Save Space with a Half Keyboard

An interesting new idea for text input is the Half Keyboard for Palm, which is exactly what it sounds like. You type the left hand keys normally and you hold the spacebar down to switch the keys to the right hand ones. Both sets are labeled on the keys. You can enter text with one hand while drawing diagrams with the other. It isn't much bigger than the Palm itself, and will be available next year for US$99.

Their site claims it is easy to learn. "Most touch typists can learn it after only a minute or two of experimentation." If you'd like to give it a try, there is a demo available on their site for either Mac or PC.

They are working on a wearable version, too.

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I.M. Anonymous @ 8/15/2000 6:40:56 PM #
seems that the thinkoutside foldable keyboard is a better idea, without any weird gimmicks for typing.


Paul P. @ 8/16/2000 2:35:48 PM #
1/2 of a keyboard for $99?!?
This is the most ridiculous thing since the suggestion that I've been brainwashed by Palm.

I just feel sorry for the people who invested time and money into this hairbrained idea.

NoahBody @ 8/17/2000 12:37:47 AM #
The only thing more ridiculous would be a wearable version...... OH! they are working on that!
Ed @ 8/17/2000 1:24:53 PM #
When I started to read about this, I thought it was a good idea. Most of the parts are probably over the counter so I assumed it would be pretty cheap to make. Then I found out they were going to charge $99 and I decided they were smoking crack. Compared to a GoType or folding keyboard, this is just too much money. If they can't make it for less than $50, they shouldn't even try.
Palm InfoCenter

Not for me

Slow Type @ 8/16/2000 10:44:51 PM #
I have trouble with a normal keyboard. I think I will stick with Graffiti.

seem funny !

kim @ 8/17/2000 12:40:59 PM #
but expensive !

$99 ?

dave @ 8/18/2000 10:54:40 AM #
half keyboard should only deserve half of the price of a regular full size foldable keyboard!!

No sense product

fbarcelo @ 8/22/2000 12:34:02 AM #
A palm with a smaller screen, a keyboard with half letters. What is the next stupid idea? A palm without memory?


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