Treo 650 Black Tie Giveaway
PalmInfocenter is giving away a brand new Palm Black Tie Treo 650 smartphone. The limited edition Black Tie Treo 650 was produced as a very limited run in honor of Palm's 10th anniversary. The model was offered for sale on and sold out in a week. Now PalmInfocenter readers have a chance to win one for free. Read on for the full details...
To Enter...
Simply post a comment to this article detailing your response to the question... "How has your Palm saved your life?"
One lucky member will be chosen at random from all valid entries.
Contest Rules
To participate in the giveaway readers can post their response to the contest question below in this article's discussion area. The contest is open to all PalmInfocenter members worldwide. One (1) valid entry per person; deliberate multiple entries will result in disqualification. The giveaway winner will be chosen at random from all valid entries.
The contest will be open for one week. You must enter you story by July 17th 11:59 PM PDT. The winners will be announced the following week.
Please note: The winner will be notified via email. Please make sure you have a valid email address on file, or we will be unable to contact the winner.
Black Tie Treo 650 provided by Palm Inc
Article Comments
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RE: How has your Palm saved my life?
Being able to IM and email anytime anywhere has got me out of some tricky situations.
It hasn't saved my life yet...
But i can't wait to have one.
I can't renew my contract until April 2007, that's pretty long if you set your mind on a Treo. I used a Palm III ages ago, but then i hadn't much to remember. Now that changed, and i am running into the limits of a normal Samsung D500 phone.
Greetings from the Netherlands!
One word, TuSSH
How has your Palm saved your life?
When I am lost is my way home (movimap), when I go to work is my wethear advisor (4cast), when I go to the toilet is my partner (dinomite), when I have sex itīs my teacher (palmasutra), when I am Blue it makes me happy!! How can I live without her!! She saves my life!!
My third brain half
Roger W
It hasn't saved my life exactly, but...
Palm Vx, Toshiba e330, Nokia 6600, Dell Axim X30, O2 XDA Exec, Palm Tungsten T, Palm T|X
My Treo 650 constantly saves my life!
Life saver.
Use my Palm for everything meetings, finances, you name it. Battery died not long ago, i stared at the black screen for a while and tried not to panic. To cut a long story short got the battery replaced that day....What the hell did I do before i got my palm......
Saves my life everyday.
How has my Palm saved my life?
1. From dying of boredom by giving me access to games, music and videos while waiting at the doctor or in line for countless events.
2. From dying of embarrassment by giving me quick access to people's name and information so I can talk knowledgably to them without having to 'fake it'
3. (Most importantly) From being killed by my wife for forgetting our anniversary.
Ken Carlson
My Palm saved my life by saving my husband's
(The nephrologist finally called back a few hours later, after my husband was in the ICU, confirming the resident's choice of antibiotic.)
My husband Rory was my life, my soulmate. He passed away in 2004, but in helping to save his life, my Palm handheld saved mine at the time.
HOw did my palm save my life
1) Helping me during my infectious diseases classes, so i could answer to the teacher's questions.
2) Helping me remember a job meeting i had completely forgot due to finals in college.
3) Making me go back home to get it. The moment i stopped to go back there was a big car crash right in front of me. o_O
palms save lives
keeping me on time and in touch
Hey one of us has to do the thinking
How was my palm saved my life?
I use my Palm for everything: Medical textbooks, Medications info. medical Calculators, Word and Excel documents, Music, Pictures etc..
during my training at the hopsital my palm was my best friend, I could check any medical issue in a heart beat.
and now I have a Treo 650 so my palm is my phone as well.
Thank you palm for making my life easier.
Saved Life
Easy to become a hero...
My Palm Treo has saved me while traveling ...
The really key part is that I can find the alternate routing before it fills up with all of the others trying to do the same thing!
I wouldn't travel with any thing else.
My Palm saved my life...
Let me count the ways....
I was out shopping for furntiture one evening when I was alerted via text message that I had a voice mail waiting on my work voice mail system in the support mailbox.
I quickly downloaded my email which included the vmail as an attached WAV file, which I am able to play on Pocket Tunes while taking down the pertinent information in a memo. Basically a user (who was very important to the project) was unable to access their account on the server.
I quickly accessed the spreadsheet which I had using Data Viz Sheet To Go to see if I had his current login information so I could help him login. Luckily he was on the current spreadsheet, but as usual I like to make sure I had the current info, so I browsed to the web application and tried to login using the information I had on hand. No luck. He had been in and reset his password recently, so my information was out of date.
I had to bring out the big guns and terminal to the windows server using Mobile TS and then access the SQL server to access the actual table containing his current password.
While in there I noticed a few delays in the way the server was responding, so after getting the data I needed, I rebooted the server on my way out.
I then proceeded to email the client and then call him to walk him through the login process using the correct data.
Now this would not seem like anything amazing if I was sitting at work, but keep in mind I was sitting on a couch with my wife at a furniture store. So, I thank the Treo, my wife thanks the Treo and the sales person at the furniture store thanks the Treo, oh yeah and the client who needed support thanks the Treo. I guess that is 4 lives for the price of one.
Now that is integration!
Well, it's never stopped a bullet or performed the Heimlich, it's never pushed someone out of the path of an oncoming bus or ran into a burning building to save orphans and kittens...
...but it has made life easier.
I've a TX. Using it at work helps me schedule the meeting I might have with my boss, so he doesn't kick my butt (so it's a lifesaver in that way).
Having the WiFi on our network really helps. I can use it to check out the online database to see where a system's supposed to be, ping it and see if it's online, use it's database and spreadsheets to keep track of where the equipment is.
I don't miss flights because of the calendar. I've got the important numbers right at my fingertips. And I can send a quick e-mail to my lady, letting me know I'm thinking about her.
Hmm...maybe that can be a lifesaver. ;)
One by one, the penguins are stealing my sanity.
May You Live in Interesting Times
my treo has saved me...
How has your Palm saved your life?
My Palm Compliments my Life
It saves me paper and it saves me *time*, which saves my life from one of much stress and lack of preparedness!
PowerPlay Vs >> palmOne Zire 31 >> palm Tungsten|T3/palmOne Zire 72s
Oh PDAs, whatever shall I do without them?
How has your Palm saved your life?
T3 fits in my life...saved again (grin)
My wife would have killed me !
If it wasn't for my little palm, I'd forget those important dates & my wife would not be too happy.
So, I suppose it hasn't really saved my life, but it's saved my marriage, which is just as important to me.
How Palm Saved My Life
Well let's see....
Saving me from lumbar pain
Fupis, from Brazil
How has Palm Changed My Life
Saving my life? nah. Making it easier? bingo!
Well thats it for now...maybe one day my T|X will learn CPR and save a life...but I haven't seen that yet.
Senior Editor, Webmaster, and host of podcast at
Let Me Count the Ways...
- It keeps my budget via UltraSoft Money, keeping me from overspending or overdrawing my bank account.
- It provides me with spiritual focus and direction each day using Laridian's great MyBible program, along with some assorted devotional books in Daily Reader.
- It has helped to improve my mind by being able to read books wherever I am - many classics are available for free, other books for reasonable prices and/or discounts at Palm Digital Media.
- Voice memos have done each of the following for me:
- recorded musical ideas when they hit, as I could record the basic idea at that very moment.
- recorded critical conversations, so I could verify what was said at a later time, also proved my case in one particulary political situation at the place I was working at the time. Saved my bacon.
- Has kept me on time to countless meetings, and the occasional job interview.
- Has made me look outstading in my field, because I am always able to keep pertinent information at my fingertips, with the ability to quickly find/look it up.
- Has kept me organized on countless projects, assignments, etc. through use of the todo list and Shadow Plan (you rock Skeezix).
- Makes my home life much happier, because I am more organized and not always stressed out or worrying if I've forgotten something important.
So, my Palm hasn't kept my heart beating or anything, but it has made impacted my life by allowing it to be a life much more worth living.
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.

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How has your Palm saved my life?
Well, let's see... It keeps my up to date in my meetings; it wake me up every morning (I trust much more in my TX rater than my desk clock alarm) I spend I lot of time playing with the extensive variety of games and of curse I sync my mails to keep trace of my work... (even when I don't want or could)....
from my m515, through zire 72 (blue and silver edition), to my TX.... Palm saved my life from boring, from getting late to somewhere, from forget everthing....
E. Schosinsky E.