WebOS Doctor Tool Reveals Eos, Upcoming Features
Word that a Palm support application for restoring image files on the Palm Pre, called webOS Doctor, has been publicly released has sent the forum folks at PreCentral into overdrive as they comb the tool and code for hints to upcoming features and devices. Some interesting nuggets and hints of potential new features and devices have been spotted within the 200 MB ROM file.
Most notably, PreCentral reports that there are multiple references to a "pixie" device, which is widely thought to be the code name for the leaked Palm Eos smartphone. MSN and AOL icons have also been found within the webOS rom image. Speculation is rife that these could be included as potential forthcoming Synergy supported services.
Developer Mode Code
Another interesting discovery is a webOS developer mode. By entering a special code, the Konami Code no less, you can put the Pre (or presumably any webOS device) into a special developer services mode.
To enter this mode simply type in "upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart" at the launcher screen. The device will then alert you and ask if you would like to reset the device in order to enable "Developer Mode." Engadget has a video of this in action. At this time its not clear exactly what this entails.
Thanks to engadget for the tip.
Article Comments
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RE: Now the fun begins and...
Come back to the article and find two comments had been made during coffeetime...with the same Subject words...started by freakout.
Great minds think alike.
Now the real fun begins and...
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: Now the real fun begins and...
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: Now the real fun begins and...
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: Now the real fun begins and...
Wow, this is getting really deep.
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
Malware alert!
RE: Malware alert!
That is to say, essentially all Pre applications including all PIM functions.
RE: Malware alert!
RE: Malware alert!
RE: Malware alert!
It will be no time at all before the Pre is completely "jailbroken". Already, of course and as noted somewhere or other, folks are writing and running applications (probably Javascript still) that bypassed Palm's theoretical certification process completely.
Since Palm's intent was that almost all applications on the Pre be pure Javascript it will be no time at ll that all such applications are open-sourced.
RE: Malware alert!
Fixing security holes is not the same thing as closing exploited security holes. What makes you think that open-source source code would have more bugs or holes than closed-source source code? The same flaws would be there in binaries and there exist tools that can decompile binary code.
Nobody who takes programming seriously would make an assertion that open or closed source strategies are inherently more or less secure, or that any sufficiently complex OS or program is truely free of bugs and security holes.
RE: Malware alert!
SeldomVisitor wrote:
That is to say, open source doesn't stop the badguys - doesn't even appear to slow them down.
So, how many "bad guys" had taken advantage of that vulnerability before the patch was released?
The advantage of opensource is that a whole lot of "good guys" are looking at the code as well and finding the vulnerabilities before they are exploited. No "guarantee" of course, but I prefer it to the typical method of waiting until one of the "bad guys" has actually started using the vulnerability before a patch is released.
WebOS is not supposed to be opensource, so I am in no way suggesting Palm has any advantage here.
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: Malware alert!
alanh, point taken.
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: Malware alert!
twrock wrote:
SeldomVisitor wrote:
That is to say, open source doesn't stop the badguys - doesn't even appear to slow them down.
So, how many "bad guys" had taken advantage of that vulnerability before the patch was released?The advantage of opensource is that a whole lot of "good guys" are looking at the code as well and finding the vulnerabilities before they are exploited. No "guarantee" of course, but I prefer it to the typical method of waiting until one of the "bad guys" has actually started using the vulnerability before a patch is released.
I think you're partially right. Open source certainly allows the code to be patched faster than closed source can be. In that sense, it accelerates the speed of the arms race between "black hats" (to differentiate them from "hackers") and developers. On the other hand, it's an open question (no pun intended) just how many people are manning the walls, so to speak. If most people who install open source software never actually look at it, it doesn't make much of a difference.
I'm certainly not saying that's the case. All I'm saying is that how much of an advantage open source software is over closed source software (in terms of security) isn't a simple question of how many people have access to the code. And I think the more that Linux is adopted, the more that'll matter.
RE: Malware alert!
I was probably a little too broad in my implication. Yes, it's very hard to assess just how far that potential advantage goes. However, I really think it's disingenuous to suggest that because we are getting patches regularly, it's an indication of something inherently weak in the system. There is plenty of weakness in closed systems that you only find out about because they've already started to use the holes to compromise computers. How can someone legitimately criticize opensource for finding the exploits themselves and patching the system quickly?
Hey Palm! Where's my PDA with Wifi and phone capabilities?
RE: Malware alert!
RE: Malware alert!
webOS is not supposed to be open source. And that Palm hasn't commented on this leak - and I said they should, via Twitter - really makes me shake my head about WTF is really going on here.
Is it a true leak? Or it is a deliberate leak to keep buzz going and give people a peek at the innards prior to the SDK?
RE: Malware alert!
mikecane wrote:
>>>Blah, you people are the same ones who think Windows is more secure than Linux just because it's proprietary/closed source. Open Source Software (webOS's Linux foundation is GPL) is inherently more secure than closed source since vulnerabilities and fixes can be vetted by the community.webOS is not supposed to be open source. And that Palm hasn't commented on this leak - and I said they should, via Twitter - really makes me shake my head about WTF is really going on here.
Is it a true leak? Or it is a deliberate leak to keep buzz going and give people a peek at the innards prior to the SDK?
I don't know for sure that it's a "true" leak, but WebOS is based on Linux, so I doubt that people seeing the code is something Palm loses sleep over. There are few better ways to boost their app store than to have a bunch of Linux apps ported over to WebOS.
It's kind of a double-edged sword, though. Knowing how to root your Pre and get it to do all kinds of nefarious things? Pretty cool. :) Someone else knowing how to root your Pre and do all kiinds of nefarious things? Um, not so much...
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now the real fun begins
also, it's hilarious that Forbidden Scary Tethering may wind up cracked within a week of release. Why did Spring even bother trying?