Treo 800p Live Spy Shots
PalmInfocenter has obtained a set of live cameraphone spy shots of what could be the Palm Treo 800p. The standard blurry camera phone pics show the rumored "palm gandolf" design in the wild.
The pictures show a redesigned, yet familiar Treo look in a smaller and slightly slimmer package. This Treo 800 (unconfirmed name) is running Palm OS Garnet and features a touchscreen with a "smaller" translucent keyboard. Previously leaked images of a version of this model have also been seen running Windows Mobile. Read on for the full gallery.
The anonymous source provided a set of images below of the Treo 800 as well as a short video clip (coming later). He says the screen is a touchscreen and is smaller than the display on a Treo 650. He goes on to describe the keyboard as "very smaller" (sic) than the Treo 650 and 680 and that the keys are a soft translucent plastic. The source also says the overall form factor is smaller and thinner than a 650.
[Photos removed at the request of Palm Inc Legal.]
There have been a number of different reports on the possible specs, networks and operating systems. Versions running Windows Mobile Smartphone edition have also been spotted. Reports have also claimed that both CDMA and GSM versions are in the works.
UPDATE: A few more additional details on the Treo 800 as well as a video clip of the device in action have been posted here.
Thanks anonymous tipster.
Article Comments
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RE: Oh my...
and its not that ugly.....
hopefully there are other colors than white.
kinda reminds me of the Zire22.
My guess a cheapo phone and organizer,
no wifi and no bluetooth
RE: Oh my...
More ugly is the out of focus/shaky/fuzzy "spy" photos. I guess the trick to using one of these things is to squint really hard so you can't see how ugly it really is.
"If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts."
RE: Oh my...
Palm - keep putting more lipstick on this pig!
What we do know vs. what we don't
The keyboard is even smaller than the current version's (already becoming a bit tight on the 755p) and there do not appear to be any major external changes like a camera lens w/ optical zoom or anything similar.
I also did not notice a 3.5mm stereo headphone jack but the bottom panel is the only area not photographed. I have a feeling (and it's been reported on TC) that the Treo line is going to move away from the Athena connector and go with miniUSB.
So in this thing's favor it COULD have wi-fi. It COULD have a 3.5mm headphone jack. It COULD have gigs of onboard flash storage. It COULD have a fullsize SDHC slot. It COULD have A2DP. It COULD be running PLinux with EVDO Rev. A or HSDPA.
However, I'm predicting that this will just be a cost-reduced, higher-margin version of the 680 designed to target for the "hip" youth market and to give a final GSM POS Treo that's Fooleo compatible. I'm predicting a small 320x320 screen, a 1.3mp camera, 64mb of usable RAM, mini USB and a mini or microSD slot.
Thus, attaching 800-series nomentclature to this pig is quite misleading. I see this as more of, say, a Treo 580 or 610 than anything else. IS THIS Palm's answer to the iPhone?
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
If I recall the previous rumors said this guy was going to have a microSD slot, which if true could be anywhere - even under the back cover in the battery area.
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
IS THIS Palm's answer to the iPhone?
Oh please, say it isn't so!
They made the screen even smaller than previous Treo's? How about 480x320 Palm? How about a TX sized screen?
They made the keyboard even smaller so that people with even slightly bigger than tiny thumbs can't use it? How about NO hard keyboard Palm?
People had been asking for a Treo with the iPhone hardware specs for years before Jobs announced it. When is Palm going to do it? What's the problem already?!!!
Fer cry'n out loud, the Foleo with it's full sized keyboard gives them even more reason to sell a keyboardless Treo.
I simply do not understand Palm's obsession with a single form factor.
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RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
My Impressions ...
Looks? We'll, I'm not head over heels with it, but it's serviceable and at least Palm is trying to get outta the 90s. I'll give em' a point here. Multiple colors should be on the way too. I think that kids may be attracted to this design. Apparently, this is not pointed toward the biz community because . . .
Screen? Hopelessly small. May work for texting, contacts and other basics. E-mail, docs, web for adults ... Fajjitaboutit! This has to be for kids with 20-20 vision or better. Unbelievably, Palm wasted width outside the screen, even after shrinking this to Snickers bar width. After 8 years of moaning about screen real estate, I give up. They'll never get it. Never. Apple already does in their very first device. Sad.
Keyboard? I hope they are going for the younger generation. I mean younger as in grammar schoolers! No full sized hands are gonna play well with that infintile thing. Maybe soccer moms? Maybe teens. Maybe. I'm not even sure teens are sold on the QWERTY layout for texting. Many of them can blaze faster with a traditional phone and predictive text anyway.
Buttons? Nice and large. Should work nice. What is bewildering is how small the keyboard keys are and how large the app buttons are in comparison. If anything, shrink the app buttons and give us larger keys. Changed them up again to help the Treo community again think it's getting more than just warmed over scraps from yesteryear. Somebody's doing their job. Like the Lifedrive D-pad. It looked good on the LagDrive IMO too.
Cam? The lens opening is a bit larger than my pathetic 680 cam. Maybe Palm actually cares and is gonna provide 2-3mpx with decent capture device surface area (the real measure of a digicam) for acceptable photos. Nahhh, why waste my energy ... it's just a bigger, badder, better VGA.
BT? Of course it will be v1.2. Palm aint gonna sink any real resources into FrankyG at this point. This will be a legacy phone on release day.
WiFi? Lord Jesus forgive me for asking so foolishly and making mortal man look disdainfully on one created in your image. Aintgonnahappen!
Battery life? Should be decent with that thickness and that micro screen. Proabably has a 150mhz proc too. I predict 900mah.
Connector? Going waaaaay out on a limb here. It's the Athena and it's favorite 2.5mm sidekick. Why mess with such success?!?
Foleo? Yep, this phone makes the Foleo look like an absolute necessity. If Palm were the only phone mfctr on earth, then they would own it all. Pretty big IF eh?
Nomenclature? Surely this is the Treo 500, 515, or 550. 800 would be a joke unless this thing does one of those "Transformers" acts and pops out a VGA screen, bigger keyboard and has some serious horsepower. Looks more like a "300" level, but that's been used. Maybe it wont be a "Treo". Maybe it's the long awaited "Veld"! Anyone remember that?
Fact! Palm absolutely, positively does NOT listen to it's customers (except maybe the manual ringer switch). You've got to hand it to them, they are not politician-like poll driven company. I can't wait to hear how they'll spin this. Maybe as a Mobile Companion Companion?
Pricepoint? $99 withOUT contract and retail it their strong channels as an unlocked CDMA and/or GSM. Throw it in free with every Foleo. Much more than that and I can't see it getting much traction.
Pat Horne
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
I like your line of thinking. Please do not share it here tho. This is not the place. Apparently Palm reads these boards and makes sure that nothing we ask for is implemented.
Lets beg for a stronger IR port and smaller screens than this for better battery life. Heck, maybe a regular front keyboard and another to slide out from behind. Square screens only please. It confuses us when one side is longer than the other. Oh yeah, lets keep that OS footprint as small as possible. Maybe we could cut the clipboard limit in half?
Pat Horne
Palm!!! WHAT are you thinking??!!
I'm not sure if, at 23, I can still credibly consider myself in touch with the 'kids' anymore, but I can sure as hell say with one look that it ain't gonna appeal to my generation. Heck, I'm a total Treo obsessive and it makes me wanna puke.
The D-Pad sucks. The colour sucks - even more so than the Extra-Bland graphite of earlier Treos. But most unbelievable of all, the screen sucks. People called my 650 a brick. The 680 doesn't raise eyebrows quite as high, but it still quietly says to people "My owner is a bit of a geek". Even in funky red. But there's one thing that always draws compliments - the (compared to a 'regular' phone) big, bright gorgeous screen. This is one of the Treo's big draws for those who want to jump into Smartphoneville, those who are tired of texting on a tiny screen. And they're seriously considering shrinking it down???!!!!!!!
Palm, GET REAL. Please! As your fans have been telling you for years, you should focus on three form factors:
1) The trusty, classic and popular Treo 600 design.
2) A similarly sized phone, but sans keyboard and with a landscape screen.
3) A small clamshell design. Think Treo 180/270, but about half the width. Standard number pad. It can do email, threaded SMS and simple web browsing. Lotsa people want the functionality of PalmOS without the bulk of the Treo.
If this is what that iPod guy you hired came up with, FIRE HIM. IMMEDIATELY.
Bleh! I'm off to kick a puppy or something.
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650 ---> Crimson Treo 680
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
Regardless, here's something I know with certainty: I'll coax about 2+ more years out of my 650 until it finally breaks, and then I'll probably switch to iPhone 3. Palm has been dying a slow death for several years, and this looks like the tombstone to me. Actually, it does look a little like a tombstone (if you squint.)
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
Having a tiny screen, limited internal storage, an antique OS, limited out of the box audio/video support, no wifi... is just not going to cut it. why would any body who is unfamiliar if the palm os buy is model and not just another nokia/moto/samsung/HTC model.
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
In the business space, Palm are perfectly right to focus on email as their killer app. But if they ever hope to really crack the consumer market, they've got to get smarter about media. If you're tech-savvy then it's quite easy to turn your Treo into a killer media player, but they desperately need to improve on the out-of-the-box experience.
And release a damn landscape Treo, already. With a 3.5mm jack.
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
HTC has hit after hit of their models.
Speaking of HTC, here's a slightly OT link:
The article is titled Googlephone could be powered by Linux and free of charge. Here's a paragraph I found interesting:
But the most interesting of all the speculation comes in the shape of reports emerging from Singapore that suggest talks with High Tech Computer (HTC) in Taiwan, manufacturer of some of the most innovative and powerful smartphone devices on the market, have reached a conclusion. Those same sources say that a Linux software based handset will be ready for launch as early as the first quarter of 2008. This could make for the ideal partnership, as the HTC handsets so far are technically advanced but somewhat let down by the somewhat unstable Windows software that powers them.
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RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
The obssession is based on a single factor - it costs money to design innovative form factors, and it costs money to hire and keep qualified staff to develop innovative form factors.
I've lost count of the number of people palm has laid off over the years.
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
The obssession is based on a single factor - it costs money to design innovative form factors....
Ok, I can understand that. On the other hand, unless the phone has the exact same mainboard, components and case, it's costing them development costs for every variation on the "standard" Treo design already.
When I say "form-factor" I'm talking about what it looks like in general, the general layout and style. The single form factor at the moment is a small-square-screen with complete keyboard. But I suspect that they (or whomever did it for them) had to pretty much start from scratch on this latest Treo. From my perspective it's nothing new, but from an design and manufacturing perspective, it is. (I'm assuming it really is much smaller than previous Treo's, and requires different components.)
So as long as they are going to have to do design work anyway, how about something "different" for a change? Maybe they could have listened to their user base a few years ago and beat Apple to the punch with that form factor in a truly "smart"phone.
I hope Apple really does open up the iPhone to true third-party development, but I really have a hard time believing that is ever going to happen. I guess that I'm just going to have to wait for a Linux phone platform to become popular enough and get a decent set of apps. At the moment nobody but Palm has the apps I want on my handheld/smartphone.
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RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
Never learned to read, did we?. I don't 'blindly dislike' the iPhone. It's got a great web browser. It's got a pretty decent camera. It's got a big screen. It looks nice.
It also has no buttons, no MMS, crippled BT, no 3G, no third-party applications, a non-removable battery and a minimum $500 price tag with a 2-year contract to a crap carrier.
Last word is all your if you want it, sweetheart. But I'd suggest you stop posting off-topic flamebait.
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
Oh, I don't know... maybe they'll sell a few of these, or toss them in for anyone smart enough to buy a Fooleo. Thankfully the Treo 755 is "good enough" to last a year or two until Palm figures out how to innovate or blows through their remaining ca$h trying to build even lower-end garbage and bizarre product lines they have little credibility in. Man, what coulda' been.......
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
>decent camera. It's got a big screen. It looks nice.
Perhaps it could have been stated differently, "your blind allegiance to that technologically decaying Phone/PDA...I think it's called a Treo.
Still, something like the iphone - which was brought up by several posters in this topic - demonstrates how out of touch Palm is with producing this lame-o treo 800 seven months after the iphone was demonstrated.
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
Treo Pros: It has a triple play of input options: touchscreen, exposed (important to emphasise) keyboard, and intelligent one-handed navigation. It has an instant-on button for every major function. It's available unlocked at a reasonable price (680). It has a massively varied software library, that is still expanding and being updated despite the constant "Palm is dying" mantra. It has the best SMS/MMS software on the planet, bar none. It has 3G (755, 750, 700). It has expandable memory. It's also a better-than-average phone.
It also has an ancient, homely and somewhat unstable OS, flaky Bluetooth performance, no wifi, a bulky form factor and a crappy 2.5mm headphone jack.
(I'd list "small screen", but to me the screen is huge. It all depends on whether you're comparing it to a PDA or a dumbphone.)
All in all, I prefer the Treo's downsides to the iPhone's.
Stop trolling. Or don't. I don't really care, 'cause I'm now going to happily scroll past every single one of your dumbass posts. Which I really should have done to start with, I suppose...
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
RE: What we do know vs. what we don't
What apple nailed is the operating system - multitasking and fast!
Seven years since I bought my first palm os PDA - and palm is still struggling with garnet - just goes to show that garnet will be the anchor that ties down palm.
Don't forget to wish for improved/faster/more stable Bluetooth so that your Fooleo won't feel like it's on a 56k dial-up connection when it's pulling down attachments via your Treo...
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
Never underestimate Palm's ability to innovate beyond the reaches of human limitation! :-D
This just gave me a sick thought. What if Moore's Law was based on Palm's last 5 years of innovation? Uggggggh.
Pat Horne
Looks like their moving in the right direction.
Knowing Palm, it will likely be a shrunken meld of a 650 and Zire 71--extra mediocre.
RE: Looks like their moving in the right direction.
Going from the wonderful T|X display to this stamp sized excuse for a screen would be akin to going from an iPod to a 1979 Sony Walkman. From a T3 to a 650 pained me enough. This is even smaller.
Guarantee you one thing, it's gonna have some killer pixel density. No need for font smoother on this baby.
Pat Horne
RE: Looks like their moving in the right direction.
The smaller LCD & screen just shut the door on this one for me (assuming Ryan's tipster was 100% correct). Even wi-fi, 128mb RAM, and a 4gb internal flash drive couldn't make up for horrid styling and a tiny LCD & keyboard.
The 755p already minutely shrinks down the 700p's LCD and keyboard. Now this thing is taking the Treo formfactor into Zire territory....but by being 320x320 instead of 160x160 this thing'll be too small for anyone over 25 to see without squinting!
Anyone remember the original Gandolf leaked images from a while back where the screen actually looked decently large?
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
Treo 6/7xx: a near-perfect compromise. Gandolf: a POINTLESS one
I love the Treo 6/7xx form factor 'cause I think it's the best compromise you're going to get out a QWERTY-equipped phone. The keyboard dances nearly perfectly on that knife-edge between "too fat to be pocketable" ala` Blackberry, and "too small to be usable", ala this monstrosity. The screen, too, is big enough to be readable, not so huge that it sacrifices input functionality.
What idiot thought up this thing? Keyboard is now not only a big neon sign that screams "NERD!", but also too small to actually provide a nerd-device's functionality! The tradeoff used to be looks-for-utility. And now we have NEITHER.
Eight months ago when the iPhone was announced, I wrote in an editorial:
How Can Palm Compete?It's really not as Herculean a task as you might think. As we've already noted, the iPhone has essentially cloned the best bits of the Treo and wrapped them up in a prettier package. Palm needs...(snip!) (2) A keyboard-less Treo with a landscape screen, and PalmOS needs a visual upgrade. Like, yesterday. iPhone's UI looks gorgeous and puts both Palm OS and Windows Mobile to shame.... Simple huh? Heck, you could do it right now with a ROM update. Are Palm up to the challenge, or are we about to watch our favourite company get steamrolled? I think they can do it, but they need to move quickly.
The clock is ticking, Palm. Not just ticking, but the alarm went off a month ago. Stop hitting the damn snooze button and WAKE UP! This hideous creation solves NONE of your problems.
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650 ---> Crimson Treo 680
RE: Looks like their moving in the right direction.
Guarantee you one thing, it's gonna have some killer pixel density. No need for font smoother on this baby.
Talk about a silk purse out of a sow's ear. ;-)
So I don't need font smoothing, but the letters will look like braille dots. Maybe I can make a quick buck selling matching pearl-white magnifying lens glasses for all of the nerds out there who can't see the screen otherwise. Should sell like ........... this thing does.
Can this really be happening?
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RE: Looks like their moving in the right direction.
RE: Looks like their moving in the right direction.
>I love the Treo 6/7xx form factor 'cause I think it's the best compromise you're going to get out a QWERTY-
>equipped phone. The keyboard dances nearly perfectly on that knife-edge between "too fat to be pocketable"
>ala` Blackberry, and "too small to be usable", ala this monstrosity. The screen, too, is big enough to be
>readable, not so huge that it sacrifices input functionality.
>What idiot thought up this thing? Keyboard is now not only a big neon sign that screams "NERD!", but also too
>small to actually provide a nerd-device's functionality! The tradeoff used to be looks-for-utility. And now we
>have NEITHER.
What's to get? Palm is seriously screwed - they may have iphone-like products in the pipeline, but consumers won't wait three years for them. They need to fast track what they have and get them out within the next six months.
Wow palm: You've managed to suck again
1. Small speaker, obviously not a higher quality or stereo speaker setup like LG, Sony, Nokia are putting on their phones
2. No forward facing camera - not surprising since the OS can't do video conferencing, but I guess this proves they have no intention of it ever doing so - hence not true 3G
3. Don't see a memory card slot - It's pretty reasonable to assume palm has ditched full size SD cards completely now.
4. Camera has no flash and based on the lens size it's obvious they're not going for any kind of real quality
5. Looks like they've dropped the 4-way nav button - one of the best features of the treo
6. No usb port, so it seems no USB host.. not that you'd expect something as useful and flexable as that from Palm. Frankengarnet couldn't do much with it anyway... unless they hacked it up some more
7. Did I mention how damn ugly it is?
I have no doubt it won't have wifi. Great...
So now that I've invested in so much palm software I guess I'm going to have to get a phone from another manufacturer. I prefer phones that don't suck
RE: Wow palm: You've managed to suck again
Further proof that Sony leaving was the death of Palm OS
The title says it all - once Sony left, the platform began its downward spiral. Sure, the Treo did relatively well, but it is now facing incredible competition, and Palm's offerings have a very hard time stacking up.
When Sony left the market, Palm stopped innovating. Not that they were innovating very much at all, but compared to the time after Sony stopped selling Clies, Palm was FLYING with innovation. They went from m505 to m515 in what, a year? That's a whole 'nother 8 MB RAM chip and a slightly brighter screen! Unprecedented from Palm (and I WISH I was being sarcastic here). I can't even tell the different Treo models apart. "Ohh, now it doesn't have an external antenna nub. I've never seen that before in a phone!"
NX80v + Wifi + BT + S710a
RE: Further proof that Sony leaving was the death of Palm OS
Luckily no one is replying to this thread. (or not yet?)
With great power comes great responsiblity.

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