The Devil's Palm

According to the Web site for the new movie Bedazzled, the Devil is a Palm user. And she has a really cool-looking Palm, too.

Funny, I always though Satan had some kind of exclusive agreement with Microsoft. Maybe even eternal damnation doesn't keep you from knowing good technology when you see it. -Ed

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EGarrido @ 10/22/2000 5:31:52 PM #
Now I wanna see this movie. Hot women + Palms = Devilicious!


I.M. Anonymous @ 10/22/2000 9:20:08 PM #
Maybe they could make a movie about Jesus and His Palm could be, lets see uh. Jesus wouldn't need a Palm after all what would the son of God, who was involved with the creation need with a Palm.

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/22/2000 10:04:51 PM #
Jesus' Palm would be less marketable because of the hole in the middle of the screen.


CKMOOSE @ 10/23/2000 12:47:00 AM #
That is so wrong and sick....AND FUNNY!! roflmao!!!


I.M. Anonymous @ 10/22/2000 6:56:07 PM #
Hey idiot, it's A MOVIE. Yeah, I'm sure the devil really uses the Palm Pilot because some actress does... dumbass.

RE: Idiot
Ed @ 10/22/2000 7:26:57 PM #
hu-mor - noun a : that quality which appeals to a sense of the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous b : the mental faculty of discovering, expressing, or appreciating the ludicrous or absurdly incongruous c : something that is or is designed to be comical or amusing

I thought a definion was in order because you'd clearly never heard of the concept.

Palm Infocenter

RE: Idiot
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/22/2000 7:41:06 PM #
You're one to talk. Oh yeah, Ed was speculating on the Devil's PDA preferences for real. You need to get a life.

RE: Idiot
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/22/2000 10:27:24 PM #
grow a brain!

Who's the Idiot?!?
maven @ 10/22/2000 11:03:06 PM #
You mean the devil doesn't *really* use the PalmPilot? Would Hollywood lie to us? Next thing you'll tell me is the devil isn't really a woman in a sexy red dress!

Please tell me you didn't think 'Dumb & Dumber' was based on a true story.

P.S. This is my poor attempt at hu-mor. Review Ed's definition above in case you're still fuzzy on the concept.

RE: Idiot
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/23/2000 12:03:25 AM #
Hmm...clearly a CE user.

RE: Idiot
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/23/2000 12:18:01 AM #
Agreed...definetely a CE user :D

RE: Idiot
CKMOOSE @ 10/23/2000 12:48:55 AM #
OMG!! This yokel probably thinks ET is a real alien... Or wait, following his logic (loose use of the word), believes that aliens don't really like Reeses Pieces.

RE: Idiot
I.M. Anonymous @ 10/23/2000 8:51:54 AM #
Well Gee thanks guys... So I suppose this means that Darth Vader isn't real either?..
And that Superman is just the creation of a writer?...
Next thing you'll be telling me is that Santa doesn't exist and if that's the case where am I getting my Visor Prism from?.. *g*


It is funny Ed

jhdavidson @ 10/23/2000 9:14:08 AM #
Dont let the bible beaters bother you Ed. This is funny. And to you bunch that dont think it was a joke. Please blow me and blow Ed. Bunchof idiots. Oh yes and by the way. WOW the devil sure is HOT ;-p

Morality? Bah. Want one!

Spell @ 10/23/2000 12:16:03 PM #
To heck with Claudia's sea green Palm. I want one like Dark Princess's! Betcha the Palm guys will miss out on this marketing opportunity, too. Ah well. Thanks for the chuckle, Ed.

Morality? Bah. Want one!

Spell @ 10/23/2000 12:16:03 PM #
To heck with Claudia's sea green Palm. I want one like Dark Princess's! Betcha the Palm guys will miss out on this marketing opportunity, too. Ah well. Thanks for the chuckle, Ed.

this rewls

Raishe_werk @ 10/23/2000 1:10:45 PM #
saw the flick, all the things i am missing by being good. get behind me satan? yeah rite, get in front of me and get out of those clothes. i might have to see the movie again just to see that palm. anyone want to buy a slightly used palm V. i am getting of those red "devil" palms. like the often quotable rob zombie "devil man devil man roamin in my head".. but in this case. " devil girl roam where ever the hell you want". ohyeah.. thanks for the url Ed. keep em coming. and the rest of you. save your salvation rhetoric for some one who cares, cause i thought this was damn funny

"Moster Pig kills Jesus
More at 11"

[ No Subject ]

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/24/2000 6:26:41 PM #
May God bless you inspite of your ignorance !

[ No Subject ]

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/25/2000 3:25:58 PM #

What's on the Devil's Palm?

Ed @ 10/30/2000 9:50:32 PM #
I was disapointed when the Bedazzled page that shows the Devil's Palm didn't give a link to see what she had on her Calendar. Well, someone has found the pages. Take a look:

Be sure to click on the other days of the week for all the laughs.

Palm Infocenter



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