Rumor: New Pictures of m500 and m505
Someone has leaked some great pictures of the m500 and m505 to Joel at
According to his source, "the m500 is expected to hit the streets around the end of April and sell for approximately $400 while the m505 is expected to hit the streets around May 10th and sell for around $450." He is expecting an announcement from Palm on Monday.
He is also reporting that the screen will support 65K colors. He even says that the m500 will be part number 3C80800U and the m505 will be 3C80801U.
The site also says that Palm is ready with some peripherals to go with these new models, including a new keyboard, a new 56k modem, 16MB expansion card and some new software and cases.
Thes pictures look just like the one of the m505 that was leaked to PalmStation in January. They also look like the picture of the m500 that Palm accidentally posted onto its website yesterday.
The m500 and m505 are Palm's replacement for the V series. They will be about the same size as the V and Vx but have faster processors, a Secure Digital expansion slot, and the m505 will have a color screen. Both will run Palm's new OS 4.0 and have 8MB of memory.
Special thanks to Joel for giving us permission to run these pictures. -Ed
Related articles:
- Rumor: m500 Appears on Palm Site
- Rumor: New Color Palm Picture?
- New Features in Palm OS 4.0 and the m50x Series
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April and May?!
Unless these have a higher resolution screen and more onboard memory, are they worth the wait?
If Palm doesn't step up and introduce something mindblowing soon, their day in the sun will be over.
RE: April and May?!
Syncplicity. Redefining Simple.
RE: April and May?!
M505 Sux!
I just know when this sells people are going to flock out like losers and pick up this crap just cos of the form factor.
The M505 is a joke... from what i hear you CANT run programs off the SD cards and there is no improvement to the resolution and sound capabilites!?
The m500 is even worse!
If my Palm cant play decent quality sound or music not just shitty beeps and blips then it doesnt deserve to sell for the price it commands.
Look to the new Color Clie... atleast they got that right!
Its all fine and dandy if this was their 3rd or 4th model but its something like their 13th model 4th generation of machines !
Save your money people, lets show Palm we're sick of their boring "old old" rubbish... Get the CLie when it goes international!
There will be alot of people - who like me are gonna be pretty P.O.'d.
Keep your IIIc and Vx. Then upgrade to Visor!!!
RE: M505 Sux!
Let's Wait Before Reacting
Rumors are flying that the m505 will also use pixel doubling to increase its screen resolution.
Which brings up my final point; all of this is based on rumor and conjecture. Please wait until the info on the m500/m505 is released to make up your mind. You have time. The Clie won't be available in the U.S. until mid-year at the very earliest (probably later) and if you decide to get an iPaq, they just announced a new 64 MB version that won't be in stores for a while; I'd suggest you wait for that one.
Palm Infocenter
Preorder for SONY CLIE PEG-N700C
RE: M505 Sux!
Compared to the new Clie, this is a push-over.
RE: M505 Sux!
Keep it simple - do it well.
So, if you want a game machine, guy a playstation.
BTW, the clie probably won't ship internationally. So don't get your hopes up.
RE: M505 Sux!
I don't know what all the fuss is about. We should all feel fortunate that we have such a great OS like Palm and such a huge selection of varying devices to choose from.
In comparison to the Pocket PC family of devices. (No, I'm not bashing PPC) Generally speaking though, all the devices offer just about the same set of features in just about the same form factor at just about the same price.
If your taste is for a slick color device with integrated audio playback and multimedia then the new Sony Clie' has your name on it. However, I find these features next to wothless to me and would much prefer a small and light device that has a long battery life and provides me with the option to add on modules to expand its features as I see fit. But thats just me... and perhaps many others.
Neither one is right or wrong, just different.
Nuff said,
RE: M505 Sux!
i do agree that palm and handspring need to consider expanding their product line for the power users, and also dropping prices for the casual user. $400 is a hell of a lot to pay for an edge, especially since it's just a skinny platinum made of metal with rechargeable batteries. then again i could say the same thing about the vx. :P
Different PDAs for different needs
I think that the Palm Vx has an excellent form factor for what it is capable of. The new m50x will build upon this by adding an expansion possibility for those who feel that their PDAs should be able to do more. This flexibility to add modules according to one's needs is the best approach. That said, I hope the new m50x and its expansion modules are not too costly. Palm should take note of the grouses of Visor users on this point.
RE: M505 Sux!
Yes, the V form factor is a beauty but it doesn't mean that it is the ULTIMATE-AND-ONE-ONLY-SLEEKEST form factor ever. Are you going to waste your money on something that has never improved? What you only get is color screen (which is still 160x160 res.), a faster chip, an SD slot and a new battery type and nothing else, THE SAME OLD SOUPED UP PALM Vx!
Compare the m505 with the new PEG-N700C. Yes, we are comparing apples against oranges. But what if you are offered with a higher priced apple and a lower priced orange but with extra freebies such as free grapes and pears, you'd really be stupid if you still choose the apple. You'd be spending more on the same old s--t where you could get a more powerful equivalent at a cheaper price. If you don't need the grapes and pears then just leave them, knowing that you can still use them whenever your need arises. You'd be buying them separately (add-in modules) if don't have them now.
OK, you don't get an SD slot or the famous HS slot, how much can you spend for an add-in modem or phone? The Visor phone costs as much as a new cellphone. If you need a cellphone and you don't have a HS or SD slot, GO GET YOURSELF A CELLPHONE, that solves it.
Yes, simplicity has always been the key, but does IMPROVEMENT has to suffer? Think about it guys.
Need new design
Missing the Whole Point
The Palm Vx is still the only true "shirt pocket" size PDA (I guess we should include the Visor Edge and Clie as well).
It's time for I. M. Anonymous to move on to the Pocket PC platform and satisfy his/her creative urges, and quit trashing Palm based on rumors of yet undisclosed devices.
RE: Need new design
RE: Need new design
same lame resolution....
Get a Clue, Get a Clie
Don't count Sony out. The VAIO was first written off, too, but now it holds significant market share. Sony has a way of creeping up on the market, and it almost always test markets its products in Japan and Hong Kong before bringing them to the US and UK.
The new Clie looks like everything we have all been saying we wanted and more. The Palm m5 series seems to break very little new ground; ditto the HS Visor Edge. Now that I have actually owned a Sony, I'll cast my lot with the Clie. Whenever the new CLIE PEG-N700C hits the US market, I have a little gift for my wife: my great PEG-300.
Get a clue, get a Clie! Check it out at $304 minus $50 rebate at
RE: Get a Clue, Get a Clie
Well I own a PEG S300 and while I agree with some of what you say, there is much to be said about the device.
It is a nice, small and fast device but I find its extra featues horribly implemented.
The jog dial is a cool concept, but not much more than that. You can launch a program from app launcher with it and have limitd navigation in the bundled software thats included. THATS IT! once you get into an app, its worthless, you need a stylus to move around and exit. this is not what I call useful.
As far as the memory stick is concerned, I don't know what you have been using your for but copy programs to and from it in order to run an app is about the most painful thing I can think of! The only semi useful thing I have found for it is to select everything in ram and copy it over to memory stick as a means of back up in case of a crash away from home, but even that isn't complete since it doesn't seem to want to copy my address database or to to database.
On top of all that, where are all the friggen cool add ons that one would expect from Sony??? The only thing I can buy for it is an extra 3 stylus! when I go away for a long weekend I have to bring both my Clie and my old crappy Palm III cuz I can hook a modem to it and send and receive email and also take pictures with it with the PalmPix camera.
Shit man, I can live for a weekend without an mp3 player, but to not have important business and personal email on a device which is often called a "connected organizer" is ridiculous.
RE: Get a Clue, Get a Clie
Clie is heavy
The new Clie would be around 5.7 oz
The Edge is 4.8 oz
Palm Vx is 4 oz
What would easily fit in your pocket?
RE: Get a Clue, Get a Clie
RE: Get a Clue, Get a Clie
One important piece of advice: all of you who own Clies but don't find the Jog Dial handy need to discover a little freeware hack called "JogEverything." It has changed the way I use my own Clie, making alomost everything work with the Jog dial. I'm pretty sure it's still available free on Recommended!
As for the "form factor," right on! No, I don't want to hold my Palm OS PDA in my hand all day. That's why I love that it fits in my shirt pocket.
RE: Get a Clue, Get a Clie
If you dont want it don't buy it
RE: If you dont want it don't buy it
Look fellas, its not about "what you need it for." Its about what it can do for $400... not much i say...
I agree, the M505 SUX bigtime! Okay, if you only need it for PIM features fair enough, but why would you spend $400+ (nearly $AUS1000!!!) on just PIM stuff? How about $5 for some dated paper, $10 for a calculator.
I expect $400 to buy me the best of today's technology, and just knowing what the m505 still can't do (whether or not i will use them) and how little its evolved is a real let down.
Save your pennies for the Clie I say...
screw palm for their lack of vision..
RE: If you dont want it don't buy it
RE: If you dont want it don't buy it
More Palm m505 bashing !!
But yes, I'd like to judge now, not later.
And heres my views :
Palm have been churning out the most shit i've seen in years.
What the hell is the deal with the m100 series? Its non-flash upgradable and absolute horrid form factor and small screen is just a turn off, not to mention yet another mono screen which we don't need!! HELLO PALM??? COLOR!!!!
... The III series was oh so much better! But ofcourse Palm have no brains to know better. Instead they discontinue it. Now we all have to change our accessories cos they wont fit !!
And now with the m505, just 2 years too late and still no improvement to its multimedia capabilites / sound, resolution and the SD just sucks when you can't run aps off it.
Get with the times, man!
And if i hear that Simplicity and PIM functions BS again is all we need from a Palm, i'm gonna choke...
Its not what we use it for, its what it can do when it comes to $450+ being well spent..
Hell, i only use it for the occasional game and PIM aps, but if it could do more then i'd be pleased whether I'll use those features or not.
Thats why my next handheld will be a PPC or a CLie!
RE: More Palm m505 bashing !!
Wake up guys and be enlightened!
RE: More Palm m505 bashing !!
RE: More Palm m505 bashing !!
You people just don't get it...
You can rant and rave all you want about what Palm is not doing, but the fact remains. They sell MORE units than anyone else by a landslide!!!
and that is because MOST people DON'T want the added features regardless of the price comparison!
The new Clie is a BRICK!! Sony has went from having one of the smallest Palm PDA's to the LARGEST!
Myself and I'm sure many many others don't care to carry aroundj bricks just because they are capable of singing a song.
I wake up in the morning in my house with a kick ass sound system. I get in my car to go to work, again with a kick ass sound system. I get to work and sit at a desk where it is not appropriate to have earphones plugged into my head all day to listen to music. The only time I can think of where I MIGHT want a portable mp3 player is while jogging, but I sure as shit ain't going to run down the street with a $450 brick hanging out of my pocket!
As far as watching video on my PDA, Again myself and many others don't have the time to vedge in front of a desktop looking for MPEG clips that we can download and watch on our 2 inch PDA screens. I could always wathc them on my 19" monitor and pipe the audio through my kick ass sound system.
Most people who can readily afford $450 for a PDA are more concearned about haveing a small, energy efficient device that does the things we REALLY NEED and does it WELL.
As for the rest of you, You might find use in Palm's built in apps to set reminders of class assignments and scedguling your next panty raid.
RE: More Palm m505 bashing !!
RE: More Palm m505 bashing !!
I'd rather carry a wiz-bang brick that does it all than a boring slate.
RE: More Palm m505 bashing !!
Screw Palm! Long Live Clie!
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