Colligan Laughs Off iPhone Competition
The San Jose Mercury News has a short piece on Palm CEO Ed Colligan's response to a question about the possibility of Apple releasing a mobile phone.
Responding to questions from New York Times correspondent John Markoff at a Churchill Club breakfast gathering Thursday morning, Colligan laughed off the idea that any company -- including the wildly popular Apple Computer -- could easily win customers in the finicky smart-phone sector."We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone," he said. "PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.'"
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RE: Well, Hell!
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
Colligan's bravado rings FALSE
== "Newly-arrived companies might learn from others'
== mistakes and not have to repeat them"
Or even:
== "Big rich companies not only can reverse engineer
== anything, they can afford real market studies that
== even improve on those other devices"
but maybe not...guess Colligan must be right!
More like: how could ANY company make as many mistakes as Palm has and advance as slowly as Palm has over the past few years?
And: how could Apple (the Masters of Style and Marketing) fail to produce a phone that appeals to more people than Palm's Communist (WE know what you want. Take it or leave it) Scchool of Design? As the Q, etc are showing, cellphone customers have no special loyalty to Palm. Palm's loyal customers were PDA users and they were abandoned by the company a few YEARS ago.
The question begs, though: how long have Apple been working on the iPhone?
Around 3 years. And rumor has it the iPhone design was finalized earlier this year, is ALREADY in production and will be available before mid-2007. Hey Colligan: Bravado and posturing is a poor substitute for shipping solid product at a realistic price. And please remember that just because Palm is incompetent doesn't mean that its competition is as well.
And unlike palm it would seem, Apple has not forgotten the lost art of beta testing.
Which would sell better to the average Joe: An LG Chocolate gussied up with Apple styling and perfect iTunes/iMovie integration or a Treo 600/650/700W/700p/700WX/680/690/695/696/697/698/699/699.5/699.51...?
It's not just about devices. Palm must have relationships with dozens of carriers around the world by now - that's not something you can build overnight. Anyone who has had any business dealings with a carrier will agree - it takes alot of time to get these guys on side. So even with the best device on the planet you gotta convince the carriers of that, and possibly even change their blinkered thinking if you're offering something left of field...
Girlfriend, a few problems with that theory:
- Palm's carrier relationships are not as solid as you seem to think they are. And now that they are no longer the only game in town, Palm's failures to deliver compelling product to the (cutthroat) carriers in a timely manner will result in immediate (and painful) repercussions. Empty promises are not tolerated in the cellphone industry. Just look what Sprint did to Sony Ericsson and Samsung.
- Apple has street cred and brand recognition that makes Palm look like Yugo (you DO remember Yugo, right?)
- Jobs is already on record as saying how much he despises the control that carriers have. But if Apple was to simply buy bandwidth from a major carrier and become a Mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) they effectively take a lot of headaches out of the equation. How many teenyboppers do you think there are out there that would think it's coooool to have trusted Apple as their cellphone provider, at the same time buying their iPhones, iAccessories, iTunes, iMovies, iBooks and iPoo™ while they suckle contentedly on "Svengali" Steve Jobs' rancid iTeat? 2 million? 5 million? 10 million? Before you answer that, ask yourself how many iPods will Apple sell this Christmas. And how mant iPods have been sold in the past 3 years.
Don't bet against the Apple iNet becoming a smash hit almost instantly. Apple knows how to sell crap - to people that didn't even know they wanted that crap - just by making Apple crap seem COOL. Jobs won't be able to make enough of his iPoo to keep up with demand from the huddled masses.
RE: Well, Hell!
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
Even better: "iMobile."
Becoming their own MVNO would make a certain amount of sense for Apple, particularly since it would mean that they could power their own over-the-air iTunes service. I'd find it doubtful, though.
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
Ouch. I almost couldn't believe the quote when I saw it. Unbelievable! What an absurd thing to say. "PC guys"? Who does he think he's referring to? Didn't the last couple of years of the "iPod revolution" show him anything?
And: "We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,". No, the last few years you've been making minor tweaks to a decent phone. You don't have another few years left! Not if you keep up business as usual. (Maybe, just maybe the "Hawkins secret project" will be a grandslam homerun, but I have very little faith at this point.)
So, where's Gekko with that Bill Gates quote about running scared? Seems mighty appropirate at this point.
I'm still waiting for the mythical color HandEra.
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
I think Colligan has really shoot himself in the foot with these comments. twrock's comments are spot-on. "PC guys"....if anything, Apple's PC business has been playing 2nd fiddle to the iPod ever since the 'Pod became USB 2.0 and PC-friendly (that was in, what, 2003?)
It's time for Gekko to drag out the Gates running scared quote and then repost the gold suit-wearing Yankowski "We are prepared fo whatever turns the market takes" quote from Piloting Palm for good measure.
I think the iPhone will be sold through Cingular just like the RAZR & ROKR with iTunes onboard. MVNOs haven't taken off to well (look at the recent crash & burn of ESPN's service) and carriers are likely shying away from them right about now. AMP'D seems to be doing ok but I still don't see the value to the consumer in most of those "virtual" provider offerings.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
So what does that leave us? Likely the same as an iPod: a slick, stylish retail product. It'll be a good-looking feature phone that will sell very well. It won't kill Treos outright because they're popular enterprise devices and will always have that to fall back on.
Unless Apple totally surprise us and the iPhone is a smartphone, Colligan is right to laugh. Like LiveFaith said - why worry about a first-time player in the phone market like Apple when you have companies like Nokia and Motorola gunning for you?
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
Apple wasn't the first to do an mp3 player either. Just the first to get it right enough to drive wider acceptance.
You're right in that we can't speculate too far until we see and judge what they bring out, but neither can Palm scoff for the same reason.
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
The screen... isn't big enough for music? There's something that doesn't seem right about that idea...
RE: Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
While the Motorola phone will work with iTunes purchased music, some service providers may be considering launching their own music service. In doing this, they would own the network and the music store, but Jobs isn’t sure that this type of service would work for consumers.“I’m not convinced that it will be successful,” said Jobs. “The network providers will charge a lot to download music to a mobile — maybe US$3.”
Jobs also reasoned that a computer would still be required even if a mobile user downloaded music directly onto their mobile phone.
“You will have to backup the music on your phone up using your PC,” said Jobs. “If you lose a phone then you lose all your music. If you get a new phone you have to transfer it all. It’s not clear that buying music over the air makes economic sense.”
What now Colligan?
Yee-hah! (words are free)
I think Colligan has got a lot to fear from Apple. And if that 'decent' phone is all they have to compete with them, then I'd be -very- worried.
Ok, corporate world is a stronghold for Palm, but in design, 'coolness', and trustworthiness, they have lost before even starting to fight...
Maybe Ed doesn't surf the web
And I don't think those 12 million Apple iphone's will be running Palm OS any time soon, do you?
RE: Maybe Ed doesn't surf the web
RE: Maybe Ed doesn't surf the web
Pat Horne
RE: Maybe Ed doesn't surf the web
RE: Maybe Ed doesn't surf the web
RE: Maybe Emperor Ed is too smart to admit he has no clothes
Rev, Palm almost succeeded in getting PalmSource back into the fold for peanuts. In corporate games you win some and you lose some. The "split" was simply a corporate shell game that backfired and will ultimately be remembered as what killed Palm.
That's the truth - despite what Astroturfing Palm SHILLS like just_little_me say here. (By the way, just_little_me, why don't you tell everyone who your employer is? Bwahahahahaha! Biotch.)
Well said, cbowers. JLM was biotchslapped (even more) senseless.
And that Kool-Aid is a bit more expensive than water, isn't it? And on top of that, I heard Bill Gates urinated in the Kool-Aid water!
RE: Meh!
Ed says "Get movin' with that secret biz, Jeff!"
Pat Horne
RE: Meh!
A cynic would say the "secret biz" is just a desperate smoke & mirrors show designed to keep Palm's stock price from tanking before Jeff and Donna are able to sell off the rest of their Palm shares...
RE: Meh!
[!...if he did his synapses ARE getting rusty!]
Palm has nothing to worry about!
RE: Palm has nothing to worry about!
Yup... This wont hurt Palm, it might take small amounts of dumbphones from Motorola, Sony Erricson, LG, Nokia and the likes, but not from smartphomnes of any type.
RE: Palm has nothing to worry about!
RE: Palm has nothing to worry about!
Nah, there's to precident at all for that...
Every ipod syncs PIM data with sync technology either via the MacOSX sync framework or via iTunes.
Apples iSync/.mac combo already keeps my PIM data for 2 Macs, 2 cellphones, 2 ipods, and a TX wirelessly synced via Bluetooth and WiFi.
Current (extensive) list of Apple sync supported platforms:
Motorola phones(3)
Nokia Series 60 Smartphones(6)
Nokia Series 40 phones(6)
Palm One phones and PDAs(1)
Panasonic Series 60 phones(6)
Sendo phones(6)
Siemens phones(6)
Sony Ericsson P800, P900 and P910(6)
Sony Ericsson phones(6)
So not even a hint of a dedication to PIM data there...
But purely PIM does not a smartphone make.
The nearest product they've put out to date is the ipod.
With that, they're also selling third party downloadable games, they have a *massive* third party accessory market (many now with hardware drivers in the firmware). That accessory market has a massive online and retail chain network established, and enjoys partnerships with large hip brands for accessories. Think Apple isn't casting an eye to expanded accessory revenues in another new product line?
The last time Palm had that going for them was in the HandEra/Clie years.
Heck, unlike my Palm, I can even dual-boot my ipod into Linux.
Palm may be laughing in public, but if they have any sense, they'll be building altars and razing the california country side for livestock to offer on them, praying that Apple doesn't step into the ring with direct competition, or at the very least that the smoke and incense will blind potential Apple buyers, until they can get *something* out of R&D other than "look ma, no antenna".
" including the wildly popular Apple Computer -- could easily win customers in the finicky smart-phone sector."
They don't even have a product announced and they've already got customers for it. All it needs in the Apple name on it and it's sold in numbers Palm would kill for. Many of here will remember a day long ago when that was the case for Palm products. A good many of us here I'm sure have the same museum starting with Palm "pilots" with expanded memory cards, starting a whole string of devices along the way, modems, power sleds, IR blasters, add on LED's and vibrate modules, "weather guide" module, barcode modules, the whole deal.
Apple users have come to be acustomed to products that in general just work, are easy to use, and great support for accessories (accessories including things like most car brands now with ipod support or even the airline seatback displays for ipod video playback on 6 different carriers). Those are all things many smartphone users will be looking for. There's still too many Treo users in my earshot saying, "sure but can I just get this thing to hold a decent phone call, and sync my contacts properly".
Then google 2 sets of words at "palm store" and "apple store".
Coles notes of the things Palm needs to fear of an Apple entrance on their turf.
Universal brand recognition
Universal accessory support
Substantial accessory partner interest
And, Palm needs to understand that Apple isn't Windows Mobile. Their pockets are as deep, but their R&D is better, and Apple demonstrably shows that they "get" the personal product space, can deliver what a consumer wants, and unlike MS and Palm, have a healthy multifaceted distribution channel in place.
I'm fanatically PalmOS committed to a fault, constantly cursing everyday that brings new Windows Mobile hardware I'd run except for the absence of PalmOS on it, and even I'd likely bolt to an Apple release. The only question is how long I'd still tote my Palm as well...
RE: Palm has nothing to worry about!
Brands mean a lot to people and the iPod brand is a very strong one. But assuming that something is going to sell big simply because of the brand is a very arrogant, dangerous attitude for any company to take. Look at the torrent of negative press and gamer feedback Sony has gotten recently (for quite awhile now, actually) over the PS3, despite the fact that the Playstation brand is synonymous with gaming across the world nowadays.
oh, and a further unrelated point: I love Palm's whole philosophy of "mobile computing". I imagine Apple aren't looking to build a mobile computer, they're looking to build a really good phone/music player. I really don't think Apple are going to be competing for the smartphone space*. At least, not with iPhone's first iteration...
*which is actually kind of a shame, because they'd likely grow the market hugely.
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650
RE: Palm has nothing to worry about!
But assuming that something is going to sell big simply because of the brand is a very arrogant, dangerous attitude for any company to take.
They haven't. Haven't said a word in fact. It was my comment, based on hosts of various influential podcasts. I'm just repeating the pent up desire being expressed for apples approach to that product.
Look at the torrent of negative press and gamer feedback Sony has gotten recently (for quite awhile now, actually) over the PS3, despite the fact that the Playstation brand is synonymous with gaming across the world nowadays.
Not much of a comparison though. Nevermind the PS3, what if *anything* has Sony gotten right in recent memory. What in recent memory has Apple gotten wrong (apart perhaps from buying a couple million laptop batteries from Sony). Sure there's the emac, and the G4 cube, a good ways back. Every company has it's misteps. But on the balance, which ones demontrate a consistent top tier batting average, learn from mistakes, continually refine products, as well as breaking out into totally new directions, while covering the bottom line.
Palm just doesn't compare there and hasn't for almost a decade.
I imagine Apple aren't looking to build a mobile computer, they're looking to build a really good phone/music player. I really don't think Apple are going to be competing for the smartphone space*. At least, not with iPhone's first iteration...
Fortunately the 2nd iteration is already in progress. Dunno though. If you took a current ipod, put a cellular radio, and a user input system on it, you'd pretty much already have a smart phone (PIM, syncing, 3rd party software and hardware, user up-dateable firmware).
People are still hanging on to and using Apples PDA's (newton), lest we forget the PIM side isn't unfamiliar territory for them.
But sure, we'll have to see what's for seeing, when it's seeable. J'us saying scoffin' given this set of variables is a fools game. 'Specially when we're comparing one company just off a 52 week low on their stock (and at that only on renewed buyout rumors), and the other is at a 52 week high. One's got game, and the other is starting to leave a bit of a gamey taste in the mouth.
RE: Palm has nothing to worry about!
I know, I know. I just see a lot of Mac Cultists (to quote a certain Voice) on the 'net proclaiming the superiority and dominance of the iPhone before it's even released and it irritates me (not that you're one of those ;) ). But I'm also willing to bet once they take the wraps off, Apple will do their usual "We're so cool and hip and better than you and we wear turtlenecks" marketing thing and promote it as the Second Coming.
But sure, we'll have to see what's for seeing, when it's seeable. J'us saying scoffin' given this set of variables is a fools game. 'Specially when we're comparing one company just off a 52 week low on their stock (and at that only on renewed buyout rumors), and the other is at a 52 week high. One's got game, and the other is starting to leave a bit of a gamey taste in the mouth.
Fair enough. It's a sure bet the iPhone will be successful, it's just a question of how successful. Colligan has been with the Treo since Handspring, though, and probably knows better than most how difficult it can be to make a good phone. Apple and the Mac Cultists probably shouldn't expect too much from the first iPhone either.
Here's to the exciting world of gadgets!
a Treo Cultist
RE: Palm has nothing to worry about!
And yet, this is *JUST* what Colligan did in making such comments. Palm's hubris seems to know no bounds, all while they continue to destroy themselves by committing to an arena full of fierce competition while ignoring the sector they used to dominate.
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.
RE: Palm has nothing to worry about!
Colligan has been with the Treo since Handspring, though, and probably knows better than most how difficult it can be to make a good phone.
Particularly so when one has their fingers in their ears while their customer is speaking (be that to complain about bugs that should never have made it into a release candidate, and then aren't fixed when they're pointed out, or about features desired or old ones missed.
In the early days, Palm made PDA's for all of us. Of late Palm makes products that cater more to *their* needs, and the needs of carriers. And they don't change, even in the face of loss of sales, loss of stock value, loss of partners and licensees, loss of relevance, loss of respect.
Palm, dance with the one what brung ya.
Or you'll be sitting alone on the sideline with an empty dance card.
Now I see the Problem
Hell, if they were all of that I WOULD HAVE ONE!!!!!!!!!!
That guy is a joke... no, his statement is a joke. No, both are a joke. What a joke...
If Apple could pull off a launch with a phone that does not reset or have “little” issues, then they will have a winner. Period.
Treo looks the same from when the other company made it… Palm did not even invent it….
I’m disgusted with palm.
Vote for John Kerry... best man for the job.
Mr Colligan is going to eat his words big time if Apple has an iPhone.
Do NOT underestimate Steve Jobs.

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Latest Comments
- I got one -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Don't we have this already? -Tuckermaclain
- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -richf
- RE: Palm brand will return in 2018, with devices built by TCL -dmitrygr
- Palm phone on HDblog -palmato
- Palm PVG100 -hgoldner
- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
- Like Deja Vu -T_W
Well, Hell! If a Me-Too Media article says so, it's so!
== "Newly-arrived companies might learn from others'
== mistakes and not have to repeat them"
Or even:
== "Big rich companies not only can reverse engineer
== anything, they can afford real market studies that
== even improve on those other devices"
but maybe not...guess Colligan must be right!