Official Fix for Unlocked Pre SIM Issue En Route
Finally, international buyers of the unlocked German Palm Pre can rest easy: Palm are working on a fix for those nagging SIM incompatibility issues. Director of Product PR Leslie Letts has provided PIC with a translation of O2 Germany's FAQ on the issue. The money quote:
Palm is working on a fix to support the entry of APN by the user. This update will be automatically be installed on the device. After that, you will have the possibilty to enter the APN data yourself.
The full FAQ is posted after the break.
- Q: Does the Pre has a SIM or Net Lock?
A: No. - Q: Can I use the Pre with other carriers than o2?
A: The Palm Pre can be used with every Postpaid contract in Germany, T-Mobile, Vodafone and E-Plus. The data (APN, usernames and passwords) are pre-configured. Also the most important Postpaid contract based data from foreign countries are pre-configured, but o2 can not garantee the proper function. - Q: Can also pre-paid customers use the Palm Pre?
A: Prepaid customers from T-Mobile, Vodafone and E-Plus and others can only use the Pre, if the acess data (APN, usernames and passwords) is the same as the postpaid data. Futher the use has to check, if the carrier offers data services. The device can only be used with an active data connection. - Tip: Palm is working on a fix to support the entry of APN by the user. This update will be automatically be installed on the device. After that, you will have the possibilty to enter the APN data yourself.
To be able to receive this update, you have to activiate the device once, with a postpaid SIM card of your carrier or o2.
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RE: hen - egg problem?
*If you're Linux and hack-savvy, use the WebOS Internals Meta-Doctor to enable activation via wi-fi.
*Have it activated at the O2 store prior to purchase.
*Get a SIM card for O2 or other known compatible carrier (cheap as chips, really) and use that to activate, then discard.
*Download the official webOS Doctor from Palm's website, and use that to update instead of doing it OTA.
*Buy one later on, that has the update pre-installed. Heh.
The hazards of being an early adopter, I guess.
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RE: hen - egg problem?
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