Mobile Gmail Java Client Updated

Gmail mobileGoogle has released a new version of its mobile Gmail email client for phones that support Java. The app will work on most Palm OS Treo's and handhelds that have the Palm OS Java JVM installed.

The new version of mobile Gmail offers a faster, more desktop-like user experience and improved message searching. Google has also optimized the client to use less data and says the mobile client does a better job of staying in sync with your online account. It can be downloaded on your device by visiting

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feranick @ 10/15/2007 6:41:14 PM # Q
It's probably me, but the only way I can see available in the site to download the application is by text message. This is not really useful for the people like me that would like to use the service in PDAs...

Does anybody know a URL for a direct download link?

Ryan @ 10/15/2007 8:06:44 PM # Q
you can also access the download by going to in Blazer. I will add that to the article.
roychang @ 10/16/2007 5:01:59 AM # Q
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feranick @ 10/16/2007 1:31:27 PM # Q
Thank you all for helping me.


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Anyone got it working on the TX?

orev @ 10/16/2007 11:05:07 PM # Q
Anyone got it working on the TX? I have installed it, and can even log in, but the alignment of all the menus and the whole layout is far off enough to make it not usable. My touch screen is calibrated, and works in other apps, so it's not that.

RE: Anyone got it working on the TX?
princehifi @ 10/17/2007 8:13:15 AM # Q
The .jar file given above results in the mis-aligned version. Instead, try instyalling the gmail.prc file found in this link below and the screen alignment will be correct.

Very cool app... it seems Google is extending Palm OS functionality more than anyone else these days...

RE: Anyone got it working on the TX?
joad @ 10/17/2007 9:18:32 PM # Q
I wish Google provided at least a LITTLE security for this app.

Once it has your logon and password the most you can do is "exit" the app - the information is cached on your device and there seems to be no way of "logging off" and/or changing to another account. Unless you lock down your Treo, if you lose it you have sacrificed access to your gmail account.

Also, Gmail is interesting, but it has a weird bug that only allow you to access any message ONCE via pop3. In other words: access a gmail message on your Treo via Snappermail during the day, you can't pull it down via Outlook in the evening. Even though settings are to "keep accessed messages in Inbox," for some reason Gmail refuses to differentiate between pop3 clients like every other pop3 provider. You need to manually log on to Gmail (with all the security problems that entails) and reset the pop3 access to download EVERYTHING in your Inbox - (resulting in a ton of dupes), even if you just want a message from earlier today. I guess you get what you pay for with Gmail...

**Another vote for a >100MB RAM Treo**

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