Another Leaked Sprint Roadmap Confirming 755p Launch
For the final few individuals still skeptical of the upcoming Treo 755p launch, Engadget Mobile has just posted another leaked Sprint handset release roadmap. With several "official" leaks in such close proximity to one another, this device is almost certainly a reality.
While there's precious little in the way of new Treo 755p information, this latest chart does give release dates and pricing for a slew of feature phone and smartphone releases on the Sprint CDMA network. Unchanged from our earlier report, the 755p is still slated for launch in the month of May. 700p is still listed for EOL right after the delivery of its comprehensive ROM update in that same timeframe. Two colors of 755p, blue and burgundy, are also still set for release.
Unfortunately, the roadmap doesn't give any pricing information for the 755p nor does it reveal any plans for a possible antenna-less, Windows Mobile 6-powered 700wx successor. With the EOLing of the 700p, the 700wx will be Palm's final Treo in production with the older, thicker formfactor sporting an external antenna.
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The Treo 755p = the Treo 700p ROM update. Suckers.
Treo 650 - added things that should have been in the Treo 600 from the beginning (320 x 320 screen, Bluetooth), but crippled by NVFS and nonexistent RAM, bad voice quality, poor quality control, missing Wi-Fi.
Treo 700p - added much appreciated EVDO high speed internet but was crippled by incredible lag issues in switching between applications, poor Bluetooth support, still-weak quality control, pathetic voice quality and constant FrankenPalmOS-related resets/instability.
Treo 755p - finally removes the protruding external antenna, but at what cost? Battery life? Loss of regular (cheap) SD cards? Missing Wi-Fi? Will it take Palm a year to correct the Treo 755p's deficiencies (when it releases the Treo 800p)? After seeing how poorly Palm supports its products, who in their right mind would buy the Treo 755p?
By the way if this works out it, seems to be one more reason that Palm should have bitten the bullet and standardized on Windows Mobile IMMEDIATELY after they lost out to the crackheads at Access on the bidding for PalmSource:
RE: The Treo 755p = the Treo 700p ROM update. Suckers.
RE: The Treo 755p = the Treo 700p ROM update. Suckers.
RE: The Treo 755p = the Treo 700p ROM update. Suckers.
Multitasking, Eve. Multitasking.
Don't change (personalities), babe.
RE: The Treo 755p = the Treo 700p ROM update. Suckers.
is there a new feature? Does it support Wifi?
I love Palm!
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I wonder if they're trying to clear out stocks ahead of a new Treo product for Europe?
RE: Price?
I bet full retail of the 755p will still be the same or similar to the 700p's.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
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What!? No link!?