Flash Beta Due on WebOS in October

Adobe Flash WebOSEarlier this year Palm announced that they had jointed Adobe's Open Screen Project. The project's aim is to bring the Adobe Flash platform to smartphones and mobile devices.

Last week during their earnings call, Adobe Systems CEO Shantanu Neayen revealed that a beta of the Flash Player 10 for smartphone-class devices will be available at their MAX developer conference in October. You can catch the quote and presentation here, the smartphone news is talked about on slide 13.

Flash WebOS Palm

Thanks to Engadget for the tip.

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TheRealTrueLuck3 @ 6/23/2009 1:02:12 PM # Q
That seems like a really long time to wait for Flash. I wouldn't care if I didn't start realizing that every page I seem to go to requires flash.
RE: October??
DarthRepublican @ 6/23/2009 1:23:56 PM # Q
I'm typing this on a netbook and I often find myself surrounded by ever more intrusive Flash ads which I find incredibly annoying. For me the number one use of Flash is for web video (Flash games are cute but rarely compelling) and webOS can already handle (Youtube) web video. I would settle - actually I would prefer it if instead of supporting every single feature of Flash that they just improved the Pre's ability to detect and play embedded Flash video from a variety of sites. This would be more than enough for me for now.
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RE: October??
SeldomVisitor @ 6/23/2009 1:47:11 PM # Q
You will have to wait considerably longer than October - that's the estimated timeframe for a BETA version.

Good luck with that!

RE: October??
freakout @ 6/23/2009 4:19:35 PM # Q
DarthRepublican, I agree. Flash is more often a blight on the Internet than anything else. I pray for a webOS version of Flashblock, or something similar. I don't know how I ever lived without it.
RE: October??
bhartman34 @ 6/23/2009 5:12:35 PM # Q
SeldomVisitor wrote:
You will have to wait considerably longer than October - that's the estimated timeframe for a BETA version.

Good luck with that!

That depends. Is it in "beta" the way Google or Mozilla does a beta, or is it in "beta" the way Microsoft releases "betas"? There's a big difference.

Some companies use "beta" to mean it's a work in progress that's being refined (hence, the ability to add Google Labs projects to your Google wares). Others use "beta" to mean "If it eats your dog and kills your children, don't come crying to us."

I can't remember ever using an Adobe beta product, so I can't judge, but any better implementation of Flash would be a step in the right direction, compared to current cell phone offerings.

RE: October??
2klbs @ 6/23/2009 5:34:48 PM # M Q
It's a beta across multiple platforms (sans safari/iPhone). Likely will some version of wide release depsite beta status.
RE: October??
jca666us @ 6/23/2009 6:03:08 PM # M Q

a blight? man are you dramatic.

RE: October??
bhartman34 @ 6/23/2009 8:50:29 PM # Q
jca666us wrote:
a blight? man are you dramatic.

Flash, in most cases, is about as much of a blight as an Internet technology can be.

Think of how much more pleasant browsing the Internet would be if 90% of it wasn't polluted with animated, blinking, and sometimes blaring ads.

And arguably worse is the fact that so many Web interfaces depend on Flash now.

RE: October??
jca666us @ 6/23/2009 9:06:16 PM # Q
However flash does have advantages - in that you can reasonably accomplish alot with flash and have very optimal file download sizes.
RE: October??
CFreymarc @ 6/24/2009 12:16:10 AM # Q
I guess coming to terms on the license took longer than expected. Typical with Adobe. Wonder if they will do the source code port internal or farm it out?
RE: October??
zuhmir @ 6/24/2009 5:27:52 AM # Q
There are at least two open source flash compatible solutions for Linux. My bet is we will see one or both of them on the Pre long before the Adobe flash is released.
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ads are so 2006

analogue wings @ 6/24/2009 1:59:26 AM # Q
blight? intrusive ads? have none of you heard of adblock? that's a firefox plugin by the way.

the only flash i ever see is "good" flash. I've pretty much forgotten what browsing was like without adblock
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RE: ads are so 2006
SeldomVisitor @ 6/24/2009 3:05:51 AM # Q
Me, too - REALLY good stuff.

RE: ads are so 2006
rmhurdman @ 6/24/2009 10:41:52 AM # Q
I also recommend adblock. And since _blocking_ flash is so important, why are we supposed to eagerly await it's inclusion in webOS?
RE: ads are so 2006
DarthRepublican @ 6/24/2009 11:44:30 AM # Q
Actually with Firefox, I like NoScript which blocks the more intrusive ads by blocking Javascript. But I usually prefer to run Chrome on my netbook because it's so much faster than Firefox with all of the extensions I like to load on it. As a result, I find myself dealing with a lot of intrusive ads jumping around, demanding my attention, and sometimes even blocking the information I'm looking for (Salon and the Weather Channel are particularly bad in this regard) when I'm out and about.
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RE: ads are so 2006
bhartman34 @ 6/25/2009 7:21:31 AM # Q
analogue wings wrote:
blight? intrusive ads? have none of you heard of adblock? that's a firefox plugin by the way.

the only flash i ever see is "good" flash. I've pretty much forgotten what browsing was like without adblock

Adblock and NoScript are besides the point, I think. They simply take Flash out of the way. If Flash wasn't a blight, they wouldn't be needed.

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