More Details on the Treo 800
Rumor: We now have a short video clip of the possible Treo 800 online, along with a few mode additional details of the unannounced new Treo. Pictures of the possible Treo 800p were first posted here over the weekend. PIC does not have a confirmation on the final name of the device or its release timing, though the source seems to think it will fall under the Treo 800 series moniker. Previous leaks about this device have gone under the code-name "Palm Gandolf".
We know so far that the device has an overall smaller and thinner profile. It is said to have a smaller screen and keyboard area than the previous Treo 650/680 models. It will retain the touchscreen on the Palm OS version, however a separate model has been spotted running Windows Mobile Standard aka smartphone edition.
New Details
Our source has confirmed that the pictures are showing a GSM model running Palm OS Garnet. It does have a micro-SD memory expansion slot hidden on the right side along with an infrared port. It is powered by a 1150 mAh Li-ion battery.
The source also reported a peculiarity as the firmware version number was listed as Gnome 04.30.
A short 30 second cameraphone video clip is embedded below, you can also view our previous photos of the device here.
Video removed from youtube by Palm Inc.
Article Comments
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RE: Ironically
I hope I'm missing something really big here, like halographic 3D imaging, ESP, or a light sabre. Otherwise this thing looks like a base Treo shrank in all the wrong places. Palm is there a rabbit to pull out of this hat?
Pat Horne
RE: Ironically
-This thing's styling isn't THAT bad and has some nice contours going on at the sides and back panels. Offering it in, say, rubberized graphite or black would improve matters considerably. That'd I dislike anything in white other than dress shirts (especially electronics).
-Nice to see the fantastic 680 phone app making a return appearance after being inexplicably omitted from the 755p.
-The thinness is very nice indeed but the battery life worries me greatly. Really, I had no issues with the 700p/w thickness. I wish Palm had stuck with that formfactor and just gotten rid of the antenna.
-That shiny white plastic looks SLICK. I don't like slick handheld devices. Bring on the rubberized paint!
-In less than a year we've gone from fullsize SD (680) to miniSD (750 and 755p), back to fullsize SDHC plus CompactFlash (Fooleo) then to microSD (This 800 whatever).
Does Palm have ANY kind of clear-cut direction going forward?
For years ('01 to '06) you could at least count on SD support from Palm despite the myriad of bottom connectors, OS versions, stylus types etc.
All of this tomfoolery between SD/SDHC/miniSD/microSD shuffling will only confuse consumers, ensour retailers and reinforce the notion that Palm's product strategy is in disarray and lacks a cohesive unifying factors and formats.
-I'd personally rather have seen a 320x320 tiny Treo that jettisoned the QWERTY board in favor of a standard phone keyboard + onscreen Graffii. Of course that'd have required additional hacking at Garnet and likely broken compatibility between even more apps.
-I am stunned that IR is still around.
-Pat's right that they wasted too much LCD space around the border of the screen. I also think this one's a bit too "long" and the new hard button arrangement gobbles up more space than it should. I'd have preferred to see it a few mm wider instead of taller, thus giving it a slightly larger keyboard and screen.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: Ironically
It doesn't look quite so ugly in this video as it does in the photos, but I still think it's actually a step back in looks compared to the 680/75x design. I'm with hkk: the colour needs to go. White is so bleh.
RE: Ironically
I don't know. Less horsepower and what amounts to probably 1/3 less LCD real estate will probably make the life quite a bit longer than the weak Treo 680. That was acceptable to Palm, so I'm sure this will have significantly better life. Especially GSM. It only loses 50mah from the OEM 680 cell.
**Does Palm have ANY kind of clear-cut direction going forward?**
Only to be compared with "which stock will be best to buy in 2008?" or "Where's Osama". Who on earth could know? One thing seems sure. This is a company changing directions and not too concerned with it's customer base. I hate bringing this dead horse back again, but Apple did little more with iPhone than Palm could have by reading these boards in 2003.
Interesting idea about the T9 keyboard + grafitti. But, what baffles me about Palm is that they often do not build on the technology that they do release.
Why not roll out a T3/T|X+GSM/EDGE+WiFi connected PDA with an updated software suite, expansion,brushed up styling, and more robust browsing. Don't tell me that would not sell. Emphasize BT voice, but have rudimentary non-headset voice. All the tech, they already have. Just put in the bowl and stir! Little dev costs and an easy $400 in 2004.
Why not a Z33 as is with bundled MP3, 1,2,or4gb SD, & earbuds. Slap a little extra change on the MSRP and market to the school/college crowd. All the parts & tech has already been on for years. Or, go upmarket with a similar device marketed with AD2P wireless MP3. Nobody is mass marketing that, and it could really steal a little iPod thunder. Palm could even make it look like wireless music is their invention. Apple has succeeded at that for years now.
Treo unlocked unbranded with Wifi + HVGA + Grafitti on The testing has been done on all the parts. Just put it together, box it, let the early adopters beta test as usual, and sell em' like crazy.
Or ...
the Gandolf fat candy bar with the SD card screen and no real SD. Whatever works.
Pat Horne
RE: Ironically
Why not a Z33 as is with bundled MP3, 1,2,or4gb SD, & earbuds. Slap a little extra change on the MSRP and market to the school/college crowd. All the parts & tech has already been on for years. Or, go upmarket with a similar device marketed with AD2P wireless MP3. Nobody is mass marketing that, and it could really steal a little iPod thunder. Palm could even make it look like wireless music is their invention. Apple has succeeded at that for years now.
Treo unlocked unbranded with Wifi + HVGA + Grafitti on The testing has been done on all the parts. Just put it together, box it, let the early adopters beta test as usual, and sell em' like crazy.
What's the difference between first and third?
Why not a T|X with LED, vibra and voice memo, and people would have a reason to upgrade fom older models. Also business people and doctors would buy those instead of voice recorders.
Why not a thin upgrade from Treo 270/300, same form factor, and make it in both black and pink.
Why not a Foleo with a big CF card and bundled with all the available software, for education markets as a durable, cheaper laptop alternative.
Why not a free facelift for old Palm OS, high resolution icons and a modern stylish look, iPhoney shows that it's possible.
I like my Palm 800w ! It Works Great, & don't break :=)
I just received My Palm Treo about two months ago and it has been droppoed by accident less as time goes on knowing it costs a small fortune. In construction or in doing Architecture negotiations ,plans etc,
on a busy day in business.
It amazes me and our crew anywhere anytime.
And GPS for only $10 a month more is well worth it too.
$25 for Internet everything 24 / 7 unlimited is a deal too.
No a complaint since I can not have enough time to ever finsih finding nes things to do with this smart phone or hand held Computer !
Well worth the small fortune as it was suppose to be only $299 originally, but will cost the real normal price;$599 with out starting a new plan, ($700 or $800) by the time the credit card finishes payments, and the help to our business is working out really great so we don't mind it paying off on the card.
It won't help you catch more fish on the weekend get away but it will sure keep you occupied with friends emails or many web searches or auctions or keeping out of trouble learning cool new tech stuff or tech games stuff, or just finding new ways to use this small wonder in as hand held device.
After all this years been a Palm fanatic, I was waiting for a new Palm to compete with the new line of smart phones like iPhone/Nokia/Hp, and what we have? the uglies design ever , smaller screen than previous Treos, and the same Palm OS Garnet that I was using for the last century...
So... I'm in the line to buy an iPhone.
RE: ugly
Plus, it is still thick compared to the Blackjack or Q, the screen looks TINY, the physical design looks cheap, the memory format would require me to buy new sticks. (which most likely wouldn't feature direct USB support - I use the SanDisk Ultra II Plus cards)
Handspring Visor, Palm V, Treo 180, Treo 90, Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 700p
Please wait
Palm doesnt intend this to be an iPhone competitor!
NOT the iPhone. Hope everyone can get that perspective. If we see it like that, you can appreciate it more.
One thing i cannot understand for people who use Palm so much but want to switch to the iPhone is just how much software will go to waste if you switch to the iPhone. And apple will not come up with the kind of programs Palm has in the near future.
Thats why im sticking with the Treo. Just so much usefulness i have to sacrifice switchin to the iPhone.
RE: Palm doesnt intend this to be an iPhone competitor!
Aren't you supposed to have it first in the US ????
RE: Palm doesnt intend this to be an iPhone competitor!
Oh well- the 3D view looks a LITTLE more promising. At least they didn't stick the camera down in the middle of the device like they did on the 755 and others (lots of pictures of my fingers - thanks Palm!). Maybe after this phone gets pooped out, and the Fooleo sells to all the people who were pleased with the LifeDrive... Palm can finally get back to reality and figure out how to actually *improve* the Treo and maybe even work on PDAs some more. I'm guessing that the extra cash floating around isn't triggering the creative juices - they need more starving artists around their pretty Sunnyvale campus doing some real work.
Really Palm - people weren't clamoring in the streets for *less* battery life, *less* compatible flash formats, *less* screen size, *less* quality cameras, *less* internal memory.... The noble attempts at making stability improvements are finally paying off (years later), but you continue to turn around and muck with stuff that really doesn't need to be messed with. Here's one idea you can use to "compete" with those big boys: how about an LED "flash" with the camera so we can actually use it somewhere other than on the surface of the sun? It would seem to me that adding a "flash" would have been a much better use of your engineers' time rather than figuring out how to kill off battery life and make all your SD accessories unusable...
RE: Palm doesnt intend this to be an iPhone competitor!
@Joad... how about, even before Palm adds a LED flash, they think about installing a camera that isn't completely horrible? Treos have some of the worst quality cameras ever installed in cell phones.
Lets face it, every phone competes with the Iphone... as well as the new Blackberries. This one looks to come up pretty short.
Handspring Visor, Palm V, Treo 180, Treo 90, Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 700p
RE: Palm doesnt intend this to be an iPhone competitor!
RE: Palm doesnt intend this to be an iPhone competitor!
Well, I guess between this phone and stabbing oneself in the eye with a red hot soldering iron it's a pretty well-matched competition
RE: Palm doesnt intend this to be an iPhone competitor!
Heck, if the price for one of those unlocked is REALLY reasonable, I could even see some Palm PDA faithful buying these to use as a thumboard-enabled PDA w/o even sticking a SIM card in it.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: Palm doesnt intend this to be an iPhone competitor!
We'll, now there's some + news outta this. :-
Joad, I beg to differ about the battery life. With the postage stamp LCD and the fact that 75% of the smartfone usefulness is gone, I would guess this will have great battery life. 1150mah oughta do about 25days of talk time with these specs.
Pat Horne
The million dollar question here is does Gnome mean LInux?
If so, then I would be interested.
RE: The million dollar question here is does Gnome mean LInux?
Garnet, even in its current flaky incarnation, is fully capable of supporting comfortably-sized keyboards, larger 320x320 LCDs or 320x480, fullsize SDHC cards, and 2megapixel cameras w/ flash.
Palm's penny-pinching hardware design dept. would pretty much negate any advantages brought to the table by PLinux/Palm OS II. Off the top of my head, what could this little fellow improve upon Garnet by having a Linux-based OS? Rev. A or HSDPA/UMTS, & BT 2.0/A2DP would be the only major ones. 8gb+ file volumes would be another small improvemen t but since microSD is currently stuck at 2gb with 8gb + still on the distant horizon, that's not an issue at the moment.
No, Palm needs to debut POS II with a superb piece of hardware packing gigs of onboard flash storage, a 320x480 (or better) LCD, EVDO Rev. A, and a fantastic selection of bundled software Essentially, Palm's answer to the iPhone with all of the little touches that we like and expect from Palm.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: The million dollar question here is does Gnome mean LInux?
Don't get me wrong, if I was looking for a feature packed phone and/or thought of Palm any longer as a company that made such phones, this would be very disappointing.
RE: The million dollar question here is does Gnome mean LInux?
The real question here is whether or not the firmware denotation of Gnome means this thing is running the new Linux os?
I think...
The etymology of "gnome" variously relates to "dwarf" (a small being that lives underground) and to "intelligence" (Greek: gnosis = knowledge). Might be a good code name for something newish and unannounced from Palm, but I wouldn't assume that it has anything to do with the Gnome desktop or GTK.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
RE: The million dollar question here is does Gnome mean LInux?
If they weren't we would be seeing a much more advanced smart phone at this time.
RE: The million dollar question here is does Gnome mean LInux?
Spot on. It IS the hardware. We already know that Treos are capable. What we need now is fast & responsive, combined with THIN & good quality and hand feel.
Handspring Visor, Palm V, Treo 180, Treo 90, Treo 600, Treo 650, Treo 700p
RE: The million dollar question here is does Gnome mean LInux?
Linux really makes a huge difference, and i dont think it is understood unless it is experienced. Nokia use *alot* of recourses on developing this maemo os (linux) and the N800 (for some reason, maybe they eventually will swap from symbian? I don't know, but it is a bit strange because the N800 cannot possibly be a commercial success compared to their phones).
RE: The million dollar question here is does Gnome mean LInux?
Linux really makes a huge difference
I agree (this coming from another happy N800 user). It's not such a big deal having an application that flakes out on you once in a while when it doesn't take down the whole system: it only takes two or three seconds to relaunch the app. Linux power management has come a long way, too, I should add. With the latest OS update my N800 can stay continuously connected to my WiFi network, notifying me of incoming emails, Skype calls, and what not for two full days on a single charge.
I don't think the N800 would live up to Treo users expectations for responsiveness, though. Applications sometimes take a few seconds to launch and (most notable) deleting a bunch of emails can take many seconds. The only compensation is that you can jump to another application while the email client is hung up in delete-ville and get on with other tasks. That helps a lot for the kind of casual use that the N800 was designed for, but is still not going to be very satisfying to most Palm OS Treo users. There's still work to be done on mobile Linux, no question, and I'm glad that the folks at Palm are on it since whatever else you might say about the Palm OS it has always been the gold standard for snappy user interface.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
Everybody lighten up.
Ok... As a power user this isn't the Treo I'm looking for. I'll still be keeping my T3.
But don't discount that a whole segment of customers exist who prefer electronic devices that look "cute". My wife choose a Zire 22 over an Tungsten E2 because it looks "cute". Perhaps this won't sell to computer geeks like myself who read palm infocenter daily... but not everyone is looking for an uber-powerful Treo/T3/TX/iPhone blend.
RE: Everybody lighten up.
RE: Everybody lighten up.
Well, at least it's a confirmed PALM device!
I wonder what reason they used with YouTube for taking it down? We've read that the WM 6 "leak" was removed from the archive site due to "patent violation" (!) but how can one justify taking down a video of a device - I'd think that would fall WELL under "standard journalism"? Maybe they're calling it "trade secret revelation" or some such?
W.r.t. those "blurry" photos et al, however, there used to be crisp "leaked" photos of TREOs around the 'Net that had tiny little black marks spaced around the edge of the screen....some type of encoding of a unique ID?...makes sense to blur thigns up in such a case.
Speaking of photos, I see PiC has removed the photos of the device as well so PiC knows The Reason PALM uses...
May the Palm os be with you
Is there Wi-Fi?
Who cares what kind of SD-card there is, since there are adapters. At least one that came with my Motorola ROKR (microSD) works well in full size SD-slots (cameras, Palm, Wii, card reader, DVD-player, car stereo).
Who cares about 3,5 mm (most cell phones still use adapters), since all the kool kids want A2DP.
Don't LED flashes in camera phones suck? A xenon flash like in some SonyEricssons would be great.
As for the small screen, the Nokia Internet Tablets have a very high resolution, 800x480, for such a small screen. I seem to remember that there's a huge fan of those here in PIC who should comment if the resolution is too high.
(Was it Mike Cane? Seriously Mike Cane might enjoy reading this about the user interface of N800:
Some time ago some guy from Nokia said (sorry can't find the article) that there will never be a phone based on Maemo, they want to do whatever they want without carrier interference.
Where have I heard that before…
Anyway Nokia has S60 for phones.
Nokia settled on the form factor in order to have something complementary to the cell phone, but that didn't duplicate any of its functionality. from an old article:
Where have I heard that before…
RE: Is there Wi-Fi?
That is, the number of physical differences suggest the underlying hardware is totally laid out differently, thus "same" might be stretching it.
RE: Is there Wi-Fi?
An interesting detail is that the N800 is made in good old Finland and not in Hungary or China or Taiwan etc. It's almost like i get the feeling that Nokia is doing this (making open source maemo and internet tablets) simply because they *can* and *want* and think it is great *fun* and a good way of spending money for the *undisputed king of mobile phones*. On the other hand, it's been years since i have had so much fun with a device, simply because it is a fun device to play with and is on in less than a second. My laptop is off at the moment, and this is happening more often for each day. This makes me think of the Foleo and the fact that it will inherit the same basic properties as the N800, only better to write on.
RE: Is there Wi-Fi?
Since the Treo 800 series is based on HTC Iris... hopefully there's also... Wi-Fi.
Whether or not this is a real handset that will see production, and whether or not it is based on the Iris, I distinctly heard a Palm exec (Colligan or Keast, I don't recall which) tell analysts this Spring that "the vast majority of future Palm products will have WiFi embedded." So I'd guess that the odds of seeing WiFi-enabled Treos are quite good from here on out.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing

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