Treo 700p Available Online
The Verizon Wireless website is now showing the Treo 700p, though the company has yet to make an official announcement. Palm's own Treo store is also now accepting orders on the Treo 700p with service plans from Sprint and Verizon.
Verizon's website just put up details and service plans on the Treo 700p. The 700p is listed with a price of $499 USD with a 2-year contract agreement, and $549 with a 1-year commitment.
The system will accept and order, but reportedly once and order is placed its status will show as "on backorder by 3-4 weeks."
Orders placed for Verizon service on Palm's web store also show the unit as backordered.
UPDATE: Verizon has announced official pricing and availability for the Treo 700p.
Sprint has already announced that the Treo 700p will be available at the end of May for $399 after available discounts and promotions..
Verizon has yet to release an official statement on the details, availability and price of the Treo 700p smartphone.
Thanks to Harold for the tip.
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RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
They're both the same CDMA radio, and in every metro area I've been in with Sprint have had decent coverage nowadays. Verizon's main selling point has always been that they had the GTE legacy network - well that's analog anyhow - quite irrelevent when the Treo only comes with a digital radio.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
Just the fact that we ONE model Treo running Windows doesn't mean that all PalmOS users are now willing Windows Mobile users. The 700W is a fluke, a joke, and a rude slap by Palm. Maybe it make business sense to them to foster this black-sheep of a product, but the fact remains that PalmOS users became PalmOS users VERSUS Windows Moble/PocketPC users for a reason. The sudden existence of the 700W doesn't change that.
While specs A, B, and C on the Motorola Q might seem better than a given Palm unit... it's not PalmOS, it's not a Palm, so it's not an option and really has not place in this discussion no matter how much Palm threatens to corrupt the issue with the 700W.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
I too am a Palm devote.
But truth is people have a choice between these new units.
The original post spoke of loyal Palm users like us making the 700p a success. I know I'm getting one.
But really these all Vie for the new user, a much larger prize.
To ignore that is to stick ones head in the sand.
Half the price of the new Treos will be a compelling lure for the Q.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
The 700P should have launched alongside the 700W (or in Feb/March at the latest) for $50 less.
Can anyone say POOF!? Because with today's news of the Q's retail price, whatever monentum the 700P had outside absolute die-hard POS loyalists just evaporated--and the 700W ain't going to see many new victims either. If you're signing your life away to VZW on a 2-year contract, $200 and the "trusted" Motorola brand looks a lot more apppealing to your average executive than $500 to the "Palm Pilot" company and their styling cues from 1999.
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RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
Most Verizon sales staff won't/cannot point out the differences between the Q & 700W's various Windows Mobile flavors & hardware differences. They'll call the Q a "cheaper & better Blackberry" and probably leave it at that.
Many people I know with BBs/Treos/smartphones don't even TYPE e-mails on them....they just use it to read incoming emails. The lack of Office file editing wouldn't bother those types one bit. Someone's margins are taking a beating with the Q @ $200 I think...I wonder if Moto or Verizon are subsidizing it--maybe both?!?
It'd be like if Verizon offered a 1x Razr with a VGA camera and no Bluetooth for $200 vs. the EVDO, TransFlash slot, 1.3mp, mp3-playing RAZR for $500 OR a Mercedes offering an S350 vs the S600....or a 40" EDTV Plasma vs. the 40" 1080p LCD costing 6x as much,. As long as it looks good enough at first glance to impress the neighbors people will usually go with the lower priced offering if a choice is available.
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RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
They're here and free already.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
There are many of us who prefer Palm OS over Windows platform. I have had the opportunity to purchase a 600, a 650 and even migrate to a 700w and I have not done so because there simply wasn't any smartphone which was equal to a T|3, and the cheap Samsung Verizon sold me was more than adequate for me to function.
But the 700p provides everything I have been waiting for, on my platform of choice (so I can port all of my apps and data with which I have been working for nearly 8 years) over to a single, converged unit.
I'd pay the $300 more in a 'flash' (pun intended) --- although I think that $600 price is without contract, and Verizon usually offers at least $100 off within 90 days of contract renewal.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
The Moto Q would get me to switch to WinMobile... except it's for Verizon.
Well, there is supposed to be a GSM/UMTS version of the Q at some point, but given the amount of time the CDMA version took, it's anybody's guess as to when it's actually available.
hgoldner wrote:
The issue of the stripped down Windows used on the Q (and whoever noted Engadget's comments about it, must not have listened to their Podcast when they discussed the fact that it ISN'T full-blown Windows Mobile on the Q.
That's not true. It's the standard WM Smartphone variant. It's true that WM Smartphones have a smaller subset of software because they don't have touchscreens, but it's still the standard OS.
For instance, you can't run Office on the Q)
Not exactly. It comes with an Office viewer, but you can't edit.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
But the 700p provides everything I have been waiting for, on my platform of choice (so I can port all of my apps and data with which I have been working for nearly 8 years) over to a single, converged unit.
Well, it impresses me that you have the source code for all of the apps you have been using. Very cool. But why do you have to port anything? Doesn't the 700p run PalmOS5, which, for the most part, runs all the same apps PalmOS has supported (hacks excluded) since the beginning? It still has PalmOS4 basically at the core of the user application area, or PACE, does it not?
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
Most Verizon sales staff won't/cannot point out the differences between the Q & 700W's various Windows Mobile flavors & hardware differences. They'll call the Q a "cheaper & better Blackberry" and probably leave it at that.
But that is the perfect definition of the Q or any Windows Mobile Smartphone with a QWERTY keyboard. It, like the BB, has no touchscren. It does email very well - better than the BB when paired with an exchange 2003 SP2 server. It bests the BB when it comes to attachments when the office viewers are included, it has a decent mobile browser, plus, it has WMP10 for music/video if desired, a SD or MiniSD slot for lots of extra documents/files/data, a large library of 3rd party apps, etc.
The Treo 700w, or any Pocket PC Phone for that matter, as well as the 700p is not a good one to one replacement for the BB. If you like the BB, you probably won't care for all the extras a Treo 700p/w has. If the BB lacks and you need more, then sure, a Treo or any Pocket PC Phone is a worthy candidate. If Verizon tells their people to call the Q a cheaper and better Blackberry, sales will be good and customers will be happy. Especially since Verizon has a pretty good push system set up for their customers when they have no corporate system to use.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
I thought that the Q didn't have Exchange push implemented out of the box? I recall somebody mentioning that it had the Good Technologies push system, and would be getting Exchange push at some later point.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
Doesn't mean it is included. I never assume intelligence on the part of carriers.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
'Windows Mobile: Because it's as easy to run as your PC'
I just saw a Verizon commercial for the 700W:
"The 700W runs Windows Mobile: Because it's as easy to run as your PC"
The Sheeple will buy this en masse.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
And if that spurs sales (and it will), that is all that matters.
Windows Mobile 5: The third major update to Windows Mobile since Garnet launched in June 2002.
RE: 700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
Do you plan to buy the 700P?
"Sheeple"--LOL!! I love that term--that's a new one for me.
Is that a soon-to-be-famous Gekkoism ala "FrankenGarnet" or is that a new term in the biz world vernacular I just haven't picked up on yet?
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700W vs. 700P vs. Moto Q
And is Verizon's 700P pricing going to stay $100 higher than Sprint's with comparable 2-year contracts but with less pre-loaded software & no streaming MobiTV?
Gekko's infamous prediction of MORE PAIN might be in store for Verizon if they keep this c**p up. 700W sales are going to collapse when the Q hits, especially with its attractive pricing and sleek styling. 700P sales will probably start off rather brisk and maintain momentum since it's the last man standing as far as CDMA & the POS faithful are concerned.
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