HP Announces the Palm Pre 2, HP webOS 2.0

HP Palm Pre 2 HP today announced HP webOS 2.0, the most significant update to the platform since its launch in mid 2009. The first device to run webOS 2.0, HP's new Palm Pre 2 smartphone, will be available on Friday in France from SFR and is scheduled to be available "in the coming months" in the United States from Verizon Wireless and in Canada.

The Palm Pre 2 features a slightly modified design and an internal spec bump. It updates the processor to 1 gigahertz and features a 5-megapixel camera and a glass screen. The Pre 2 retains the same slide out keyboard and 320 x 480 display and it comes with 16 GB of storage and has dimensions of 2.35" x 3.96" x 0.67" inches (59.6 x 100.7 x 16.9mm) and weighs in at 5.1 ounces (145g). HP has not released details on pricing or further availability at this time.

"With webOS 2.0, we're advancing the innovations we introduced 16 months ago, expanding the features that make webOS great for consumers, enterprises and developers," said Jon Rubinstein, senior vice president and general manager, Palm Global Business Unit, HP. "We've made tremendous strides since the platform launched, and now we're taking our biggest leap forward with powerful new features that make it easier to get more things done with your webOS device."

HP has taken it upon themselves to rename webOS to HP webOS 2.0. The new version of the OS features a number of platform enhancements, additional developer tools and a few UI updates.

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RE: webOS 2.0 and Palm Pre introed
richf @ 10/19/2010 9:07:59 AM # Q
Noticed nothing on the PIM. Am I the only one that uses this anymore? I didn't want a remake, just a little tweek, would have been nice. However, that being said I have a Pre Plus and Droid that are like new. Anyone??
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre Plus
RE: webOS 2.0 and Palm Pre introed
richf @ 10/19/2010 9:17:54 AM # Q
Nice looking device. My damn post went on the wrong thread, sorry. What about the battery. Does the keyboard work just a little bit better. Like the bigger screen, if battery will last longer. Yeah, right on that one. I'd try one if someone would take this Pre Plus and Droid off my hands. I'd throw in a Treo 700p and Treo 650 to boot. No takers, oh well like FDR said better days ahead. BTW I'm reserving a date to get on down to Verizon store and put my eyeballs on this one. Thanks for all the info.
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre Plus
RE: webOS 2.0 and Palm Pre introed
bhartman34 @ 10/19/2010 10:22:32 AM # Q
I think the screen's the same size, isn't it?

What I'm waiting to see is if they'll put a little more effort into the apps department. The app adoption level needs to go higher. Compared to Android and iOS, picking up a WebOS phone is a fairly limiting experience, in some ways (e.g., I've been wanting Kindle for WebOS).

RE: webOS 2.0 and Palm Pre introed
mikecane @ 10/19/2010 11:37:31 AM # Q
PreCentral has a vid. Same size screen, just flatter.
RE: webOS 2.0 and Palm Pre introed
bhartman34 @ 10/22/2010 6:31:00 AM # Q
PreCentral has a vid. Same size screen, just flatter.

That's what I thought. I kind of understand HP/Palm's desire to release another smartphone to follow-up on the Pre, but this shouldn't've been it. They already released a Pre Plus. All this is is a Pre ++. After all the constructive criticism they got from the Pre and the Pre Plus, I would've expected them to make some more substantial hardware changes. Obviously, the screen size had to change. The most successful Android phones all have larger screens than the Pre. And as much as I personally don't think it's important, I think a virtual keyboard would've benefited the Pre. To me, this just looks like they punted.

Hopefully HP releases another smartphone w/ WebOS soon, and that one has better specs. I just don't see myself buying a tablet with a phone OS on it -- whether it's WebOS, Android, or iOS.

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I think

linds @ 10/19/2010 9:12:15 AM # Q
Palm can keep a slice of the market with this device albeit I think it will remain a relatively small slice. I don't think we will see one big winner in the mobile space like we did with Windows on the desktop. Ie... WebOS will live on in the future but with a much smaller user base then the heavy weights.
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MicroSDHC Slot

jeffhoward001 @ 10/19/2010 9:46:47 AM # Q
I've been holding out for a Pre with a MicroSDHC slot, but I may have to give in with my Centro rounding home base for year 3. Is that too much to ask, or do they assume consumers are not interested in expandable storage anymore?
Tungsten T --> Palm TX --> TX & Centro (Good combo so far!)
RE: MicroSDHC Slot
HyperScheduler @ 10/19/2010 10:45:44 AM # Q
This is getting off-topic, but can you describe how you use two devices-- the Palm TX and the Centro. Do you use one for the calendar and one for the contacts? Please explain. Thanks!
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HP's Palm Pre 2 limps out the door

Gekko @ 10/19/2010 11:52:49 AM # Q

By David Goldman, staff writerOctober 19, 2010: 1:33 PM ET

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Hewlett-Packard is releasing a sequel to one of the biggest disappointments in the short history of smartphones.

The Palm Pre, which horribly undersold expectations and contributed to Palm's fire sale to HP in April, is getting an update. HP (HPQ, Fortune 500) said Monday that the Palm Pre 2 would go on sale Friday in France, and be released "in the coming months" in the U.S. on Verizon Wireless' network.

What's even more surprising is that the Pre 2 is mostly the same as the Pre, which went on sale in June 2009.


RE: HP's Palm Pre 2 limps out the door
Gekko @ 10/19/2010 11:56:54 AM # Q

i hope Sprint doesn't offer this pig. i hope they learned their lesson and are smart enough to focus on Android and not waste any resources on WebOS products.

keep this pig off of Sprint shelves. no need to waste any resources or shelf space. they don't need it.

RE: HP's Palm Pre 2 limps out the door
nastebu @ 10/19/2010 2:29:43 PM # Q
Well, what is the incentive for anyone to offer it? There's no buzz, so no pent up demand. With Android's success, no carrier is hurting for a response to the iPhone.

Serious question: why would any carrier want to invest much in promoting a slight revision of a product that failed in the marketplace before hand? I'm not saying there's no reason, I just don't see one.

RE: HP's Palm Pre 2 limps out the door
Gekko @ 10/19/2010 3:04:13 PM # Q

hkk had a good theory - HP netbooks are featured at VZW - so maybe there's a connection there. no pun intended.

RE: HP's Palm Pre 2 limps out the door
jca666us @ 10/20/2010 3:50:41 AM # Q
Would it have been too much effort for HP to put a higher resolution screen into the Pre2?

I thought webos supported resolution independence...

RE: HP's Palm Pre 2 limps out the door
bhartman34 @ 10/22/2010 5:52:05 AM # Q
I've got mixed feelings about the article.

The Pre wasn't as big a disappointment in its initial launch as the article suggests. The problem wasn't the initial release. The problem was the lack of follow-through -- especially on the software side.

On the other hand, I think the article is dead on when it comes to the Pre 2. The improvements seem to be the new body (which I'm not even sure is an improvement over the current Pre, since I kind of like the shape), and the 1Ghz processor (which you can already get to with the Pre, via overclocking).

Unless HP announces another handset soon that improves over the Pre 2, my next phone won't be a Palm. I'll be going Android. I just can't imagine what kind of bonehead thought a Pre 2 with these specs was a good idea.

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Tuckermaclain @ 10/19/2010 11:55:34 AM # Q
HP should contact Dewar's to write a DB6 app for the Pre2 and include it installed. Palm again would have the Zen of a beautiful schedular that people would fall in love with. It would have to be more intuitive and user-friendly like Agendus though. Build it and they will come.
Tuckermaclain @ 10/19/2010 11:57:23 AM # Q
If they added Styletap to boot it would for sure bump sales. HP! Is your hearing better than Palm's was?
Gekko @ 10/19/2010 11:57:29 AM # Q

yes! they'll sell dozens!!!

HyperScheduler @ 10/19/2010 1:27:58 PM # Q
Totally agree re: contacting PimlicoSoftware's CESD . . . absolutely. . .
hkklife @ 10/19/2010 1:40:26 PM # Q
Contacts app still needs a boost to match what Garnet had, and the native email client also needs a boost.

On top of that, they need to remove the silly gesture area and use it for a much-needed boost in screen size. Heck, it might even be time for some kind of optical d-pad or something to make for more intuitive one-handed operation. That is something Palm OWNED (as did the old Sony Clies & BlackBerries w/ job wheels) right up until the Centro. But the latest generation of smartphnes have become decidedly fumbly two-handed affairs to operate.

The Pre 2 is definitely a device that smacks of the "old" Palm's desperate penny-pinching and is in no way what we should (hopefully) expect with HP's $ + R&D resources. The Pre 2 is basically what the Pre Plus should've been and the Plus was what the original Pre should've been. And the Pixi simply should've never been released in the first place.

I wonder if the Pre 2's keyboard is the same as the AT&T Pre Plus (the best of the lot thus far) or if it's been further enhanced. Also, have the external dimensions really changed much or have they just been refined around the edges (like the Treo 650 to 700w revision)?

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro-> Verizon Moto Droid X + Palm TX

StrawMan @ 10/20/2010 2:08:26 AM # Q
Agreed. I would look very seriously at any phone that could run a full-featured PIM, if something like DateBook6 was ported across and updated.

For me, the top priorities are:
1) Full featured PIM (at least as good as the option available on PalmOS);
2) OS that doesn't lock developers out from innovating and integrating there apps tightly into the devices software and data (e.g. access to core PIM databases and notification system);
3) Expandable storage (seems ludicrous to carry something with the power and size of current smart-phones and not to be able to carry your docs/data/media etc with you);
4) Availability of GPS/mapping apps (its the device you take with you when you're out of the office, it should be location-aware and able to give you info on unfamiliar surrounds).
5) Software for at least viewing office documents;
6) A good camera (to save having to own/carry a basic point-and-shoot).

I followed up abosco's recommendation of Pocket Informant as a good PIM for iPhone - which looked interesting until I saw how crippled it was by Apple's restrictions (e.g. receiving a simple alarm notification requires a 3G connection with convoluted connections with PI's and Apple's servers - that could change now with iOS4).

While waiting for something can meet those needs, I've decided to go with the Nokia N900 (the first time in 15 years my primary device is no longer a Palm) - it meets all the requirements except for the PIM software (so I'm still not completely free from my PalmTX and DB6 yet). It's two other drawbacks are poor battery life and it is probably a bit bulky/heavy for someone who mainly wants a phone. But in its favour, it has:
a) Excellent web browsing (both the Flash-supporting built-in browser and the new Firefox);
b) Great GPS software - the built-in mapping software is excellent for exploring, walking and trip planning (there is also basic routing and navigation, but no voice guidance at the moment) and has free lifetime access to Nokia's excellent map data - and the commercial software for voice-guided navigation is decent enough to replace a dedicated GPS nav;
c) The platform is extremely open, hackable and customisable, which opens up all kinds of options - there is a great Debian VM that includes OpenOffice and GIMP and gives access to the huge library of ARM-compiled Debian packages - and it can multi-boot into Android (NITdroid) and Meego.

The great thing for consumers at the moment is that the market seems diversified enough for a number of players to survive and to continue to spur each other on and innovate. I'm still interested to see where WebOS ends up and what HP manages to deliver.

Gekko @ 10/20/2010 5:23:37 AM # Q

1) Full featured PIM (at least as good as the option available on PalmOS);

Android Contacts app is just fine and the Jorte Calendar http://jorte.net/english/jorte.html makes the calendar great too. you can't beat the tight integration with Gmail/Contacts/Calendar. Automagic sync and push and seamless connections to all of Google cloud services is awesome. Add free 2GB+ of Dropbox cloud storage to the mix and you have a really beautiful thing. i store all of my files in Dropbox and access them (the actual documents - not copies) in real time from my Android or from any device or PC in the world. it's a beautiful thing.

2) OS that doesn't lock developers out from innovating and integrating there apps tightly into the devices software and data (e.g. access to core PIM databases and notification system);

Android is open.

3) Expandable storage (seems ludicrous to carry something with the power and size of current smart-phones and not to be able to carry your docs/data/media etc with you);

Android supports microSD cards.

4) Availability of GPS/mapping apps (its the device you take with you when you're out of the office, it should be location-aware and able to give you info on unfamiliar surrounds).

Google Maps and associated apps/services is amazing and second to none.

5) Software for at least viewing office documents;

Documents To Go for Android.

6) A good camera (to save having to own/carry a basic point-and-shoot).

Is a 8MP rear camera and 1.3MP front facing camera good enough for you?

and there's so much more. 4.3" display etc. using my EVO it's like i've regained the wonder and excitement of the old PalmOS days. every day there's a cool new app, device, accessory, service, or update available. we live in exciting times.

dagwud @ 10/20/2010 11:02:17 AM # Q
I hadn't heard about Jorte before. Not quite perfect, but closer than what shipped on my phone.

Thank you for that piece of information.
PalmPilot Pro (1997) -> III (1998) -> Vx (1999) -> m500 (2001) -> m515 (2002) -> Tx (2007) -> HTC Aria (2010)

Gekko @ 10/20/2010 4:26:04 PM # Q

the Jorte 4x3 Monthly Calendar widget is awesome - and IMO - better in many ways to the PalmOS calendar.

make sure that you select the correct Gmail calendars to sync and not the Jorte app calendar (assuming you want to sync with Gmail.) also - you can add Holidays and Contact Birthdays via the Gmail PC-side (Google.com) interface and all of this will show up on Jorte. you need to make sure all of the settings in Jorte are on point though.


dagwud @ 10/20/2010 6:47:48 PM # Q
I'm still working on getting the settings right. Tasks won't sync yet. I'm not sure if it's because I'm wanting to sync them with a Google Apps account.
PalmPilot Pro (1997) -> III (1998) -> Vx (1999) -> m500 (2001) -> m515 (2002) -> Tx (2007) -> HTC Aria (2010)
Gekko @ 10/21/2010 12:12:18 PM # Q

Documents To Go 3.0 just hit the Market. don't hold your breath for a WebOS version.


richf @ 10/21/2010 2:28:32 PM # Q
How much these pick pockets want this time?
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre Plus
hkklife @ 10/21/2010 2:39:17 PM # Q
I paid $9 or so for my Android DTG 2.0 back in April or so. I checked the Market this afternoon and got an upgrade to the latest version for free. This NEVER would have happened in the "good old rob you blind" Palm OS days. I can support them with reasonable policies like this, but these guys were crooks when they had a monopoly back in the dark ages (ie before iOS & Android) on Palm OS, WinMob, & BlackBerry.

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->Verizon Moto Droid + Verizon Palm Centro-> Verizon Moto Droid X + Palm TX

Gekko @ 10/21/2010 2:57:00 PM # Q
>How much these pick pockets want this time?

free upgrade.

Gekko @ 10/21/2010 3:26:34 PM # Q

hkk, richf - check your email.

richf @ 10/22/2010 6:10:53 AM # Q
Gekko, Got'em. Thanks twice.
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre Plus
e-gadget-guy @ 11/12/2010 5:59:31 AM # Q
I don't want to get into this too much because the PRE 2 is the device that was already being developed before HP bought Palm. I don't see this as so much of a failure on HP's part as an effort to A: get something in return for all that development. and B: give the public a device that is better than the Pre (+).

There are some considerations to think about here.
1. The '2' has twice the RAM and ROM as the sprint pre. Also, the RAM is faster...
2. Add to this twice the processor speed of any PREvious PRE. [uber kernel is nice, but it does strain the CPU as well as void the warranty.] Another issue with uber is that it can't maintain 1Ghz all the time.
3. The Camera while not a real replacement for a 'real' camera is 40% more pixels and supposedly has a better depth of field.

While we're on the subject, since when is a phone supposed to replace a 'real' camera? And... depending on your skill at taking photos, and the type of photos you take, A phone either IS a good substitute, or it never will be.

So, while this phone isn't an iPhone/Android 2 killer, and is more of an incremental update than a 'new device', it was never meant to be.

Will it rock the market? no! will it fill a niche? I think so.

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Pocket Informant for Android

Gekko @ 10/23/2010 5:34:51 AM # Q

Pocket Informant is now in Public Beta on the Android Marketplace!


RE: Pocket Informant for Android
Gekko @ 10/23/2010 8:53:13 AM # Q

well i played with PI and i uninstalled it. i never used it on PalmOS so i was never a big fan. after playing with it for a little bit i've come to the conclusion that i really like Jorte http://jorte.net/english/index.html much much better. but for some of you refugees going from PalmOS going to Android - that already know and love PI - it may help in your decision and/or transition. enjoy.

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HanDBase available for Android

dagwud @ 10/24/2010 2:39:32 PM # Q
Since this seems to have become a post about Android software...

DDH Software released HanDBase for Android recently.


I haven't tried it yet. I was going to buy it on Friday, but a pet's health emergency ate into this month's discretionary spending.
PalmPilot Pro (1997) -> III (1998) -> Vx (1999) -> m500 (2001) -> m515 (2002) -> Tx (2007) -> HTC Aria (2010)

RE: HanDBase available for Android
richf @ 10/24/2010 4:06:42 PM # Q
From past experience with this software for my Palms it will be quality. Computers were made for relational data bases. This one works as close to perfect as can be, plus it is easy to create the needed database.
Have a nice day!
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->Pilot Pro->IIIe->IIIc->M500->M505->M515->TC->T3->T5->Treo 650P->Treo 700P->Droid>Pre Plus
RE: HanDBase available for Android
Gekko @ 10/24/2010 5:01:29 PM # Q
>Computers were made for relational data bases.

reminds me of this article -

The Case Against Everything Buckets


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Welcome to yesterday

Foo Fighter @ 10/28/2010 4:25:31 PM # Q
A 320x430 display, seriously? That should go over well in a market populated with devices that now run 800x400 and beyond. Nice to see the "new" Palm is carrying on its long standing tradition of lagging suicidally behind the rest of the industry.

Unless the Pre 2 costs $5 with contract, I see this device becoming every bit as successful as its predecessor.

Web Designer,
Tech writer for weblogs inc. @ http://www.tuaw.com

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gmayhak @ 10/28/2010 7:45:33 PM # Q
"HP has taken it upon themselves to rename webOS to HP webOS 2.0."

If any of the original HP guys & gals are still around I can't imagine how they feel seeing one of the most innovative companies on the planet end up this way. They once had their own talent but I guess the bean counters figure they can slide by tacking "HP" on other company's work. There are still great talents in some of the HP R&D groups but the consumer products group has totally lost it!

Tech Center Labs

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