Palm Joins Adobe Flash Project for Palm Pre webOS Flash Support

Adobe Flash WebOSAt the GSMA Mobile World Congress, Adobe today announced Palm is joining the Open Screen Project – a broad industry initiative dedicated to enabling standalone applications and full web browsing across televisions, desktops and mobile devices taking advantage of Adobe Flash Platform capabilities.

The press release states:

"The work of the Open Screen Project will help deliver Adobe Flash Player for smartphones on the new Palm webOS platform. The unique capabilities of the web-centric Palm webOS, combined with Flash Player, will enable webOS device users to benefit from the huge amount of Flash based web content for a richer, more complete Internet experience.

"We're excited that our customers will benefit from the creativity and broad range of Flash content and applications created by the millions of designers and developers using Adobe's popular tools and technologies," said Pam Deziel, vice president, software product management, Palm, Inc.

"As an industry innovator Palm will be an important contributor to the Open Screen Project," said Michele Turner, vice president for Product Marketing, Flash Platform Business Unit at Adobe. "We're aiming to bring a rich, Flash technology-enabled browsing experience to Palm's impressive web browser."

About the Open Screen Project

Led by Adobe, the Open Screen Project includes industry leaders working together to provide a consistent runtime environment and user experience across mobile phones, desktops, and other consumer electronics devices. The initiative addresses the challenges of web browsing on a broad range of devices, and removes the barriers to publishing content and applications seamlessly across screens.

Flash Player for smartphones is expected to be available to handset manufacturers at the end of 2009.

Thanks to Engadget for the tip.

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Not expected until 2010?

SeldomVisitor @ 2/16/2009 5:27:49 AM # Q
Wow - I would have thought Adobe (this has nothing to do with Palm) could have gotten something out faster than that - didn't realize Flash was so...complex/large/ couldn't be ported quickly.

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Aha! So C apps can be ported to the Pre

lobotomic @ 2/17/2009 2:47:28 AM # Q
I don't know for how long will Palm restrict programmers to using Javascript, but I don't think it will be too long.

Quite likely they have no IDE ready, and developing C++ webOS apps with Eclipse/CDT is far from comfortable, but it may be done. The presence of DataViz raises suspicions, as D2G is clearly their most valuable body of code, but the future availability of Flash nails it.

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No, thanks.

pmjoe @ 2/17/2009 3:49:51 AM # Q
That's what Palm should have said. "Open" and Flash is an oxymoron. The iPhone is doing perfectly fine without it. Flash has never made my Internet experience "richer" or "more complete". The best way to address the "challenges of web browsing on a broad range of devices, and remov[ing] the barriers to publishing content and applications seamlessly across screens" is to use other technologies.

RE: No, thanks. Maybe that's what they ACTUALLY said.
SeldomVisitor @ 2/17/2009 12:52:00 PM # Q
Did you check Palm's latest comments about that Flash PR-Fluff?

== "...On Monday, Adobe said it was helping to develop Flash Player 10
== for the Pre. Deziel clarified that Flash Player is "Adobe's technology,"
== and that Adobe is doing much of the programming, though Adobe seems to
== have access to an API for browser plug-ins that isn't part of Mojo and
== that most developers can't get access to.
== "We don't have a large effort behind [developing browser plugins] at
== this point," she said..."


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