Palm Details WebOS System Updates
Palm has published an interesting document which explains how webOS system updates will work. The support document explains the update process and installation procedures in detail.
In a nutshell, the Pre will check for system updates in the background every 7 days. If one is found, it downloads in the background when connected to a Wi-Fi network or are within high speed data (EVDO) coverage. Once the download is complete the update must install within 7 days when the battery level is above 30%, otherwise the device will continually prompt the user to install and after the fourth alert the system will basically install on its own.
The document is an interesting read and sheds some light on the webOS over the air update process. It is interesting to note that at this point it appears users will have no choice but to install system updates when they become available.
Of course, the same process can also be performed manually by checking the "Updates" application.
Article Comments
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RE: Forces you?
un-update not up-update
peoplep -> people
aheadm -> ahead
The Shadow knows!
RE: Forces you?
So it's sorta like:
== "You VILL update or you VILL be taken offline!"
RE: Forces you?
Hopefully Palm doesn't follow in those footsteps. A bricked phone is way worse than a bricked entertainment device.
RE: Forces you?
I imagine an automatic background download on a PHONE is a potential source of similar performance issues (and chewing up bandwidth). Sure hope there are at least SOME configuration options available such as 'only download over WiFi' or 'Prompt before download'
RE: Forces you?
As for the rest of us, we'll find a way around it easily enough if for some reason we want to keep running old firmwares.
RE: Forces you?
Coming soon - iTunes patches?
"Apple designs the hardware and software to provide seamless integration of the iPhone and iPod with iTunes, the iTunes Store, and tens of thousands of apps on the App Store. Apple is aware that some third-parties claim that their digital media players are able to sync with Apple software. However, Apple does not provide support for, or test for compatibility with, non-Apple digital media players and, because software changes over time, newer versions of Apple's iTunes software may no longer provide syncing functionality with non-Apple digital media players."
RE: Forces you?
As all the hackers have been discovering, the Doc fixes bricked Pres like magic.
Auto updates = good thing.
RE: Forces you?
But it's hard for me to see what the big deal is about automatic updates, anyway. Every modern OS has them. It's a little draconian that Palm require that you update, but a) not all updates in Windows are optional either, and b) not even all Linux systems let you pick and choose. My Tivo (Series 2) does the same thing. I can put off an update, but I can't stop one, without doing some major hacking (which would be a lot harder to do on a DVR than it would be on a phone).
Security Hole?
Pat Horne
Benefits out way the negatives
The only thing is Palms reputation for not actually making any updates. If this is the case I predict a huge backlash from customers. Apple has demonstrated that it is very doable to create and install updates and feature enhancements. I expect Palm to do the same as they should.
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Forces you?
If it actually forces an update upon the user, that could be risky; what if theres a problem with the update?
Question: Anyone know what frequency users update things like firmware, if its relatively easy and reliable? With the iphone, itunes will prompt you; do most people just say 'sure, go aheadm, right now' or do they wait a few days to see how it worked for everyone else?
The Shadow knows!