Palm Takeover Rumors Talked Up Yet Again
Pretty much every technology related website and blog is recycling yet another highly speculative rumor regarding Palm's imminent sale. Unstrung, citing sources close to the situation, again claims Nokia and Motorola are leading bidders, and private equity firms Texas Pacific Group and Silver Lake Partners are also interested in buying the company.
Rumors of this nature have been one of the driving forces moving Palm's share price over the past two years. Late last year Palm CEO Ed Colligan emphatically told reporters that the company is not currently for sale nor had they made any overtures to find a buyer.
Palm is due to report its Q3FY07 results and hold its quarterly analyst/investor conference call this Thursday. To date, Palm representatives have refused comment on the rumors, but the issue is sure to come up during the call.
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RE: Unstrung: 'Palm buyout could be finalized Thurs'
These things always are announced ahead of time with firm dates attached.
BTW, have you seen:
RE: Unstrung: 'Palm buyout could be finalized Thurs' (video) (NYT article)
Here’s how fomenting works, according to Mr. Cramer: Say a hedge fund manager is holding a short position — a bet that a stock will decline — in Research in Motion, which has just announced blockbuster quarterly earnings results. An enterprising fund manager might call several brokerage houses and either feed them bad information or order a slew of short sales. Then he or she could call up a “bozo reporter” with a fake news tip about Resarch in Motion rival Palm.
Sound familiar?
I wouldn't trust an unnamed, anonymous source in the Unstrung article as reliable, and it sounds like the author of the article is being used as a "bozo reporter" right out of Cramer's scenario...
RE: Unstrung: 'Palm buyout could be finalized Thurs'
Still, I wonder if the prominence of these rumors will make Palm feel a need to state something more definitive about them.
My guess: probably not.
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
RE: Unstrung: 'Palm buyout could be finalized Thurs'
"It all makes sense," comments a financial analyst who wished to remain nameless (and faceless as well).
ORLY? I guess it does all make sense then! Good thing they didn't attribute a face with that.
RE: Unstrung: 'Palm buyout could be finalized Thurs'
Cold hard evidence!
Meanwhile, news broke Monday that [Motorola CEO] Zander had canceled a keynote speech at the wireless industry's annual trade show next week.
The speech had been booked months earlier, but was canceled about two weeks ago. The reason: Zander had "an unforeseen scheduling conflict," a company official told the Tribune Monday. Schaumburg-based Motorola declined to comment further, or to comment on Palm rumors."You do see companies pull out of public forums when something is going on," said Morningstar Inc. analyst John Slack, referring to a possible pending acquisition. On the other hand, Zander has plenty on his plate – like fixing Motorola's ailing cell phone operation -- that could have pulled him from the show, said Slack and other analysts.
In other words, it could mean anything. Yet this particular snippet is being reported all over the net. CEOs cancel appointments all the time, I imagine. So how does cancelling an appointment next week translate into evidence of a Palm buyout that's meant to be announced this week?
I apologise for any and all emoticons that appear in my posts. You may shoot them on sight.
Treo 270 ---> Treo 650 ---> Crimson Treo 680
RE: Unstrung: 'Palm buyout could be finalized Thurs'
I'm not going to worry about this. There is still ebay.
None of the above, nor will they make one if there is no sale at all. Handhelds are dead, there will be no more handhelds released from Palm no matter what happens.
In the company I work for we have HP PocketPC's as well as some more industrial versions being used on a daily basis. These won't be replaced by phones I can guarentee you. I also recently went to one of the CompUSA's that are closing and guess what the employees used for keeping track of the remaining retail, Handspring Visor Deluxes!
With all the Wifi in Homes, Offices, and Public areas, why would I want to pay for a data plan when it is already available?
I'll upgrade my free phone every year and buy a nice PDA every couple of years. If Palm decides they won't make PDA's any longer then I will cut strings and they will have lost a long time user.
PDA's Past and Present:
Palm - IIIxe, Vx, M500, M505, Tungsten T, TX
Handspring - Edge, Platinum, Deluxe
Sony - SJ22
Apple - MP2000, MP2100
The usual methodology questions "what's a smartphone?" and "is a BlackBerry a PDA?" come up, but the analysis seemed to be pretty clear that PDAs aren't going to zero any time soon.
One thing to keep in mind: a large percentage of smartphone users are issued phones by their companies, which they aren't really at liberty to use as their personal devices. For those folks, which makes more sense: buy yet another smartphone so you can have your personal email, games, music collection, etc. on it, or buy a PDA with a nice big screen and Bluetooth radio?
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
I don't agree. I think we will definitely see a new bottom and top of the line. If not, how about a 320x480 Treo with a slideout keyboard.
Give it up. Move on. Nothing to see here...
If Palm were working on a new PDA/handheld we'd have seen plenty of rumours/pics etc. What have we seen? Nada. Nothing.
Besides, I spoke to an unknown source, who coincidentally doesn't have a face either, and he/she/it told me that Palm was clearly focusing on everything EXCEPT non-phone devices.
Did I mention there was nothing to see here...?
5. Will they get out of the PDA biz altogether? NOT YET
I dont know how many times this must be said... Palm is NOT working on any more PDA's, they are not and will not release another one ever. They will however continue to build the ones they currently have as long as they are being sold. When sales dwindle (such as Lifedrive), Palm PDA's die completely.
No it's not. It's called what it's always been called.
Palm Stupidity.
Questions about the Takeover
1. Who is most likely to buy Palm? Moto? Nokia? Other?
2. Will they coninue to use the Palm name? or just the Treo brand? Separate Division or totally integrate the company?
3. Which OS will they focus on? Will they keep Garnet? License WM? Other?
4. Will they produce any new PDAs? NO.
5. Will they get out of the PDA biz altogether? YES.
RE: Questions about the Takeover
2. Everything will remain as-is in terms of branding etc.
3. Everything will remain as-is in terms of OS's
4. No!!
5. Yes!!
RE: Questions about the Takeover
Pat Horne
RE: Questions about the Takeover
Done is right! No on-screen G. A terrible small screen (buy a fekkin TE2 then!). Goddam unneeded keyboard. Fekkin protruding antenna.
Must I move on to *price*?
RE: Questions about the Takeover
Ed, Donna & Jeff Dumping Stock, Options
Looks like somebody's bailing out....
RE: Ed, Donna & Jeff Dumping Stock, Options
Looks like somebody's bailing out....
Those are regularly scheduled sales that have been going on for quite some time, regardless of stock price. It's a common practice when you have options that may expire or have a considerable portion of your wealth as shares in the company that you founded.
It doesn't mean they're bailing out. Bailing out would be dumping large chunks of shares or options in a very short period of time.
RE: Ed, Donna & Jeff Dumping Stock, Options
Colligan appears to be exercising options that he must exercise NOW even though they expire in a year or two because he has so many and is limited to how much he can sell (per week?) - takes a LONG time to exercise options when ya got a gajillion of them (Tahnks, shareholders!).
I don't consider any of these to be sinister, however, and I'm a PALM-pessimist.
RE: Ed, Donna & Jeff Dumping Stock, Options
Jeff Hawkins also still owns 2.2 million shares of stock. His trust selling a hundred thousand shares or so is just diverisification.
Palm Vx -----> LONG WAIT -----> Palm T|X
see ya on the back end...
RE: Thursday-a-go-go
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing
RE: Thursday-a-go-go
Pump and dump baby, pump and dump...!
New Mess for Motorola
Motorola warned late Wednesday that it will miss first-quarter sales targets by more than a billion dollars.
The struggling Schaumburg, Ill., tech titan said it will post an unexpected loss for the quarter, due to the continued struggles of its handset unit. Motorola also shook up management and set plans for a big share repurchase.
RE: New Mess for Motorola
Note that they also said they had all the assets they needed in the mobile devices group.
That Cramer video is an absolute must see - it explains EXACTLY what has been happening since February.
Note, part II - the rumors, having been quashed unexpectedly by this MOT revelation, ar now being changed to "PALM will be acquired soon" rather than tomorrow AM.
Be Careful Out There!
Cramer, regardless what you think of him as a person, knows the hedge fund business well.
RE: New Mess for Motorola
RE: New Mess for Motorola
(of course, CNBC has always been the one to whack - as the Cramer video overtly notes - "Give a call to Pisani" is a standard hedge fund technique! (might have misssssspelled that name...)
RE: New Mess for Motorola
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- RE: Like Deja Vu -PacManFoo
- Like Deja Vu -T_W
Unstrung: 'Palm buyout could be finalized Thurs'
Should make for an interesting conference call, anyway!
David Beers
Pikesoft Mobile Computing