Resco Backup v2 Released
Resco's popular backup application has received a major update to version 2.01. Resco Backup is an easy-to-use, yet powerful utility to protect your Palm device. It allows you to backup and restore from a memory card and has a large host of options including scheduled backups, encryption, backup set analysis and a number of other features. The new version features a new, optional basic mode, with a simplified interface, new project templates, a reorganized restore procedure, additional error checking and a number of other minor optimizations and updates.
Resco Backup is available with a free trial and costs $14.95 to register.
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CAGE MATCH: Resco Backup vs. BackupMan
If you don't need all of the extra features that are offered by Resco Backup then you might as well flip a coin if trying to decide between the two.
RE: vs. BackupMan
BackupBuddyVFS Pro And Resco
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vs. BackupMan
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