Treo 680 Compatible with 8gb SDHC Cards
According to this TreoCentral thread, several users are reporting mostly successful results with their Treo 680s and the new 8gb SDHC cards. These cards represent the peak of SD-related flash storage media and onoy recently have seen their prices drop to an affordable level, plummeting in price over the past several weeks.
The Treo 680, Palm's most recent Palm OS-based device and its newest product overall, can read and write to 8gb SDHC cards without problems. However, the Palm OS "card info" screens only display the card as having 3.9gb free out of 3.9gb total. Once passing the 4gb barrier on the cards, the proper amount of free space is properly indicated.
My personal testing with the exact same Transcend 8gb SDHC card on my Treo 700p and Palm TX proved to be utterly fruitless--the Treo 680 is the only Palm device currently offering even unofficial support for SDHC cards.
In addition, since most PC's card reader drives cannot recognize SDHC media, the Pam OS Card Export II (by Softick) and Card Reader (by Mobistream) apps work properly with these high-capacity cards, allowing a user to see the full 8gb volume by utilizing their Treo 680s as card reader drives.
Ace Palm OS hacker Dmitry Grinberg supposedly has a fix in the works for this limitation with this Garnet OS filesystem limitation but no release date has been announced.
Article Comments
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RE: Famous Palm OS Vampire almost went up in smoke.
We have ZERO indication that a TX2 is forthcoming other than Frank Wilkinson's conversation with a Palm tech support person and the (overly optimistic?) gut feeling & intuition of some of the Palm OS PDA faithful.
I've bought a 2nd TX to have on standby, just in case the TX really is the end of the line.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: Famous Palm OS Vampire almost went up in smoke.
You don't have to stock up on TXs just yet. If Palm announces that it is stopping TX production and not making a TX|2, there will still be plenty of stock in the channels for many weeks.
I do however use a T5 as a backup to my Tx.
LifeDrive, eat your heart out...
I do however, have a bad feeling that Palm's handheld line is disappearing. I'm sure as hell not getting a PocketPC though...
Although, let's hope those rumours coming out of Apple are true!
Palm TX + 1GB SD + Motorola v3x = awesomeness
RE: Hmmm
RE: Hmmm
And the record companies? They can't do the things they want to do, like variable pricing (a questionable notion at best, considering that digital distribution means the "Supply" has been removed from "Supply & Demand"). Apple for all intents and purposes is the market, and they'll sell the music however they please. If a label decides to try anything silly like withdrawing their music from the iTunes Store, all they'll succeed in doing is nuking their own digital sales figures and giving a free kick to rival labels who stuck with Apple.
The market's still in its infancy and Apple's domination will eventually be eroded. Most likely by Microsoft, I'm guessing: the first Zune is a fairly laughable effort, but MS are famous for starting out with a bare-bones, generally crappy product and building on it relentlessly in the "Money means nothing" fashion that only MS can do. Look at the Xbox 360, for instance. Or even Windows.
And personally, while not a fan of Apple, I think they deserve their success: the iPod was marketed well and is quite a decent value for its price. I do think Jobs is an arrogant turtleneck-wearing jerk and the nasty side of me can't wait to see one of his creations bomb miserably, just to explode the myth that's built up around him...
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650 ---> Crimson Treo 680
RE: Hmmm
Apple may be as arrogant as any corporation, and they don't even have FM radio built in by their 5th generation... but at least they know what size a friggin' audio jack should be. That might explain a bit about their success, and a lot about why the Treo is still missing it's potential as a streaming audio and video device in spite of having EVDO built in now...
RE: Hmmm
Palm hasn't even figured out how to get a standard audio jack into their $600.00 Treo line.
Standard audio jack in a cell phone? What phone has one? 2,5 mm jack is pretty common in handsfrees, but many cell phone companies still use stupid, propietary, easily broken connectors like "Fast port" etc.
Now even Nokia has a new 2,5 mm jack:
RE: Hmmm
The Sony Ericsson Walkman series obviously have full 3.5 mm headphone jacks, as do my HTC Universal, as does the Loox T830. Its not as uncommon as you suppose.
They said I only argued for the sake of arguing, but after an hour I convinced them they were wrong...
Hey!! I made associate writer at PDA247. Come see my nattering over there!!
RE: Hmmm
Even if that was the case, though, I'd rather they just bite the bullet and make the change. Not like they haven't broken backwards compatibility before. ;)
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650 ---> Crimson Treo 680
RE: Hmmm
"intarweb" in a "cell phone"? "e-mail" in a "cell phone"? "Palm Operating System" in a "cell phone"?... If the Treo is just a "cell phone" then WTF does all the advertising Palm plasters about seem to indicate that it's at least a little bit more?
When it suits Palm, they call it a "smartphone," and IMHO it isn't too "smart" to design such a device so a kludge (which puts your "cell phone" jack at serious risk of damage) is necessary to access MP3s and streaming audio - or is the included Pockettunes just something they are marketing to listen to through the speaker or that throwaway headset they include....?
>>Bluetooth headsets are pretty widespread nowadays and have made the need for compatibility with handsfree kits less important.
Considering the well documented fact that the Treo bluetooth drops even their own bluetooth headset at random - they better NOT remove the 2.5mm port! Unless your only calls are "listen only" and that through the built-in speaker!
>$600.00 Treo line
>>...$399 Treo line, or free with contract...
OOPS - I meant *$649.00*, not $600.00. Or perhaps you can cite a reliable source to walk in with $399 cash and walk out with a CMDA Sprint Treo without taking on a contract?
Just because they "give" you a rebate up front when you agree to a 2 year contract doesn't mean the phone is that price - that's foolish thinking. They are giving you a "discount" off the retail price of that phone because you agreed to a contract with them where they will make multiples of that rebate money back from you over a couple years - it's built into the plan. Sure, there are scams and retention plans and other ways to drop the prices - but the MSRP is the basis they are telling you it's "worth" in order to make the "discounts" palatable. Or did you think the Carriers were just being nice to you?
If you believe that the price of your undercoating was "free" (and by the way you had to buy a new car in order to get it) then I wish I were selling new cars in your vicinity - I'll give you all the "free undercoating" you want!
RE: Hmmm
When it suits Palm, they call it a "smartphone," and IMHO it isn't too "smart" to design such a device so a kludge (which puts your "cell phone" jack at serious risk of damage) is necessary to access MP3s and streaming audio - or is the included Pockettunes just something they are marketing to listen to through the speaker or that throwaway headset they include....?
There's a number of good 2.5mm headsets available. I'd like 3.5mm headsets too, but there's practical problems: if you're using a standard 3.5mm headset (i.e. no mic) and a call drops in, then you have to unplug the bugger in order to speak to the other person.
I'd like to see an option so you can set the phone to output via the jack, but input via the mic on the Treo.
Considering the well documented fact that the Treo bluetooth drops even their own bluetooth headset at random - they better NOT remove the 2.5mm port! Unless your only calls are "listen only" and that through the built-in speaker!
It's fixed in the 680. The 680 will even automatically connect to your headset when you're in range, without having to touch anything. Patch on the way for the 700p.
$600.00 Treo line
freakout quietly corrected:
...$399 Treo line, or free with contract...
I'll see your 700p, and raise you an unlocked 680:
Rebates suck, but if you can be bothered with them then you CAN get a free product. Yes, there's normally an expensive plan involved, but if they're not to your liking there's still the $199 price being offered standard by Cingular.
RE: Hmmm
>They are pro DRM,
The music labels that they have to please to get the rights to sell the movie are the pro DRM ones, I think you'll find. The only major music store that doesn't use DRM is allofmp3... and they're not exactly legit, are they? I mean, let's compare them to Microsoft - look at the Zune. That's DRMed to all hell.
Not really, but that's a kind-of baseless claim.
>and they don't deserve the iPod success.
How so? They made the first decent hard disk based MP3 player - the first one with a decent UI, fast syncing (first to have firewire), and the first truly usable product. It's not just a coincidence.
>Palm should of owned that entire market for years with PDAs that play music
Even though that's what I use my TX for, I still have to admit it's not the best solution - it's got less storage, less battery life, and is nowhere near as simple. But it has it's advantages (like internet radio).
>Palm was SO close to getting it right
Umm, they've kinda been screwing things up more or less since Palm OS 5. Beats Windows Mobile, but it ain't nice, and could be a lot better.
Palm TX + 1GB SD + Motorola v3x = awesomeness
RE: 700p???
I thought someone as edumacated and possessing such erudite wit as yourself would at least have read the full text of my news item before asking about 700p compatibility!
3rd paragraph of the news item:
"My personal testing with the exact same Transcend 8gb SDHC card on my Treo 700p and Palm TX proved to be utterly fruitless--the Treo 680 is the only Palm device currently offering even unofficial support for SDHC cards."
The 8gb SDHC card isn't even recognized as being inserted in the slot in my TX or my 700p. It works flawlessly on my Casio EX-Z850 digital camera. I'm actually in the process of preparing a full roundup & survey of which devices (between all of the SD slot-brandishing devices in my personal collection & whatever is at work)
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: 700p???
Guilty! So much for multitasking while skimming, you miss things sometimes. And I even went through 5 pages of the referenced thread at T|C without success before posting!
Hey - thanks for the compliments, though at the moment I'm at my wit's end.
RE: 700p???
RE: 700p???
Is that when it's happening to you? Are you reading it on your Treo w/ Blazer or on a full-size PC + browser?
I think Ryan does it that way just to save bandwidth/space/scrolling on smaller mobile device screens.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: 700p???
You think you are looking at the entire article, but you aren't...
Seems that there are 2 article views possible - but they look very similar except for the amount of story showing and the "return to story" stylized silver/black/white button that is hard to read on an LCD screen.
Time has made the 700p question moot I think, as people are reporting success with the SDHC driver transfer 680->700p. Yeah!!
RE: 700p???
Mobile manager on Treo 680?
Given that we now have 8GB SDHC cars that are compatible with the Treo 680, this device suddenly seems very attractive!! What I would be interested to know though is if there is a similar app available for the Treo 680 that allows you to Sync folders on your PC with folders on the SD card, now that would be a killer app. Failing that, is it possible to grab the prcs off the LifeDrive that work with the PC software and install them on a 680. What about DriveMode as well, that other highly useful app from the LifeDrive / T5 ?
Mobile Manager - 8GB?
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
I moved from a Lifedrive to a Treo 680. Guess what? The File Transfer application (Lifedrive Manager) and Drive Mode are NOT available on the Treo 680. You have to get 3rd party applications (buggy) that sometimes work and sometimes don't. I really miss my Lifedrive for this feature. Being able to drag and drop my music, documents, movies to my pda in a few seconds is gone. The process now is: open SD compartment, remove card, put card in reader, move files, remove card from reader, put back on Treo, close compartment. Lets see, why does Apple deserve its success with Ipod again?
And no, the Lifedrive applications do not work on a Treo 680 at its present state (not compatible with 320x320 screen format).
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
Only problem is that it's slower compared to a proper card reader. But you can't beat it for convenience.
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
I did and it crashes half of the time corrupting the files in the card. I have no option but to stick to the physical card reader.
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
Any device can have one more useful feature added.
HandEra Moderator at [url=""]PalmVenue[/url]
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
...laughing at a world too absurd to take seriously...
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
When I use one of these bits of software and have the 8GB card in the 680 plugged into my PC, I will see a 8GB drive ( or 7.xGB formatted ) appear under my file system for me to copy files to. In other words does it behave exactly like DriveMode??
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
Palm TX + 1GB SD + Motorola v3x = awesomeness
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
It did not work for me. Like grimpeur said, it is a problem of screen resolution.
Someone at treocentral said that the "Lifedrive Manager" recognized the Treo 680's SD card. Mine didn't.
It would be very smart if Palm includes these T5/Lifedrive applications in future versions of the Palm Desktop. With the Treo line being so versatile, moving music, documents and movies is as important as the Hotsync utility.
I know you can pay for third party applications, but how much does the Itunes software cost?
RE: Mobile manager on Treo 680?
My Nokia N70 has this for example through the Nokia desktop suite.
RE: 700P????
Or even better, just read the article...
My personal testing with the exact same Transcend 8gb SDHC card on my Treo 700p and Palm TX proved to be utterly fruitless--the Treo 680 is the only Palm device currently offering even unofficial support for SDHC cards.
Now go stand in the corner, and think about what you've done. ;)
RE: 700P????
RE: 700P????
Found a copy of the treo 680 rom online. Coppied MMSDCard.prc and SlotDriver%3A SDIO-sdsd.prc to the ram on my treo 700p. Soft reset. Insert 8gb SDHC Card... IT WORKS. No need for a custom rom or anything
Note: I'm not sure if both of those files are required or if only one is needed, but I sure ain't complaining, because it worked on the first try!
Note 2: Never do this sort of thing without backing up first. And don't hold me responsible for anything...because it might break your device, result in serious injury, property damage or death...
I'll post em later

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Famous Palm OS Vampire almost went up in smoke.
Anyway, I am still alive and ready to buy a TX2; WHICH I HOPE SUPPORTS 8 GB!
It really burns me (no pun intended) that the Treo gets all the attention these days.