Palm Pre Rumored to Hit O2 Oct 30th
Unsubstantiated rumors are spreading that the Palm Pre will see a release date of October 30th on the O2 network in the UK. Until now the company has only acknowledged that the smartphone will be available "in time for the holidays." O2/Movistar is also slated to offer the Pre in Ireland, Germany and Spain.
The source of this rumor appears to be an anonymous O2 employee, according to the UK site TechRadar. The site notes that the date occurs on a Friday, which is the traditional day of the week that O2 likes to release more high profile phones.
Article Comments
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RE: GSM Hacked?
support frequencies?
RE: support frequencies?
Page says that O2 uses 900mhz, 1800mhz and 2100mhz bands. AT&T uses 850/1900mhz so you may be screwed.
Although - the 680 & Centro were quad-band and supported 850/900/1800/1900mhz so you were pretty much covered wherever.
RE: support frequencies?
Pat Horne
RE: support frequencies?
OT: Gartner just updated the Hype Cycle
Gartner just updated the Hype Cycle for 2009. It predicts a big backlash coming for e-Book readers, microblogging and cloud computing.
RE: OT: Gartner just updated the Hype Cycle
RE: OT: Gartner just updated the Hype Cycle
Gartner bases it on Hype. While I give the frikkin *reasons*: -- which was written days *before* Gartner published.
So, Gekko, did you see SHARK TANK on ABC? If not, go to ABC and stream it.
RE: OT: Gartner just updated the Hype Cycle
no. my life is a shark tank and i don't watch network tv.
RE: OT: Gartner just updated the Hype Cycle
O2 has the worst 3G coverage in UK
Turns out it's not just me. The recent Ofcom report said that O2 had the worst 3G coverage in UK. Not good for a cloud device.
Why do Palm have to do these deals with one carrier? They have just lost my money.
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GSM Hacked?
Pat Horne