Mobile High Speed Updated
Nova Media has updated its mobile connection wizard software to version 5.3.3, introducing support for more mobile phones and network operators. Mobile High Speed makes pairing bluetooth mobile phones simple and supports many models and networks that are not even included in the standard process.
Mobile High Speed for Palm OS will configure any Palm OS 4.x or 5.x device to go online in seconds supporting most mobile phones from many manufacturers like Motorola, Nokia, Siemens and Sony Ericsson. Featuring a one-click connection to the Internet, the Software includes more than 200 settings to establish 3G UMTS, EDGE and GPRS connections with most network operators worlwide.
In addition, Mobile High Speed features telephone drivers to send and receive SMS messages, tab-dial to dial a number selected in the address book, a feature to establish conference calls and see all relevant mobile phone and network information on a glance.
The new release is now compatible with the Siemens S75 and Siemens SL75, Sony Ericsson W900i as well as Motorola L7 SLVR and Motorola V360 phones. In addition, connection settings for new network operators in Germany, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are included.
Mobile High Speed v5.3.3 for Palm OS is compatible with all Palm OS Handhelds running Palm OS 4.x and 5.x except the Tungsten W. The fully registered version sells for $24.95 and a demo version is available for download. (15% off with coupon PALMINFO until Mar 1st)
Article Comments
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RE: WORTHLESS in USA w/o CDMAsupport&carriers supporting BT DUN
I mean you have BT 1.1, 1.2, A2DP, BT 2.0 to deal with.....then you have certain handsets (*cough*, Verizon, *cough*) being crippled or having crucial BT profiles removed at the carriers' request (DUN, OBEX). This wreaks havoc for, say, car companies as just one example as they have to deal with furious customers who want to know why their new $60k BMW's BT hands-free kit doesn't/barely works with their fancy new Verizon RAZR.
Add to that BT USB dongles of varying quality and with driver hiccups/issues with XP SP2 and VERY few laptops/desktops with Bluetooth as a standard feature and you have the makings of a disaster. Microsoft needs to immediately shake things up and include native XP support (ala mass storage device drivers) for at least BT OBEX, Serial & DUN profiles. Palm needs to stop sneaking around an breaking their BT stack on new devices. Finally, and most importantly, the domestic carriers need to stop neutering their handsets for anything but BT headset profiles. Then you'll see better support from hardware manufacturers for standard BT on desktops/laptops etc. Microsoft could also lead the charge by at least getting their OWN BT mice/keyboards to work properly/reliably!
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: WORTHLESS in USA w/o CDMAsupport&carriers supporting BT DUN
My dream would be to get a CDMA EVDO, UMTS, HSDPA smart phone that would let me DUN with my laptop when needed, on a reasonably-priced data plan.
Too many over-priced data plans and hobbled devices out there!
Sharp 16KB Organizer, US Robotics Palm Pilot 1000, Palm III, Palm IIIx, Palm V, Palm Vx, Palm M505, Sony Clie NR-70, Palm Tungsten 3, Compaq iPaq 3955 (for kicks), Sony Clie UX-50
And where is Mobile High Speed v5.3.3?
RE: And where is Mobile High Speed v5.3.3?
but without the palminfocenter discount, until the PIC store updates, which it should soon.
why are you fools still using two devices? this is 2006, not 1999. now stop being silly, put away your batman utility belts, and go buy a treo.
RE: Silly
I WOULD but <32mb RAM avaialble is just too dammm little. I also need a LARGER size screen even if it's just 320*320. It's simply inexcusable for Palm to continue dragging their feet. The antenna sticking out of the top of the Treo isn't much better than wearing a Batman belt. This is 2006, not 2003!
FrankenGarnet 700p Treos should be available on ALL domestic carriers by this point in time. Each day they delay is one step closer to oblivion.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: Silly
you don't NEED -
1. <32mb RAM - with SD Cards and a 3rd Party App, you can put all your shiit on the SD Card.
2. LARGER size screen - 320x320 is good enough for everyone. you guys aren't curing cancer or solving world peace here.
3. No Anetnna - C'mon. this is no big deal, really.
stop dragging your feet and step into 2006.
RE: Silly
There's no reason to buy/manage/charge/carry/sync/fight/fumble with 2+ devices when ONE Smartphone can do it all.
RE: Silly
I can understand power users sticking to two devices--or even three, counting a BT headset--just because the phone part can stay in a briefcase almost all the time when you have a good headset. If the PDA part is thin and light enough it slips into a pocket much easier than a Treo. And you've got a wonderful screen for browsing and email.
The new BT headsets can pair simultaneously with a cellphone and your computer, which really changes the dynamic of the one or two device decision. You can accept VOIP calls and cell calls from a device that's half the size of your index finger and an ounce in weight. Together with voice dial you scarcely ever need to touch the phone any more. Throw it in your briefcase and it just becomes an invisible wireless service for the use of your headset and PDA. I don't think this is any less "2006" than carrying a Treo. And as devices evolve, it's not at all clear that they will evolve overwhelmingly toward one device doing everything.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
32MB RAM?!?
That extra 8-10MB that doesn't actually exist would have made a HUGE difference if it were real. Sorry Virginia, there is no 32MB of RAM in your Treo 600 or 650.
RE: Silly
ironically the treo has become a fashion/status piece. i could care less but i notice these things since i have one.
lots of treo sightings -
nick lachey, ari gold, kiefer on 24, kendra the playmate, eva longoria, etc. these people are hardly "geeks".
RE: Silly
RE: Silly
Let me see. My camera has 7 mpixels and takes interchangable lens. I guess I'll give it up for the utility of just one device.
My handheld GPS has a large memory full of topo maps and does DGPS with 3m accuracy. I guess I'll give it up for the utility of a device without a GPS.
My laptop has a 1600x1200 display, gig-e, wifi, a 3ghz processor, 1gb of memory, and 80gb of disk. I guess I'll give it up for the utility of just one device.
My candybar phone does CDMA while my smartphone does GMS. Which should I give up for the utility of one device?
Yeah. sure. the treo 'does it all'.
May You Live in Interesting Times
RE: Silly
hey PenguinBoy - are you a superhero out saving the world? do you really carry all that garbage with you 24/7? if so, that's quite a handfull. nerd.
RE: Silly
But at various times I do carry various combinations of that stuff, up to and including all of it. Especially when I travel.
Let's stick with the simplest combination. I travel, from time to time, into parts of the world that have one or the other kind of cell network. To the best of my knowledge, there are currently no phones on the market that do both. So when I travel in those situations, I need two phones, one for each end of the trip.
Nothing particularly nerdy or superheroish about it, lil' lizard.
I geocache. There's not a phone on the market with GPS quality + mapping characteristics of a good handheld GPS. So there are plenty of opportunities to have a GPS + a phone. Oh, look, once again, two devices and no nerdy superherioshness.
Are you seeing the trend yet, leapin' liz'?
Let me spell it out for you: The treo does not do it all.
May You Live in Interesting Times
RE: Silly
That said, I still love my Treo, despite its heft. Once you've gone Smartphone you never go back to a primitive two-piece solution, no matter how high tech you think your PDA may be; it's an obsolete computing model.
RE: Silly
Amen to that. And guess what? The ones that have gone on a diet sell 7 million units/quarter. Three times what the Treo sells in a whole year.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: Silly
Let's say Palm made something the size of the iconic V or m500 with TX-level specs (identical in every way--battery life etc). You have to admit that PDA paired with a RAZR would make for a far more powerful solution than a Treo and you can still leave the PDA behind when going "out".
What is handicapping the two SLEEK device options right now are (see my rant earlier in this article) carriers CRIPPLING their phones' BT capabilities, Palm CRIPPLING its BT stack, and OUTRAGEOUSLY priced tethering data plans.
REALISTIC two-device "Batman" bliss=
Uncrippled CDMA Razr V3c + sleek/thin HVGA Palm + <$20/month unlimited 1x/GPRS or better data plan.
REALISTIC Treo bliss=
Larger 320*320 screen + no external antennae + 128mb RAM + internal wi-fi + uncrippled BT DUN so you can use Treo as modem for your laptop + <$40 EVDO/UMTS unlimited data pacakge
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
RE: Silly
That type of device might turn a few heads, but it won't sell any better than a current E2 or TX. Consumers aren't buying PDAs anymore, and nothing is going to change that fact. PDAs are competing with other devices now like more intelligent cell phones and digital audio players; in short the classic PDA, as we know it, has been voted out of peoples pockets. Everyone needs to understand the high-flying glory days are over...and they ain't comin back. We can speculate at leisure about what feature we "think" would reverse fortunes for tablet devices and get consumers buying again...but it would be futile. A "sexier" standalone PDA would simply be lipstick on a pig, as far as consumers are concerned. People want RAZRs and iPods...not Tungstens and iPaqs.
RE: Silly
I can slip my Treo 650 in the front of my jeans pocket and nobody even knows it's there. I don't know what you kids are talking about. And Beersie, I'd worry more about your "man-boobs" than a bulky cellphone.
RE: Silly
Marty, keep up with the times. If you can swallow WM, you want the Samsung i830, a combination CDMA/GSM world phone with EVDO.
Lighten your load a bit ;)
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: Silly
hmm.... two bad they suckered me into a two year contract for my current phone...
May You Live in Interesting Times
RE: Silly
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: Silly
1. Restricted government buildings with signs in the parking lot that say no cell phones. Sorry buddy, you just lost your phone AND your PDA. Have fun with that pencil.
2. The Treo 650 uses NVFS and cannot use databases over 10MB. Kiss your mapping software goodbye in many cases.
3. Small screen is OK, if you are the only one who has to see it. I just drove home with four kids watching Madagascar on a T3, and even the third row person enjoyed it.
4. You have no options for slimming down, you either take it all, or leave it all. I can take my S66 and leave the bulk behind, and still have all my PIM data, contacts, appointments, gps maps, videos, games, email, unlimited web, photos, voice recorder, camera, IM, shopping, etc... and put it in my pants watch pocket.
5. Oh yeah, I get better reception than you. (sorry, couldn't resist ;)
The Treo is perfect for a lot of people, but some people live outside the pigeon hole.
RE: Silly
the beauty of ONE DEVICE is having your FULL PRIMARY contacts, calendar, and memos with you 24/7. i don't WANT to leave my data behind even if i'm out at the "Club" or at a football game or in the Casino or at some strange chick's house at 3am. Sometimes that's when you need data the most - ie nearest taxi! i like the fact that no matter where I go, I always have access to my data.
whether you like it or not, ONE DEVICE (combining phone and pda) is the future. you will either come there willingly, or be dragged there. but in the end, you will have no choice because non-cellular pdas are DEAD.
RE: Silly
I wouldn't be able to enter my place of work with a Treo (high security / no cams).
I have a work issued Zero Hali ( that stores all my stuff - work issued cam, PDA, laptop, and phone, all nicely in specialized comparments. I can access everything on the laptop and PDA from each other over BT, browse both the PDA and laptop from my phone (a measly T610!), access the com system and my phone and my laptop via the headset via BT, and run around without pulling anything out except a small phone half the size of your Treo. The amount of space all the requires? Nada. Because I have to carry the laptop around anyway. But if I DID want to separate them out, I could easily live with one thing or another, as they are all sync'd up in contacts, email, notes, and agenda information (yes, this includes the T610).
The right tool for the right job, which is not the Treo in this case. Try not to be so narrow minded, eh?
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WORTHLESS in USA w/o CDMAsupport&carriers supporting BT DUN
Here's a quick rundown as to why BT DUN is an unmitigated disaster in the United States:
-Verizon detests anything "home brewed" such as BT DUN vs. buying a Treo/BB/WinMob smartphone + pricey data plan from them. They intentionally do not support any form of BT DUN and they remove the DUN profile from most of their handsets. $60 a month for hardwired connectity? PLEASE!
-Cingular is greedy for their unlimited data pricing.
-Sprint has good data prices but relatively few BT phones...and those are not supported by Palm or these guys.
-Alltel, USC etc. are small-time operations with no understanding/concern for BT tethering...and again, ignorance is bliss when it comes to ignoring the enormous segment of CDMA customers in the united states.
-Palm, Nova etc. are playing ostrich and sticking their heads in the sand when it comes to acknowledging the existence of CDMA BT handsets and gazillions of CDMA business/power users.
Palm doesn't update their lame Phone Link program and intentionally cripples their most recent handhelds so as not to work with CDMA handsets.
Eventually one of the MVNOs like Amp'd will come along and offer four things:
1. Good voice network
2. Solid selection of handsets & smartphones that are not yesterday's news
3. One price for all you can eat *everything*--local voice, LD voice, at least 14.4 (1x would be preferred) data connectivity (WAP, BT, wired tethering), nationwide roaming, SMS/MMS, for <$150 per month. Only international calls will not fall under this pricing plan.
4. One year contracts
This will pull the rug out from all of the other carriers and be akin to the $19.99 unlimited usage dial-up ISP paradigm shift of the mid-90's.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX