Palm Releases a Treo Online Backup Application
Palm has released a new over the air mobile backup solution on their mobile web portal. Palm Backup Beta will automatically save a copy of your Treo's data to a secure server every day, from anywhere you have wireless data coverage. The appearance of this service is sudden but not entirely unexpected, given the recent amount of chatter amongst the Palm OS user community predicting a strong push by Palm into wireless service-related offerings.
The service currently supports backups from Contacts, Calendar, Memos, Tasks, Blazer bookmarks, Treo phone app quick dials, and the call log. No desktop computer is required and automatic backup schedules are available. Palm does offer a brief listing of optimization tips for the service that is certain to expand once more users begin using this utility regularly.
Palm states that the service will only be free for a limited time. No word on the service's official launch data or its pricing. Palm lists device compatibility only with the Treo 700p, 680 and 650 and as always, an unlimited data plan is highly recommended.
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I think this is to spur the usage of the carriers data plans. Which means, additional moohlah to the carriers (woot!) ^_^!
RE: Nice
Also if Carriers want people to use their data network, then they should charge more reasonable prices. If they make it affordable, people will use it more. (...& 15 cents a text message? you got to be kidding me, a text message has got to be almost no load on their network, yet you would think from their rates that a text message is more complex than transmitting voice .... WTF ? )
-painted dog
RE: Nice
more to come?
I have been waiting for something like this. I feel it will help a lot for professionals.
Palm m125 > Palm Zire 71 > Tapwave Zodiac 1 > Palm Zire 72 > Sharp Zaurus SL-C1000 + 4gb MicroDrive + Palm Tungsten T|3 (1100mah)
My T|3 is too [i]sexy[/i] for me.
RE: more to come?
I use the 29.95 Pro version per year. You can pick a Basic Backup Plan for half that to just back up the Data for the Main Apps. The Pro version is a real Complete CLONE of the whole phone, and it also has a cool feature called "Trickle Backup" that does a backup to a secure server on phone's internet connection as you make changes on the phone as you use it through the day. I have mine on Sprint, and I've have had a few Hard Resets over the last year on the 700P. It takes about 15 minutes to restore the entire phone over the Wireless. It is so Wicked, and you can customize it to the tenth degree.
Interesting, Palm Desktop Online Anyone?
Security is a concern. Something needs to be addressed there for the non-techie user.
This plus Palm Desktop on a desktop would make a good idea.
Keeps timing out on my 700p with unlimited EV-DO plan. I think it has to do with the signal strength (1 bar at my house) while trying to backup an 800KB call log.
Great vision
Security is an issue, however the tools exist to make it possible to provide a "good enough" level of privacy (eg, AES, TLS, etc), which I'm sure palm will exploit to full potential.
The real snag will be mobile data costs and transmission speeds, though I'm certain the new Linux based devices will have wi-fi out of the box (that's why Colligan said they will be sold without the help of the Carriers - palm wants freedom of design and implementation).
Kudos to you Palm, this week has been exciting and faith-restoring.
RE: Great vision
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
What about T|X users
Is my data not as important.
I was thinking of backpacking around Europe with my T|X or a Lifedrive this would have been perfect.
But hay it's probably only available to US residents anyway so what am I worried about.
How good are cargo pants, they're a gadget lovers best friend.
Palmloyal Review
If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got!
Type to you later,
More to online backup
The idea folks is simple, if you have security issues, run through the privacy policies and make up your mind. Since i cannot use this treo backup while sitting amidst the desert. I will try out other alternatives that keep getting better
RE: Speaking of Web-based Services
Will Palm's Third Business Involve Microsoft Web Services?
Just the question. I have no stomach for writing such a tech article.
Personally, I think the answer is Yes.
RE: Speaking of Web-based Services
Like the the UMPCs...this is a smack upside PALM's head...a-GAIN.
IM-Oh-So-HO, of course!
Kudos to Scott Maxwell of BackupBuddy.Net- Already Done!
Saved by butt at least four times during the past four years whilst travelling, and/or migrating from one device to another. Great way to move applications and information from one Treo to another Treo (like one old 600 to a 650, as in my case) or one 650 to 680, etc.
Give the service a whirl-- and if you have unlimited data, the Trickle backup ensures you are never 'behind' in your backups more than a few minutes.
I trust a restore from BackupBuddy.Net more than a restore from HotSync, that's for SURE.
Mike Compeau
RE: Kudos to Scott Maxwell of BackupBuddy.Net- Already Done!
Mike Compeau
RE: Kudos to Scott Maxwell of BackupBuddy.Net- Already Done!
Can ANYONE recommend something that works there, first?
DP Huntsman
Verizon Treo 700p
Mac OS 10.3
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An unknown error has occurred.
After the third attempt, I got bored and gave up. Looks like a nice idea though.
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Treo 270 ---> Treo 650 ---> Crimson Treo 680