Mojo SDK Early Access Program Announced
Palm has just announced a new "early access program" for its Mojo SDK via its Developer Network blog. Admission to the program is by application for early access to the development tools for building WebOS applications. The program is being billed as an opportunity for developers to test-drive and provide feedback on the Mojo SDK prior to its public release.
Palm says they will initially admit a small group of developers they choose to start and plan to gradually increase the size of the program as the tools mature. The program will continue until the SDK is officially released to the public, at which point any developer will be free to download the SDK. Just like the Pre's release date, Palm has not yet stated when they expect this to be available.
"Developers are an incredibly important part of the webOS ecosystem, and we're eager to get the SDK into their hands," said Michael Abbott, senior vice president, Application Software and Services, Palm, Inc. "Now that the SDK will be available to a broader base of developers, we think the enthusiasm for webOS will only grow and accelerate. We're very excited to work with developers to make this unique development environment even better."
"webOS makes mobile application development incredibly easy - we were able to get a version of Pandora running in no time," said Tom Conrad, chief technology officer, Pandora. "And because webOS has true multitasking capabilities, Pandora runs elegantly in the background while you're using other applications. The unobtrusive notification bar lets you know what's currently playing, and allows you to pause and play without having to go back into the application. It's an incredibly powerful and flexible platform."
Interested developers can find more info in this blog post and FAQ page, and can submit their application here.
Article Comments
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RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
Yet apparently it's ready enough that not only can highly impressive-looking third party apps be publicly demoed, but more developers are being invited to join the party too.
Koolaid? Enough with the cliches already. You're the one determined to put a spin on everything. You're on a friggin' Koolaid IV-drip, Seldom, except it's full of negativity and dismissive poo-pooing.
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
>party apps be publicly demoed, but more developers are being invited to join the
>party too
Hope the koolaid tastes great freak!
At this late date, a limited release of the SDK to cherry picked developers indicates that the "SDK" and associated tools are a bit flaky and subject to change, so they don't want it widely available (yet).
I thought the Pre was supposed to be a break with the past?
Now we hear about this POS emulator intended to assure users who won't see native apps for quite a while that their investment in POS apps. won't be lost.
A good idea to be sure, but somewhat hypocritical. Pre - the phone of the future - it has no native apps. yet, but watch how quickly it runs bejeweled from 2003!
I guess with the economy crapping out they needed something more to make the device compelling to users.
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
enjoy running that pos emulator while waiting for native - oops, i mean web apps!
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
Change of heart?
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
If they have, then they would have no recourse but to sue.
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
We can't all be like you (thank God) - stubborn and consistent to the end.
Remember all of your inane iphone bashing? I recall your thoughts that html and javascript weren't an SDK. I guess they aren't until Palm adopts that model! Sure sounds like a change of heart on your part...
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
In that first post I may have made a fairly significant mistake, however; what Palm has said amounts to saying "The SDK/Mojo framework is still in alpha so we need a few more testers to bring it to beta level".
The "developers" being exposed to this, of course, are "testers".
Is this significant?
In fact, it is as Colligan said it would be:
== "...we will do kind of a private release of the SDK, maybe an
== open beta release at some point, and then really have a full
== release of the SDK at some point for all developers to take
== advantage of it..."
So all YOU guys went ga-ga over a "private, pre-beta, release of the SDK".
How about that PalmOS emulator?
That's not =Palm=!!
That's a third-party extra-cost emulator that Colligan said would be coming since January 9th.
Gosh. THAT'S worth at least a whole bunch of "Kowabungas!!!"...not.
What esle WAS there?
Oh - this - a demonstration of the lack of recognition of standard finger gestures...a-GAIN:
That lack of recognition of standard finger gestures WILL come back and haunt Palm, BTW.
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
Relax. It really is going to be ok.
Disclaimer: I am employed by Palm, Inc.
(or not)
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
RE: You have swallowed the koolaid
Disclaimer: I am employed by Palm, Inc.
(or not)
Grumpy Old Men
Here's an idea: don't get a Pre and do get a life.
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You have swallowed the koolaid
Enough with spouting the Party Line.
Palm said they were going to "early release" to a "limited" set of "developers" the SDK/Mojo framework until "the tools mature."
Now let's say it again, throwing out the Marketspeak which you have swallowed AND echoed Me-Too Media-like just as Palm wanted:
== "We need some more betatesters for
== the SDK/MOJO framework so are opening
== up the betatest program to a few more testers. The SDK
== won't be more widely available until
== it becomes more usable."