Confirmed AT&T Improvements to EDGE Network
In what may be a sign of the rollout of the EDGE Evolution network upgrades reported a while back, or confirmation of our rumor report from earlier this month or simply just a fortuitous conicidence, Engadget Mobile are confirming that AT&T wireless users are indeed seeing a drastic improvement in their throughput speeds. According to the article, some users are even reporting speeds in excess of 200kbps, which represents a considerable improvement from the usual slow speeds of the 2.5G EDGE system.
While it's likely that any recent network tweaks or speed improvements have been made to try and placate the hordes of new iPhone users starting today, others of other GSM devices such as the Treo 650, 680, and 750 will also see this boost as a particulawrly positive result of the halo effect the iPhone is having on the industry in general. (via MobilityBeat)
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RE: Thanks for the Freebie Steve
How is general web browsing type usage? A bit snappier feeling or imperceptible?
Any improvements in streaming media playback etc?
Is yours a Cingular 680 or an unlocked one? And if Cingular-branded does it have the recent ROM update installed? I wonder if that would matter at all...
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: Thanks for the Freebie Steve
I remember getting a 175K reading once in the past, and 130K or so a few times on DSLReports. I'll tinker tonight and see if I can tell a difference.
Pat Horne
RE: Thanks for the Freebie Steve
Regardless, things do seem to be running more smoothly thanks to Mr. Jobs and the iPhone. Lets hope Palm can make something that the carriers work to get their networks behind. Soon.
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Thanks for the Freebie Steve
Pat Horne