Palm Guarantees Flash Memory Supply

For most of the past year, Palm has been bedeviled by component shortages. They have struggled since before last Summer to get enough parts to meet demand for handhelds. One of the major causes of this was the explosion in mobile phones, which require the same flash memory Palm's handhelds do.

As this put a serious crimp into their bottom line, Palm is determined it won't happen again. Therefore, they took the unusual step of naming AMD its primary provider of flash memory through 2003.

"We don't normally say who our suppliers are, but we wanted to ease concern that Palm would be able to get components for devices," Palm spokesperson Marlene Somsak said.

Palm is also interested in bolstering the confidence of consumers in the company's ability to deliver what it promises.

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. is a worldwide semiconductor manufacturer. The Company's products include industry standard integrated circuits (ICs), which are used in many diverse product applications, such as telecommunications equipment, data and network communications equipment, consumer electronics, and PCs.

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[ No Subject ]

jim @ 1/21/2001 7:19:57 PM #
about time


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