Emblaze Signs Mobile OS Deal with ACCESS
Emblaze Mobile a subsidiary of Emblaze a Israeli Technology Investment company, has announced a deal with Sharp and ACCESS to develop a new generation of mobile devices that aims to "revolutionize mobile communication". The company claims they have been working on a new mobile device design for the past five years in conjunction with several Israeli high-tech companies. Sharp will apparently be providing the hardware, while ACCESS will be supplying the operating system. While it doesn’t get into specifics, this could be the first possible public confirmation of a handset in the works utilizing the ACCESS Linux Platform.
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RE: It would be a sad giggle if...
I thought the giggles were, you know, just....bemused giggles from a curious onlooker!
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: It would be a sad giggle if...
Lot of fluff, little substance.
RE: It would be a sad giggle if...
Tungsten T --> Palm TX --> Foleo-mini??(like an LD-II with a small attached keyboard??)
RE: It would be a sad giggle if...
Over the years I've gone from respect to derision to admiration to derision to disappointment with PALM-the-company in its various incarnations as Handspring, PalmOne, and then PALM (I admittedly knew little about preHand PALM). The last couple years or so I've sorta gone into disbelief mode (and, of course, echoed some of that disbelief with not-wholly-positive posts here and elsewhere). From the switch to uSoft OS, the departure or apparent demotion of who I considered real key figures like Ken Wirt and Celeste Baranski, the horrendous build/QA of ALL the TREOs post-300, the crazy Next Great Thing and then the CRAZIER dumping of the homegrown Linux for it a month before release, and now, finally, a phone that actually IS at the REAL sweet spot of pricing - $100 - yet is nothing less than a 755p with probable different electronics here and there internally but nothing less, thus being a total compete WITH the 755p.
And throughout all this (and more) the nutty discarding of PalmSource, the equivalent of a "WAITAMINUTE! We didn't mean it!", and now the discarded PalmSource coming through with what PALM should have had BEFORE PALM! (Palm's earnings announcement JUST said "by end of calendar year 2008" - damn if that doesn't sound EXACTLY like the promised - and met! - arrival of the Cobalt operating system!)
So, yes, that's disappointing.
[we're talking an engineering angle here, of ocurse, not a corporate/stock angle - I do on occasion wear that engineering hat still]
RE: It would be a sad giggle if...
We need more competition and smarter people.
RE: It would be a sad giggle if...
And throughout all this (and more) the nutty [split with] PalmSource, the equivalent of a "WAITAMINUTE! We didn't mean it!", and now the [previously split off] PalmSource coming through with what PALM should have had BEFORE PALM!
Just helping you out there buddy. (But don't assume I agree with any of the rest of your "assessment" either.)
Thinking about Vista? Think again: http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/vista_cost.txt
Want an alternative? Try this: http://www.ubuntu.com/ or http://www.mepis.org/
RE: It would be a sad giggle if...
Thinking about Vista? Think again: http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/pubs/vista_cost.txt
Want an alternative? Try this: http://www.ubuntu.com/ or http://www.mepis.org/
RE: It would be a sad giggle if...
If you look at any of the software from the palm side of the house since the split, it's been useless. They were supposed to be the hardware side, they didn't get many of the programmers.
Just because we haven't been able to get our hands on stuff from palmsource doesn't mean they aren't capable of building as good of an OS as they did when they built the original palmOS.
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It would be a sad giggle if...