First Visor Compact Flash Adapter Available

A small company named MatchBook Products announced yesterday that they will begin immediate production of the MatchBookDrive Adapter, the first commercial product to allow the use of Compact Flash memory cards in the Visor. It is a passive adapter that fits into the Springboard slot and allows files to be copied from the RAM to a Compact Flash card for storage.

The MatchBookDrive Adapter relies on software being developed by Kopsis, Inc. that is scheduled to be commercially released in January, 2001. Presently, it is available as a time-limited free beta.

The MatchBookDrive Adapter will retail for $30 U.S., including shipping to U.S. addresses. Shipping to Canadian addresses will be $2 extra, and shipping to other international addresses will be $5 extra. Until January 15, 2001, MatchBook Products is discounting the Adapter to $20 including US shipping.

Unlike the Handspring Memory module, the MatchBookDrive Adapter does not contain any software on the module. Users download the software and install it on their Visor themselves. Kopsis, Inc. has announced that the FAFileMover software will be available at PalmGear for $5 when it is released commercially. Unlike the Handspring Memory module, which allows the use of some files directly from expansion memory, the FAFileMover software requires files stored on the compact flash card to be copied into the Visor’s RAM before use.

Kopsis announced the development of its FAFileMover software in October 2000, and since then hundreds of Visor users have created their own adapters by making hand modifications to a standard PCMCIA to Compact Flash adapter. Kopsis, Inc. coined the term FlashAdapter to refer to the modified adapter needed to use their software, and published instructions on building the adapters by hand. Postings to the FlashAdapter-Forum discussion group on indicate that Visor users have greeted the availability of compact flash memory for the Visor enthusiastically and are using their flashadapters to store medical references, dictionaries, e-books and even full-motion video.

“Use of handheld computers is growing rapidly,” said Keith Hudson, owner of MatchBook Products. “Many Visor owners find that the 8 megabytes of memory in the Visor Deluxe, Prism or Platinum is simply not enough for all the files they wish to carry with them. The growth of digital cameras has led to widespread availability of inexpensive compact flash memory cards, about the size of a matchbook, that range in size from 4 megabytes of file storage to 192 megabytes of file storage and up. The MatchBookDrive Adapter lets a Visor owner use a compact flash card as file storage in a module that fits into the expansion slot of his or her Visor. Imagine being able to carry 192 megabytes of files with you wherever you go.”

“We are not trying to compete with the Handspring Memory module,” said Hudson. “We wanted to give Visor owners an inexpensive storage option. If they need more than 8 megabytes of additional storage memory for their Visor, or if they are willing to sacrifice a little convenience to save a lot of money, then the MatchBookDrive Adapter may be for them. We just thought there had to be a better way to make use of Kopsis’ software than to hand modify a $10 or $25 adapter, and end up with a compact flash card sticking out the top of the Visor. The MatchBookDrive Adapter allows the compact flash card to remain totally within a standard springboard housing, which makes a much more pleasing form factor. The user just plugs their own compact flash card into the Adapter and snaps the module together.” Hudson is careful to point out that the MatchBookDrive Adapter cannot be called a Springboard module. “The MatchBookDrive Adapter does not comply with Springboard specifications, because it does not contain self-installing software. Adding self-installing software to the MatchBookDrive Adapter would at least double the price of the Adapter and make it prohibitively expensive for many budget-conscious users,” he said. As far as he is aware, the MatchBookDrive Adapter is the first commercially available product that makes use of the expansion capabilities of the Visor without complying with the Springboard standard.

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MicroDrive Compatible?

palmcoder @ 12/29/2000 10:14:19 AM #

anyone know if this adapter can be used with the IBM CF MicroDrives?

RE: MicroDrive Compatible?
I.M. Anonymous @ 3/3/2001 1:58:28 PM #
i think it is, but i heard that the problem is that since they have moving parts, it drains your batteries VERY quickly. it wouldn't be worth running the drive.

Looks like the CF card sticks WAY out...

willyard @ 12/29/2000 10:49:08 AM #
I just looked at the picture of this gizmo on the MatchboxDrive web site ( ). Is it just me, or does the CF card protrude almost completely out the back of the Visor case when it's installed into the adapter? Looking at the pictures of the adapter itself
( ), it appears that the adapter fills up the Springboard slot, leaving the installed CF card dangling out in the breeze. Yuk! If this is indeed the case, I see very little practical use for this thing apart from a curiosity.

Never mind!
willyard @ 12/29/2000 10:50:48 AM #
Just saw this: "The MatchBookDrive Adapter allows the compact flash card to remain totally within a standard springboard housing, which makes a much more pleasing form factor."

*blushing*'s fundamental. ;-)

Sony's memory Stick 4 Visor

I.M. Anonymous @ 12/29/2000 1:21:37 PM #
You know.. Ithinkthis may be a good solution, for some, but I am waiting and banking on Sony's memorystick for the visor, shown below;
But I am also hoping that it would also server more than just a storage device. I am hoping that you can actually use it as Ram as well.
We'll just have to see.

RE: Sony's memory Stick 4 Visor
I.M. Anonymous @ 12/29/2000 2:14:25 PM #
from what i remember, a memory stick is cheaper than a CF card when you compare them MB for MB.

I think i'll wait for the the MS module aswell...besides, maybe by then we'll be able to actually run programs right off the extended memory instead of copying it onto the visor AND THEN using it. Only to have to copy it back onto the card when we're done.

Run Apps from the MemoryStick
Ed @ 1/2/2001 11:54:17 AM #
You can run software directly from the memory stick... sort of. Just download the MSAutorun file that copies the database or application from the MS to the Clié's main memory, then launches it.

While I'm on the subject, Sony posted an update to the gMedia movie software that gives support of Jog Dial navigator operations, as well as video playback directly from a MemoryStick. It is available from the above link, too.

Palm Infocenter


Tom B @ 12/30/2000 1:24:16 AM #
Finally a CF adapter for the Visor! I have spoken with the designer and his specs are right on the money. Mass storage for the Visor is finally here.

Sony Clie?

Tom B @ 1/1/2001 7:57:54 AM #
I know a few of you out there are really optimistic about the memory module that allows us to use the memory stick (myself included) for our Visors but doesn't the Clie use the same basic “copy to RAM“ format with it's memory stick as this new CF adapter does to the Visor?
RE: Sony Clie?
I.M. Anonymous @ 1/1/2001 11:01:33 AM #
> doesn't the Clie use the same basic “copy to RAM“ format with it's memory stick as this new CF adapter does to the Visor? <


What Happened?!

I.M. Anonymous @ 1/11/2001 2:12:09 AM #
Hey Does anybody know what happened to the Matchbook wedsite? It looks like it has vanished!

MatchBookDrive SpringBoard Price Reduction

Ed @ 3/3/2001 4:39:23 PM #
MatchBook Products has reduced the price of the MD-001 MatchBookDrive Adapter to $25, with free shipping to U.S. destinations, $5 shipping to international destinations.

Palm Infocenter



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