Has Palm Brainwashed You?
In a recent CNET interview, Ben Waldman, the vice president of Microsoft's mobile devices group, accused Palm of brainwashing people so that they didn't notice that Palm's "Keep it Simple" philosophy is really just a ploy to allow Palm to sell handhelds without a lot of function. As he put it, "the definition of simple just happens to equal the capabilities they want to put in their device."
Do you agree with this? Has Palm tricked you into buying a handheld that is under powered? Would the Palm platform be improved by adding a lot more features and CPU power? Your comments are welcome.
This related Wall Street Journal article talks about Palm's work competing with Microsoft.
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RE: Has Palm Brainwashed You?
Boy, am I glad that my brother-in-law (a doctor who routinely uses Epocrates) convinced me to join the ranks of the millions of proud Palm users out there! If I wanted an MP3 player, I would have bought a dedicated MP3 player.
The PocketPC may be more sophisticated hardware wise compared to the Palm IIIc, but in the end it's what the end user really wants that matters, not what Microsoft thinks what the user really wants.
RE: Has Palm Brainwashed You?
I like the latest gadgets as well ..... when they're useful. Why would you want to haul around a bunch of add-on modules? Are you going to try storing your modules in the pockets of your jeans? ..... good luck finding a comfortable position to sit in. Better yet, carry an extra bag for storing them? Technology is suppose to enable us to work and play smarter, not harder ...... it's suppose to make our lives simpler, not even more cumbersome. Do you actually use your pda the way it's meant to be used? ....... as an extension of your life. If you do, then why would you put it in harms way by ..... lets see ..... banging it around at the gym while using it as an MP3 player. I can't count the times I've seen people (yes, even myself) accidentally dropping their MP3 players, mini disc players, etc. while at the gym or commuting via public transportation. I have an expensive mini disc player and MP3 player ...... these products are made to be rugged ..... your pda isn't. In addition, have you seen the prices of the add-on's? For the cost of an MP3 module, you can buy a top-of-the-line Sony, Sharp, etc. MP3 player or mini disc player (beautiful looking gadgets that turn heads ...... not to mention they’re made to withstand rough treatment). I guess what I'm trying to say is ..... being a gadget -happy kinda guy can be fun when you spend your money wisely by purchasing products you can see yourself enjoying and find useful for at least a year from the purchase date. When I say useful, I mean its intended use ...... not as an expensive bookend or a paperweight. In the end, you'll be known as a wise man with the latest gadgets ...... not a fool with yesterday’s fad. That's my two cents ..... not that you asked for it ....... he he he.
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Define "Simple"
RE: brainwashed
Anyway, Microsoft must really be desperate to be playing the "brainwashing" card. :) "Keeping it simple" may what makes Palm successful, but it's not what's making Microsoft unsuccessful. I won't buy a PocketPC, not because they aren't simple but because they are:
1. too crashy and unstable
2. too bulky and heavy
3. irritating to use (poor design)
4. expensive
5. they have poor battery life
6. they don't run any of my Palm apps.
(#6 is only a minor issue.)
Every time they come out with one of these contraptions, it flops miserably and Microsoft can be heard saying "We'll get it right next time!" as they skulk back to the drawing board with their tails between their legs. And each time, they come back a year later with the SAME product. It's as if they think that if they market it right, maybe people will buy it this time.
I think Microsoft is just mad because THEIR brainwashing isn't working out.
I've seen the light!
RE: I've seen the light!
Palm Delivers Value
Feature glut - not for me
Golly, I guess they're right.
Thank you for showing me the real light Microsoft!
More features for Palm OS
For starters, I would appreciate a world time clock, financial calculator, and spreadsheet built-in. How about a simple database to go along with it and a simple sketch programme.
There are so many quality sharewares available in the market. Why does Palm not choose some of them to include it in the OS?
Let's keep it simple, but do not skim the features. Palm can add all those useful stuff and still keep it simple.
My advise to Palm is not to wait for the competition to force them into it.
RE: More features for Palm OS
RE: More features for Palm OS
RE: More features for Palm OS
However, *I*, personally, don't want a spreadsheet (and yet my Dad does). So, I DONT pay for it, he DOES. We're all happy!
I have a non-flash Palm with Graffiti & Expense in the ROM- I can never delete them, but I don't use them. Now THAT's irritating....
RE: More features for Palm OS
I think it's nice to have extra software bundled with the Palm OS. It can only enhance the users experince... it goes back to is MS forcing the world to use IE, or to the end users have enough common sence to keep using what they've always liked before. I think it's better to give the end user something to start off with then , making them search for things they don't know where to begin .. Besides if Palm did bundle software, there will always be something better for the end user to buy if they wanted.. Though to place programs in the ROM, I admit is just a bad idea...
It will be interseting, despite what anyone says, to see what Palm will do over the next couple of years.. if they keep their ground or move on.. in contrary to what everyone here says..
RE: More features for Palm OS
Who's doing the brainwashing, eh?
Just who's doing the brainwashing, eh? Not everyone needs to play MP3s at 5Meg a pop on a measly 32Mb device, despite what the marketroids from MS want us to think. I want my PDA to work without crashing, and my Palm Vx fits the bill perfectly, unlike my earlier HP 360LX/620LX with a Pocket IE that was unusable for browsing HTML. In contrast, my 20Mhz Vx with Avantgo reads Slashdot.org beautifully without so much as a hiccup.
If you want a bloated, not-quite-Windows-not-quite-an-embedded-OS funny bird OS, then CE might be for you.
But poke it with a stick and you'll see how fragile the entire piece of crap is. And WinCE software!!
Rare by definition, that.
PalmOS could do with more features, yes. We all want the earth. But these are "wants", not "musts". But there are some of us consciously choosing the right combination of size, power and functionality given the constraints of the current state-of-the-art. What MS fails to understand is the few sweet spots that exist in devices like PDAs - which Palm has well covered.
Instead of producing bulky, overpriced PPCs running similarly bulky OSes to no apparent benefit & with no upgrade path (remember Everex, Nino et al.), why not ditch that abortion of an OS called WinCE and use a proper embedded OS instead? A decent IP stack would be good start. I've had enough of being MS's guinea pig on their abortive attempts at producing a decent OS for a PDA - there's just too much WinCE roadkill lying around.
There's something new buyers should be aware about.
Will your PocketPC be roadkill like the rest? And just how often are you going to wait for that ridiculous movie to sync just so that you can fill up all your PDA's RAM for 6 seconds worth of playback? Jeez.
RE: Who's doing the brainwashing, eh?
I wholeheartedly agree!!!!!!
Thank you for your clarity of thought, please sell some of your dna to microsoft, so their droidployees can be genetically enhanced with some logic and reason.
Features OK, but the price?
However, I just looked at the toys that are going to be available this winter for Christmas. Not one of them retailed for over $150. Most all of them had RF communications with each other, and they used basically the same components as the Palm.
Why do Palms still cost so much? The technology just isn't that expensive: a B+W screen, an old-tech processor, a touch screen, and 8MB of RAM for $250? Give me a break... These things should be selling for $100, tops. And now they're going to charge for OS upgrades and sell shareware apps as "upgrades".
IMHO, the only reason people pay the money is that there are hundreds of apps out there for it. Palm was smart in hooking developers early and keeping them friendly.
I love my Palm, but I really think they are quite overpriced.
RE: Features OK, but the price?
Not to mention the Grand Poobahs of Brainwashing.
MS Doesn't Get It
They wish
Cry me a river MS
Hey Ben, anyone can ask a bunch of people what they want and cram it all into a little box. Palm's success has been the ability to read between the lines and figure out what the user really needs. This concept must sound pretty foreign to you (and Microsoft), eh?
large groups & M$ (repost from palmstation)
Never Underestimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups. (taken from a poster from http://www.thinkgeek.com" CLASS=NEWS TARGET=_NEW>http://www.thinkgeek.com ) .. and we all know how big the group at M$ is. Palm does what palm does best.. make simple products that make our lives easier. i don't want an mp3 player with my organizer. we all know there are mp3 players that have some PDA like qualities, but how big is that market? more colors would involve more changes to the OS.. and what would happen to all the developers when all of a sudden their software is obsolete because we whined about more colors? i know it would be a matter of time till the market caught up. i mean what is "our" dream machine? besides a Palm V with a gig of memory, an mp3 player,something for watching mpgs i got of the net (eh eh), WAP/CDMA/TDMA/CDPD/GSM capabilities (so we can call from the desert island after our three our tour.. ) oh yeah.. i want my Palm V with a min 65000 colors. IMHO i think palm is doing a great job of creating this thingy that allows me to play sim city in board (bored?) meetings, keep track of appointments, read net articles, carry some docs, phone #'s, and all the other stuff.. oh yeah.. sometimes i feel adventuous and go on the web via my nokia at a blinding 9.6kps while pacbell sticks me with 15c a min. but what else am i gonna do while waiting to get through the 101 -405 interchange.. yeah that was me that almost rearended you.. cause i was waiting for the traffic report to refresh. everyone knows wireless (in any USABLE.. and incase you didn't see it.. USABLE form) is a ways off.. cause we all know we won't be happy w/o broadband wireless.. and the FCC is still fighting with DTV to free up that precious bandwidth.. so for the time being.. keep on rockin me baby.. cause PALM is solving most of my needs ...... for now..
microsoft is "SIMPLY" wrong
first can they relly define "simple"?
second can they relly define "brainwash"?
Less is More
Happy Piloting!
RE: Less is More
My beef with Palm is that (good)There's no incentive to uprade(bad) because the built in apps have not been improved. The screens are nicer though.....
RE: Less is More
This is ridiculous
Waldman's comments
Brainwashed myass. MY PDA (TRGpro) gives me functionality and dependability. Essentially,it is my competent support manager when I am out on the road.
Windows CE is geared for the (pre)pubescent mind. My kids get off on color and noise. Exactly what it ever will be>......
Bring on pacman and walkman!!!
Brainwash, schmainwash...I love my Palm
My old HP CE device was just too complex and power-hungry to be practical. I gave up on it after less than 2 months' use. In a blaze of glory after a sudden cash windfall I bought a Palm IIIx. My only regret now is that I didn't know about the soon-to-be-released 8Mb model. Had I known about that, I'd have held off until then.
When I rolled my pickup truck at 80 mph on I-5, my first thought was NOT for my Windows-powered laptop--I refused to let them put me in the ambulance until they found my PalmPilot and handed it to me.
What's the rush?
Why does MS and others get freaked out about having the latest stuff?
The LAST thing I want is for the PDA market to start looking like the bull***t PC market, where my computer is obsolete a couple months after I walk out of the store. And two years later, I need a new harddrive just to install Office so I can read other peoples files, even though I don't need any new *features*. Heck, most of the time all I need is MS Write.
What's the rush for color? What's the rush for paying for everything that SOMEONE might need pre-installed? I just pay for what *I* want installed, thanks.
Considering the way Micro$oft plays this game....they got some major balls making a statement like that.
Palm, Count Me In
Cry me a river M$
Hell No
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Has Palm Brainwashed You?