Palm, became a founding member of the Symbian Consortium, then sold off it stake in Symbian while still retaining its lisence, proclaimed it's focus on supporting Linux as a future smartphone platform, and finally also became a Microsoft WM lisencee!!! Thus to summarize, Motorola has at one time or the other been involved in ALL major mobile platform OS's!!!! Heck if you recall, there was once even a rumor that moto and palm were working on a palmos-based smartphone a few years ago:

If Moto does lisence palmos, then it would imo be a fitting culmination to a looong relationship that palmos has had with Moto over the years...

I support


RE: Motorola or Sony Ericsson
twrock @ 7/3/2005 12:47:44 PM # Q
Hmmm..., any connection?
"Linux moves into midrange Motorola phones"

Oh, and while you're at it, here's the infamous "it takes six seconds to launch anything on the LifeDrive" David Pogue on the Treo 650:

I'm still waiting for the mythical "color HandEra."

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Motorola? Doubtful.

Gekko @ 6/29/2005 7:47:57 PM # Q
RE: Motorola? Doubtful.
I.M Anonymous @ 6/29/2005 7:57:06 PM # Q
Hey, if Palm can do a WinMob Treo, Motorola can do a Palm Razr.

RE: Motorola? Doubtful.
gfunkmagic @ 6/29/2005 10:53:04 PM # Q
Nothing is doubtful... except trying to cite a source like msmobile for anything!! YUK!!!

I support


RE: Motorola? Doubtful.
Wollombi @ 6/30/2005 9:11:54 PM # Q
This would be a more likely candidate...and it's not the figment of a website admin's imagination.


There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.

RE: Motorola? Doubtful.
Wollombi @ 6/30/2005 9:13:01 PM # Q's the link


There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.

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Worldwide Mobile Sales

Gekko @ 6/29/2005 7:59:11 PM # Q

Table 1
Worldwide Mobile Terminal Sales to End-Users in 1Q05 (thousands of units)

1Q05 Market 1Q04 Market
Company 1Q05 Sales Share (%) 1Q04 Sales Share (%)
Nokia 54.943.1 30.4 44,259.1 28.8
Motorola 30,293.6 16.8 25,111.0 16.3
Samsung 24,099.0 13.3 19,362.5 12.6
LG 11,138.6 6.2 8,210.0 5.3
Siemens 9,942.7 5.5 12,285.8 8.0
Sony Ericsson 9,900.0 5.5 8,638.6 5.6
Others 40,293.0 22.3 35,879.9 23.4
Total 180,610.0 100.0 153,746.9 100.0

Note* This table excludes ODM to OEM shipments.
source: Gartner Dataset (May 2005)

RE: Worldwide Mobile Sales - Tidied up table
ChiA @ 6/30/2005 8:29:48 AM # Q
Worldwide Mobile Terminal Sales to End-Users
(thousands of units)

1Q05 Market 1Q04 Market
Company 000s Units (% Sales) 000s Units (% Sales)

Nokia: 54,943.1 (30.4) 44,259.1 (28.8)
Motorola: 30,293.6 (16.8) 25,111.0 (16.3)
Samsung: 24,099.0 (13.3) 19,362.5 (12.6)
LG: 11,138.6 (6.2) 8,210.0 (5.3)
Siemens: 9,942.7 (5.5) 12,285.8 (8.0)
Sony Ericsson: 9,900.0 (5.5) 8,638.6 (5.6)
Others: 40,293.0 (22.3) 35,879.9 (23.4)
Total 180,610.0 (100.0) 153,746.9 (100.0)

Note this table excludes ODM to OEM shipments.
source: Gartner Dataset (May 2005)

(I've taken the liberty of tidying up the table - I found it a touch difficult to decipher at first).

so much for a nice looking table
ChiA @ 6/30/2005 8:35:38 AM # Q
Guess I've learned the hard way that the PIC comment parser isn't too keen on multiple spaces...

Oh well, we live and learn!

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Nagel Redux

Gekko @ 6/29/2005 8:04:06 PM # Q

Announcing a Licensee is one thing. Having that Licensee actually produce a mass quantity of phones that are actually sold on the market is quite yet another. Don't get it twisted.

My guess is that this is more of the same Nagel-esque type B.S. by McVeigh in order to prop up the stock price. At the end of the day, you or I will never see this phone in the flesh let alone be able to buy it.

Where's Nagel's 11 Cobalt phones for 2005?

Fool me once...

RE: Nagel Redux
neuron @ 6/29/2005 10:42:19 PM # Q
Ok, guys, don't argue now. I have inside information. Actually, two licenesees will be announced at the same time, they are: HP and DELL.

RE: Nagel Redux
LiveFaith @ 6/30/2005 1:30:23 AM # Q

Relax. 6 months left in 2005 ... that's less than 2 new Cobalt devices per month. Should be no problem. :-o

Pat Horne;

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Gain 1 licensee, lose 2. Easy come, easy go...

The_Voice_of_Reason @ 6/30/2005 1:42:03 AM # Q
Congrats on licensing ******** [edited], but they won't be shipping phones (i.e. won't be paying per-device license fees) for over a year. The baker's dozen of PalmOS licensees dips to 11 but then skyrockets to 12. Woo hoo! High five Nagel!

The Motley Crue of PalmOS licencees (a.k.a. the Lucky 13 Gang™):

Aceeca - Who? Don't make us laugh.

AlphaSmart - Aquired by Renaissance Learning in June 2005, PalmOS contract now cancelled. (How come it's so easy for companies to get out of their contracts with PalmOS? Remember how easily Sony dumped PalmOS overnight with NO financial penalty?)

Fossil - Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Ha.

Garmin - Will they ever ship another PalmOS device or is it only Windows from now on?

GSPDA - Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Ha. Some of the worst built phones I've ever seen. A fitting choice to introduce the first "official" Cobalt device.

Kyocera - Any new products in the past 4 years, guys?

Lenovo - More fun and games in Beijing. Shiping squat.

palmOne - Wisely shunned Cobullt (PalmOS 6), need to release a Windows Mobile Treo 700, but also need to buy PalmSource back for $50 - $75 million in 2006.

PiTech - a tiny ODM wannabe that makes nothing you can buy.

Samsung - purveyor of a full lineup of Vaporware PalmOS Smartphones. At least they sell phones in China, though.

Sony - Currently PalmSource is receiving ever-diminishing revenues from this so-called "licensee". Less than $200,000 per quarter for shipping nothing. Why even bother keeping Sony on the list of "licensees"? Because it looks good, that's why.

Symbol Technologies - shipping ancient (1999-vintage) hardware in low quantities, but has been a good licensee.

Tapwave - RIP. Soon to be a "former" licensee.

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm Economy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:

RE: Gain 1 licensee, lose 2. Easy come, easy go...
gfunkmagic @ 6/30/2005 3:05:41 AM # Q
>>>>>lphaSmart - Aquired by Renaissance Learning in June 2005, PalmOS contract now cancelled.

Where did you read this? Please provide a link to substantiate. AFAIK, Renaissance Learning, Inc/Alphasmart will continue to lisence PalmOS for the Dana line...

I support


RE: Gain 1 licensee, lose 2. Easy come, easy go...
The_Voice_of_Reason @ 6/30/2005 3:09:15 AM # Q
The PalmOS contract was bought out. It is unknown what the new parent company will do at this point in time. You can confirm this with PalmSource yourself. Or do I have to spoonfeed/breastfeed you some more?

Sony CLIE UX100: 128 MB real RAM, OLED screen. All the PDA anyone really ever wanted.

The Palm Economy = Communism™
The Great Palm Swindle:

RE: Gain 1 licensee, lose 2. Easy come, easy go...
rsc1000 @ 6/30/2005 9:13:44 AM # Q
>>The PalmOS contract was bought out.

Ahh - but thyatb is completely different then :

>>PalmOS contract now cancelled.

In fact - given that you obviously have a brain and that you obviously have a lot of time to kill coming up with propaganda for this site (such as this post above) - that would make you a liar.

Further - Garmin has put another Palm OS unit since introducing it's Pocket PC unit.

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