New Palm Pre Commercial Hits the Airwaves
In the past week or so Palm has begun running a new television commercial for the Pre on major networks in the US. This second ad from Palm features the same woman from the previous Chinese dancing ad, however instead of meditating on a rock, the woman speaks directly into the camera while showing only a quick glimpse of the Pre. You can catch the video embed after the break.
The new ad, titled "Go with the flow", has received a good deal of negative and confused reactions online. Numerous forum members have called the spot creepy, while others say that it plays more like a pharmaceutical commercial.
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RE: nice ad
What a piece of crap ad - definitely could pass for a Prozac or PMS commercial.
Palm - Pharmaceutical company
m105 -> NX70v -> NX80v -> iPhone -> iPhone 3G
It's a nice ad...
bizarrely, pervasively creepy
RE: bizarrely, pervasively creepy
I owner what the brand retention is - an hour later, does the target remember what product the ad was about.
(*) Well...yes...that DOES mean it's a useless ad.
But the ad itself was fine!
RE: bizarrely, pervasively creepy
I have NO idea how my fingers put down "owner" instead of "wonder" and how my synapses accepted it!
RE: bizarrely, pervasively creepy
Gekko wrote:
agreed. it's an awful ad, but so is the device.
I noticed yesterday that you'd gotten yourself banned from Precentral, Lizard-man. i'm guessing it was such delightfully subtle criticisms like this? :P
RE: bizarrely, pervasively creepy
a bunch of bible-thumper fanboy nerds run that site.
they thought I was some friggin jerk. they treated me like shiit. now i gotta turn my back on them.
RE: bizarrely, pervasively creepy
RE: bizarrely, pervasively creepy
it was Goodfellas. Big Paulie Cicero.
shame on you all!!!!!!!!!
Not the best imaging
People want to be in control of their lives and not hitting a "buy" button on a handheld device endlessly running up their credit card. I'd love to know where in the heck they came up with their demographics and survey information on this.
My sympathy goes out to the dozens of engineers who worked their butts off making this happen only to have some product planning / industrial designer type who never picked up a soldering iron or wrote a line of code to package it as a wimp.
Song used in the ad
Freur was an artsy English synthpop-funk-rock band active in 83-85. They were originally identified by an unpronouncable squiggle (long before Prince). Freur released two albums to little fanfare but this song was a minor hit in several countries and has sort of taken on cult status in recent years. More significantly, the band reinvented itself as Underworld in the late 80s, playing more accessible funk synth-rock with a tab of techno flavor (but still found little success after 2 albums) before disbanding once again. Rick Smith and Karl Hyde left the other members behind, reshaping their sound again in 1992-93 to great critical and commercial success (appearing on the Trainspotting & Beach soundtracks etc). They have been active ever since as a duo or a trio but refuse to comment on their 80s legacy, much less perform this or any other material.
Doot Doot also appeared in the 2001 Tom Cruise film Vanilla Sky in the last part of the film during the rooftop sequence (which had a similar vibe to this commercial). The song was not included on the soundtrack, unfortunately, but that film did a lot to bring Freur's work back into the spotlight. Great song, though. I've been a Freur/Underworld fan for years in all of their various incarnations.
Pic of the band:
Full video of the song:
And despite the 80s camp, it's STILL not as bad as this gem:
Pilot 1000->Pilot 5000->PalmPilot Pro->IIIe->Vx->m505->T|T->T|T2->T|C->T|T3->T|T5->Zodiac 2->TX->Verizon Treo 700P->Verizon Treo 755p->?
RE: Song used in the ad
Doot Doot? should be called Doo Doo - the band - the song - the phone - the commercial - and the schmo who green-lighted it.
Not for you
In short, I had always believed that the world involved magic: now I thought that perhaps it involved a magician.
- Chesterton
RE: Not for you
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nice ad