BestBuy Stores Offering $39 Centro This Week
We've received a number of reader reports that some BestBuy retail locations are offing a large discount on the Palm Centro with new service signups. The Centro with Sprint service is being advertised in select areas for $39.99 after a $50 "additional savings" discount and a new two year service agreement.
Apparently the offer varies from region to region with some ads showing all 3 colors on sale (red, black and pink), while others area show only the red Centro. Some sale circulars do not even mention the promotion. Let us know in the comments if your store or area is is offering the discounted price.
The deal appears to only be valid in participating stores, and the Centro is not currently being offered at
Thanks to Dave and others for the tip.
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RE: Page 33 of the ... gulp ... 40 page weekly add
RE: Page 33 of the ... gulp ... 40 page weekly ad
RE: Page 33 of the ... gulp ... 40 page weekly add
When we reported on that that $49 Centro pre-Christmas sale, no Centros were available in my area at any price in BB stores. And the BB flyer for my area that week had a blank area w/ text where other parts of the country (NY, west coast) had the Centro displayed prominently.
At any rate, this is a very enocuraging sign. Glad to see Palm and Sprint being aggressive. Hopefully the GSM Centro's launch will keep the momentum going...
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
Last-ditch push by Sprint?
RE: Last-ditch push by Sprint?
RE: Last-ditch push by Sprint?
Palms owned: IIIe-> M125-> T|T-> T|3-> Tx-> Treo608 (unlocked)
I called BB, and they said it's $39.99 + $32 for activation
Does that sound right to you guys? I don't recall paying an "activation fee" on the last cell phone I bought... Is that something new?
Tungsten T --> Palm TX --> Foleo-mini??(like an LD-II with a small attached keyboard??)
RE: I called BB, and they said it's $39.99 + $32 for activation
How could an existing customer get it at anything less than full retail price of $399 unless they are very close (within 2-3 months) of the end date of their contract and want to re-up?
Other than calling Retentions and making big fuss with them or threatening to cancel etc, I mean.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: I called BB, and they said it's $39.99 + $32 for activation
Tungsten T --> Palm TX --> Foleo-mini??(like an LD-II with a small attached keyboard??)
RE: I called BB, and they said it's $39.99 + $32 for activation
I mean, for those that know what they are getting into and are fine with ol' FrankenGarnet until 2010, then by all means jump on this deal.
But I remember thinking that when the 700w launched 2 years ago last month that it was already looking horribly dated...and the 700p a few months later only reinforced that. At least the Centro is devoid of the show-stopping bugs that plagued the 700p and comes at a MUCH more palatable asking price along with a much more generous software bundle.
Pilot 1000-->Pilot 5000-->PalmPilot Pro-->IIIe-->Vx-->m505-->T|T-->T|T2-->T|C-->T|T3-->T|T5-->TX-->Treo 700P
RE: I called BB, and they said it's $39.99 + $32 for activation
Sprint does have very good coverage and good prices on data, but Customer service is not real good....if you have a problem, it can get ugly trying to deal with them.
Palms owned: IIIe-> M125-> T|T-> T|3-> Tx-> Treo608 (unlocked)
Centro + SERO = good?
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Page 33 of the ... gulp ... 40 page weekly add