Palm Pre Hands On Videos - Part 4

Palm Pre Videos Part 4In our fourth and final series of videos from CES, PIC takes another in depth look at the Palm Pre. In the first clip we take a closer look at more of the features of the Pre and WebOS including the contacts application, linking profiles and contacts together, drop down menus in WebOS, accelerometer control and launching applications. The second video shows more of the web browser in action. It shows CNN being loaded and navigated via the pinch and zoom gestures and double tapping to zoom in. The second video also shows the universal search feature executing a google search.

Palm Pre In Depth (6:29)

Palm Pre Web Browser (2:48)

Previous Palm Pre Videos

Part 1 - Hardware Overview, Part 2 - Copy & Paste, Visiting PIC and Web OS Gestures and Application Cards, Part 3 - Music and Multimedia.

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Second vid choppy?

mikecane @ 1/14/2009 4:51:30 PM # Q
Is it just my PC or is the second video too choppy to make out? The first one played fine.

I hadn't seen the right menu for the radios demonstrated before.

And in the second vid, was that a CNN web Bookmark in the launcher?!

Man, I *really* hope my ginormous and ton (1,000+) of Memos from my LifeDrive can get into the Pre. That new Search feature would really get a workout fast!

RE: Second vid choppy?
Ryan @ 1/14/2009 4:58:11 PM # Q
Yes, the second video is a little choppy because I was filming it off of an HDTV screen and not the device itself.

I noticed that CNN bookmark in the launcher as well, it would seem you can easily create launcher icons for your web bookmarks.

RE: Second vid choppy?
hkklife @ 1/14/2009 4:58:36 PM # Q
The 2nd video was being filmed off of a big wall-mounted plasma TV they had next to the demo stations.

And the video feed was coming from an overhead projector, so that was not a Pre with hardwired video-out hardware like the one used by Matias during the Palm keynote on Thursday.

Maybe Ryan recorded that one @ 15fps instead of 30fps? I do agree it looks a little choppy, even on my PC & fast connection here.

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: Second vid choppy?
mikecane @ 1/14/2009 5:17:49 PM # Q
Well, they still show good info. FYI, until the last iPhone update, someone on Twitter told me trying to access CNN *always* crashed Safari. So the Pre showing CNN is impressive.

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Palm pre...... Vista?

Piero @ 1/15/2009 5:41:04 AM # Q
Millions of users were disappointed with Vista and it's lack of compatibility with the software before it...... could the same happen with palm pre not having backwards compatibility?

RE: Palm pre...... Vista?
Piero @ 1/15/2009 5:43:37 AM # Q
I mean most people prefer to install XP in their newer systems and microsoft was forced to release windows 7 about 2 years before it's official release because of this.

RE: Palm pre...... Vista?
mikecane @ 1/15/2009 7:49:01 AM # Q
There's a difference here. You can't buy a Pre and install classic PalmOS on it.

Unless, you know, that's something Dmitry is already planning.

RE: Palm pre...... Vista?
bhartman34 @ 1/15/2009 8:05:16 AM # Q
Millions of users were disappointed with Vista and it's lack of compatibility with the software before it...... could the same happen with palm pre not having backwards compatibility?

I don't think anyone can reasonably say they're 100% sure what will happen in this situation, but I'm reasonably certain that people won't end up feeling that way. Unlike Vista, the Pre/WebOS isn't being touted as being backwards-compatible with old software. Instead, they're being pretty up front about the fact that old software isn't going to work out of the box. Now, granted, there's a question of whether or not the casual buyer has heard that message, but I don't think we'll see confusion and disappointment on the scale we saw it with Vista. Not only will fewer people buy the Pre than bought Vista, but fewer of those who buy it will have those unreasonable expectations.

Of course, there's always the possibility that the Pre will include some kind of POS5 emulation onboard by launch time, I suppose...

RE: Palm pre...... Vista?
Piero @ 1/15/2009 10:02:33 AM # Q
Ok, so maybe there will be less disappointment with the pre than vista......... but the point is that i believe a lot of people will be disappointed... they'll lose customers cause someone with a TX for example wouldn't buy a crappy centro. I mean right now there's uncertainty for the ones who hope for a solution (and they are a lot) but if that doesn't come up..... a lot of disappointment, less people will buy..... same as Vista.

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IF iPhone = Jesus Phone, THEN ...

mikecane @ 1/15/2009 7:56:43 AM # Q
Pre = Second Coming?

Hey, did I sleep through Armageddon or what?

RE: IF iPhone = Jesus Phone, THEN ...
T_W @ 1/15/2009 9:53:40 AM # Q
Hey, did I sleep through Armageddon or what?

Didn't you see Palm's Q4 earnings report?

RE: IF iPhone = Jesus Phone, THEN ...
SeldomVisitor @ 1/15/2009 10:17:19 AM # Q
No, that was preArmageddon. Wait until the February results are announced...

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Solutions in Hand: No to Pre

mikecane @ 1/15/2009 9:07:21 AM # Q
I emailed Alex Bootman, who has been a Palm dev for quite some time. I own a copy of MiniWrite for PalmOS.

This is the email reply I just got:

I did not write anything for Palm for several years and I am not planning to.

I can publish my source codes if anyone is interested and can take the work over.

Alex Bootman


Ouch! So no MiniWrite for me on Pre!

That is Not Good. I use MiniWrite *daily*.

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The REAL next phone for PalmOS addicts?

mikecane @ 1/15/2009 9:38:10 AM # Q
Dream G2 Shows "Android" with Graffiti Text, Stylus Support (VIDEO)

This looks impressive on the surface. Still unsure about how good that touchscreen is with a stylus and "handwriting input."

Also a bit more "computerish" than I'd like.

It has a Blogger client built-in! Too bad several of the Google items listed - like Notebook - have just been killed!

I wish they'd showed Day View in the Calendar. And some sort of Memos function too.

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Does hands-on mean'hands-on'?

SeldomVisitor @ 1/19/2009 4:36:50 AM # Q
There was a comment elsewhere that the keyboard bends when you type on it. I have zero evidence one way or the other about the truthfulness of that comment.

Did a PiC person HOLD the Pre and type on it sufficiently to notice or not the keyboard bending or the lip around the keyboard or anything else similarly?


RE: Does hands-on mean'hands-on'?
mikecane @ 1/19/2009 10:29:37 AM # Q
I haven't seen such a comment. I think I've seen more than one comment, though, about the rim around the keyboard getting in the way.

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That's the problem with infatuated non-hands-on gushing

SeldomVisitor @ 1/29/2009 7:58:34 AM # Q
It's based on...smoke-n-mirrors?

== "When the Palm Pre hits the streets sometime this year, geeks
== and ordinary mobile users alike will finally get to touch the
== magic, which is great, because we certainly weren't touching
== any magic at CES. We got to look, but Palm was pretty adamant
== about not letting anyone who wasn't a Palm employee get their
== mitts on it. This is understandable, because the demo units
== were clearly more "mock-up" than true "demo."
== A lot—perhaps even the majority—of the Pre's functionality was
== missing or not working reliably, and many features were only
== "working" in the sense of "if I press these three buttons at
== once it triggers a fake incoming SMS from 'Jim Coworker' about
== that party on Friday." But we all went along with it, because
== those mockups were so great to look at. Nonetheless, the whole
== experience left me wondering, "so when this comes out, what are
== we going to realize is wrong with it?..."


RE: That's the problem with infatuated non-hands-on gushing
mikecane @ 1/29/2009 12:11:19 PM # Q
Who HASN'T said that?

It was no more smoke & mirrors than the intro of the iPhone. At least people got to see Pre demos *up close*. At the iPhone intro, *one* was available to drool over, encased in a glass cylinder! And some people actually got to *hold* a Pre - like Pogue and some other websites. Here's the frikkin CAMERA being shown by someone OTHER than a Palm employee:

Jesus, man, get a frikkin grip, willya?

RE: That's the problem with infatuated non-hands-on gushing
freakout @ 1/29/2009 12:49:36 PM # Q
Nice way to cherry-pick your quote, SV. You might also have included the next paragraph, which read

For reasons that I'll outline below, I'd like to suggest that the answer to the above question is a common one for a first-generation (or, in some cases, a second-generation) smartphone product: the battery life will disappoint many users.

So it'll likely face the same problem that every other high-tech gadget in its class faces. SHOCK HORROR!

It's a great article (as usual from Ars), but is not really telling us anything new. When Pre is released in a few months we'll all be able to make our own judgements.

RE: That's the problem with infatuated non-hands-on gushing
hkklife @ 1/29/2009 1:09:00 PM # Q
Tsk-tsk, Mike. Had you paid attention to our scintillating post-CES reports, you'd have noticed SV and I discussing the cool upside-down portrait mode as well as the snappy accelerometer on the Pre.

Photo uploading/integration was briefly touched upon at CES but I didn't see any examples of it, so I assume that's a feature still in the works. Well, I can upload from my rotten old 755p straight to Flickr, Picasa, & Facebook via SplashPhoto 5, so I'd HOPE the Pre was capable of such a feat as well!

Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?

RE: That's the problem with infatuated non-hands-on gushing
SeldomVisitor @ 1/29/2009 1:09:53 PM # Q
I noted the first two paragraphs because they support what I've been saying since the presentation - it was smoke-n-mirrors and a LOT of UI stuff.

And a BUNCH of folks fell for it, gushing the entire time.

> ...It's a great article (as usual from Ars)...

Yes, it was, and the paragraph YOU quoted is about the article itself, not the lead off, and says "Uh...that power consumption is gonna be ... interesting ..."

But, as always, I provided a link to the article so Gushers like yourself and that other guy up above who is not-ignoringly ignoring me (*) can go read the whole thing yourself.


(*) THIS:


is ignoring someone!? HA HA HA! (that's MORE than a giggle!)

RE: That's the problem with infatuated non-hands-on gushing
freakout @ 1/29/2009 1:24:48 PM # Q
You're like a human version of haemmeroids, SV: you'd like to forget about them but they're just too damn aggravating.
RE: That's the problem with infatuated non-hands-on gushing
mikecane @ 1/29/2009 4:23:07 PM # Q
The guy is such a fekkin eejit who gets worse by the day. And Ars should be ashamed of that article. Who knew they'd sink to Dvorak?

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Can someone point me to a video of Synergy in action?

SeldomVisitor @ 2/10/2009 6:50:35 AM # Q
In particular, doing something like changing a site such as Facebook and seeing the change reflected on the Pre?

Or changing a contact on the Pre and seeing the change reflected on Facebook (and others?). know...ANY such multi-site data manipulation being done via a single-site change.

Thanks in advance.

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