Garmin iQue 3000 Update and Video
CNet has posted a brief video mini-review of the yet unreleased Garmin iQue 3000. The Garmin iQue 3000 is a Palm OS based handheld with built in GPS and Garmin navigational software and services.
Read on for more on this new PDA...
(Please note that the Cnet reviewer incorrectly mentions the device as having a "virtual Graffiti" area towards the end of her review. The iQue 3000 uses a standard 320 x 320 pixel touchscreen and has the usual fixed silkscreen Graffiti area like most other square screen Palm devices.)
In addition to its integrated GPS receiver and fold-out antenna design, the iQue 3000 PDA/GPS hybrid has a 320 x 320 color screen, 200mhz ARM CPU, a microSD slot and a standard headphone jack. A pre-loaded 128mb MicroSD card is bundled with the unit. Unfortunatey, no wireless capabilities other than IR are present and the unit has a paltry 32mb of device RAM. Like the other iQues it lacks the 5-way navigator pad standard on nearly all other Palm OS 5.x devices.
Garmin first announced the device in January 2006 at the CES but announced a delay in availability shortly afterwards. iQue 3000s have only recently appeared for sale online. Overall availability (retail & online) seems spotty in comparison to its predecessors, the iQue 3200 and 3600. The suggested retail price is $399.99 USD.
To date this is the only Palm OS powered device to hit the market since the launch of Palm's TX and Z22 handhelds in October 2005.
Article Comments
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RE: Decent review for an unimpressive device
Sandisk has that new line of iPod Nano-esque MP3 players with good amounts (4/6gb+) of flash onboard but they crippled 'em with MicroSD for external storage instead of regular SD.
Right NOW the biggest problem Sandisk should be concerned with is getting SDHC devices & cards finalized & onto store shelves. There's rampant consumer misinformation & widespread device incompatability and manufacturer apathy with SD cards 1gb in size & larger.
MANY older SD devices cannot use cards larger than 512mb. Many more cannot see 2gb cards. And nearly all existing SD peripherals cannot read or write 4gb cards despite their availability from numerous manufacturers for sub-$100 prices.
With issues like that at hand with conventional, MicroSD(formerly TransFlash) is overpriced & too fragile. It's not even designed for regular insertion & removal. Boo to Garmin for crippling their iQue with no Bluetooth & no full size SD slot!
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX
Bonnie Cha
When she did the LifeDrive review, they covered up 3 crashes/resets. She didn't mention a thing.
Palm m125 > Palm Zire 71 > Tapwave Zodiac 1 > Palm Zire 72 > Sharp Zaurus SL-C1000
[url=]Palm screen repair guide for Zire 72 and T|C.[/url]
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Decent review for an unimpressive device
An interesting review, but I can't see this device selling that well.
One by one, the penguins are stealing my sanity.