Simple Installer Released for Vista
Palm's set of tools for installing and transferring applications to Treo's and handhelds are currently not compatible with Windows Vista. Palm is certainly taking their time on an update, while Vista users go without critical Palm Desktop functionality. While there are some workarounds (installing via Bluetooth and downloading on-device over the air), a third party developer has released a new Vista compatible install tool.
BTSolved's TreoVista Simple Installer software enables you to install PRC and PDB files on Vista. The program requires that Palm Desktop and hotsync software is installed. The utility is freeware and is considered beta.
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Newer version has been posted on
Take Care,
Good stuff.
The new version is
It now will install all Palm compatible files to handheld and any file to the default expansion card on the Palm PDA.
Thank you,
Von Wallace
This software is not free. It costs $9.95.
Palm Vista Simple Installer
Does anyone have any idea how to hotsync with vista?
Have a great day
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SHAME on Palm!
I, of course, am not the LEAST bit surprised by this---look how so many PCs from the major OEMs in '05 and '06 shipped with Windows XP Media Center Edition. Yet Palm adamantly refused to even acknowledge support for anything BUT XP Home & XP Pro.
Sad, sad, sad.
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