New Treos on Cingular in October?
Rumor: Engadget has obtained information showing the possible launch details for two new Palm Treo models. The document shows small pictures of two devices called the Palm Lennon and Palm Nitro and lists release dates for Cingular in October.
The first device is listed as the PalmOne Lennon, it looks very similar to the Treo Hollywood images that were leaked earlier. It shows that it is a Windows Mobile device and uses the UMTS network protocol. It is also shown to include or support Wi-Fi, the MSFP "push-email" update and a 1.3 megapixel camera. The image also shows the lack of an external antenna.
The second device shown is labeled the Palm Nitro. The display of the device is showing a standard Palm OS launcher screen and there is also no external antenna. It is safe to assume both smartphone models will operate on GSM networks.
An analyst report from late last year indicated Palm was working on a 3G/GSM smartphone that was likely aimed at Europe and would be launched by Cingular in the US. The same report also detailed that Palm was working on a sub-$300 device utilizing previous generation technology for a more affordable smartphone.
Palm's CEO Ed Colligan previously stated the company would release 4 Treo models in 2006. If this document is accurate, these two models could be the remaining two new Treo's promised by Palm for this year. The company has already released the Treo 700w and 700p.
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RE: Sweet...
Motorola has really gone after this market with some killer products. Hope Treo can step up to the task.
RE: Sweet...
Motorola has really gone after this market with some killer products.
Like what? The Q? Have you tried using a Motorola Q?
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: Sweet...
Erm, is that a joke? The Treo has a bloody fantastic battery life currently; it's certainly streets ahead of your usual dumbphone/iPod.
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: Sweet...
Streets ahead?
Yeah...maybe...I guess so...
At twice the price.
RE: Sweet...
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: Sweet...
RE: PalmOne?
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
If this is recent, it look like the Hollywood and Lowrider may be coming to pass. Also, the conjecture that WM for high-end and FrankyG on low end could be coming true as well according to the spec list.
WiFinally! Miracles do happen in Treoville!
Glad I just got a Cingular 650 ... not. Actually, I knew this was coming, so I'll just eBay it and switch if the Palm OS version is a knockout.
My unanswered Questions:
#1 Screen resolutions look terrible. Did they go back to 160x160?
#2 Why monochrome screens? Is Palm getting cheap or what?
#3 Why Lennon? Does it come with a sample of LSD and 90 day membership to the communist party?
#4 Why did they remove the little handle from the top? That makes it sooo easy to get out of my belt pouch. Maybe it'll be sold as an accessory.
Pat Horne;
RE: PalmOne?
-More of a focus on style/colors/bling
-Palm will take the basic trappings of the 700P and shoehorn it into a sleeker package. They will also replace the EVDO stack with the "old" EDGE bits from the Treo 650 GSM.
-I would not be surprised if Palm threw in some onboard storage memory and/or bundled an SD card with it. Even a full size headphone jack wouldn't be totally out of the picture. Either that or a hacked BT 1.2 stack with A2DP support for wireless BT headphones. Basically expect Palm to make amends for the lack of UMTS/HSDPA under FrankenGarnet by putting a few cool bits of tech that will appeal to the media savvy younger crowd. I doubt this will be a $200 smartphone...I predict $300 w/ 2 year contract, essentially slotting into the spot vacated by the outgoing Treo 650. To hit $200 would require Treo 600 & Z22 type screen and RAM technology.
-The final "classic" Palm OS model to be released aside from perhaps a final PDA model (TX2 or T|E3) alongside the new Treos in the fall.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: PalmOne?
Why did they remove the little handle from the top?
You joke but I've been carrying a RAZR around for a while instead of my i500 just to see what everyone else is experiencing and guess what: the lack of an antenna stub is *infuriating*! I don't want it jangling around with my change in my pocket so I use a holster, but I can't get the damned thing out of the holster when it rings because there's nothing to grab. The Samsung is so easy to flip out and pop open.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: PalmOne?
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: PalmOne?
Traveling in continental Europe and using a friend's cellphone made me aware of the astounding differences in cellular coverage & overall quality between here & there.
I bet more people will get excited over the sleekness & styling of the Nitro UMTS/HSDPA high-speed access.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: PalmOne?
The RAZR is near perfection form-factor wise.
That's what everyone says and I thought it might be the case when I first palmed one, but after a month or so I've decided that the form is much more of a liability than a benefit for me. It's awkward to open and hold, it's hard to get the earpiece centered enough on your ear to hear the call (partly a problem of insufficient volume), and the total lack of contour on the flat dialing keypad makes it impossible to use without looking at the phone. I'm obviously in a minority, but I find it hard to understand why people think this is a usable form factor. Pretty as jewelry, perhaps, but not usable as a phone.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
Are they dropping the Treo brand?
The other question: are these codenames - Lennon sounds kinda stupid, although Nitro is pretty cool - and if not, will they still be known as Treos, or just as Palms?
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: PalmOne?
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: PalmOne?
I'm pretty sure it's not going to be UMTS. Which is why hkklife was referring to Palm having to "make amends."
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: PalmOne?
As to the RAZR, David, I agree: it's formfactor is pretty but it's not a particular great phone. A very overrated device.
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: PalmOne?
Has anyone else noticed that PIC is a little erratic in how quickly it displays new posts?
As far as I can tell the server makes a timestamp at the time you click the "Reply to this comment" button and uses that to sort the comments in a thread (as opposed to setting the timestamp when you click "Post Comment"). So if you're TVoR and spend two or three hours laboriously composing a 65 line post there may have had a few others post in the interim. When you actually hit "Post Comment" your comment could be inserted above those others.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: PalmOne?
Buy yourself a Krusell leather/elastic case. I've got one for my Motorola v360, and it's great. You can leave the phone in all the time, and it's form-fitting, so you don't have to deal with slippage.
RE: PalmOne?
and the total lack of contour on the flat dialing keypad makes it impossible to use without looking at the phone
Were you comparing this to the Treo or other mobile phones? I am assuming other phones as the Treo is completely impossible to use without looking at it. Sometimes it is even tough to use while looking at it :)
RE: PalmOne?
Were you comparing [the RAZR] to the Treo or other mobile phones? I am assuming other phones as the Treo is completely impossible to use without looking at it. Sometimes it is even tough to use while looking at it :)
Exactly. I have the same beef with the Treo. I sacrifice too much "phone" to get my "smart" OS. The Samsung i500 (which I mentioned is my usual Palm OS smartphone) doesn't have this problem because it has a nice 12-button keypad with fat, raised buttons.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: PalmOne?
As a touch-typist, my Treo's thumboard makes it easy to use without looking at it. There's a notch on "F" key that makes it dead simple to find your location. If you've got contacts in your Favourites with a keyboard letter as the shortcut, it's a cinch. IMHO.
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: PalmOne?
".... I doubt this will be a $200 smartphone...I predict $300 w/ 2 year contract, essentially slotting into the spot vacated by the outgoing Treo 650. To hit $200 would require Treo 600 & Z22 type screen and RAM technology....."
I guess you are talking about the MSRP, right? Because Amazon is offering Verizon Treo 700P at $299 after rebate. I truly hope there will be a $200 smartphone, for street price at least.
By the way, could somebody explain me why that PalmOS can not handle mutitasking stops 3G support? Treo 700P does support EVDO and it runs on PalmOS, why UTMS/HSDPA makes difference?
RE: PalmOne?
Pat Horne
RE: PalmOne?
On a related note, CompUSA stores are now selling unlocked GSM phones. I saw a few Nokias, SLVR and a RAZR there last week. Maybe a sign of things to come for th retail cell phone market?
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: PalmOne?
Basically, I think the requirement is that it be able to run and control concurrent data and voice streams without either being interrupted. And yeah, barring currently unsupported hacks or pretty dramatic changes, I don't see Garnet as capable of doing that.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: PalmOne?
RE: PalmOne?
EVDO may be faster, but its not more advanced. Only the next revision of EVDO will have simultaneous voice and data.
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
RE: PalmOne?
EV-DO is from the CDMA2000 family of standards. It theory it supports data speeds of up to 2.5mbps, but most users seem to report about 300-700kbps data rates. It is limited to a 1.25mhz carrier signal. Does not currently support simultaneous voice and data, but that will change with Revision A which will also boost the on-paper data rate to 3.1mbps.
Original Flavour UMTS is a GSM standard limited to 384kbps, but allows simultaneous voice and data (provided you've got total UMTS coverage and there aren't any standard GSM towers lurking about). UMTS uses a 5mhz carrier for it's signal, which means it can handle greater numbers of users better than EVDO which in theory should allow for better average data rates for users.
HSPDA Flavour UMTS could and sometimes is called 3.5G. Pretty much any carrier who supports UMTS will have devices that support it. In theory it operates at 3.6mbs, but I haven't read much about such devices and thus couldn't tell you what the real-world results would be like.
In short: don't believe the American telcos BS about CDMA fool you. It's a decent but inferior technology and GSM has been the obvious global winner for quite some time now.
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: PalmOne?
This place needs an edit function. *Please* give us an edit function!
RE: PalmOne?
That's not entirely true. Garnet is a fully multitasking OS, and one of the best microkernels out there. It is fully capable of doing such a task.
However, none of the smartphones do use their core OS for typical phone tasks, they usually throw in another CPU, and let the smartphone OS send Hayes-like modem commands to the phone CPU.
RE: PalmOne?
The problem isn't the kernel, which as you point out is perfectly capable of multitasking. The problem is the framework the Palm OS runs on top of the kernel. The UI application shell runs all applications as a subroutine of a single UI event loop. If it were easy to make this architecture compliant with the UMTS standard I'm sure Palm would have done it by now. One possibility (short of developing a new OS, which is what they are doing) would be to create a separate framework just for the telephony application. Then they'd have to hack in some kind of interprocess communication to get the phone to play nice with the Palm OS (which, after all, is supposed to be the Treo's strong suit, right?)
This is just my impression from what I know as a Palm OS application developer of several years. I'm not an OS architect but I keep waiting for one to come along and set me straight on this and it never seems to happen.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
RE: PalmOne?
RE: PalmOne?
That's my understanding of it.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Software Everywhere blog
Bottom line: PalmOS 5 + 'real' telephony multitasking don't mix.
Cobalt is what Palm needed... TWO YEARS AGO. Trying to scale back the ambitious plans of Cobalt and producing a stripped-down PalmLinux also makes little sense other than the need to once again have ownership of the OS.

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