Handango's Friends & Family Special

Handango is offering some great deals on Palm handhelds and accessories on a special site as part of their Friends & Family promotion.

They are selling the Palm IIIxe for $130 (MSRP $200) and the Palm VIIx for $200 (MSRP $400). The $100 rebate on the VIIx with Palm.Net activation still applies. The Palm IIIc is $250 (MSRP $330) plus a $30 rebate until April 9. They have the Palm Vx Limited Edition, Millennium Blue or Champagne color for $260 (MSRP $350).

They also have the TRGpro for $240 (MSRP $300).

They have a few accessories, too. The Kodak PalmPix for the III series is $70 (MSRP $100) and the Minstrel V Wireless Modem is $150 (MSRP $370) with service activation.

They list software on the special site, too, but the prices all appear the be same as those listed on their regular site.

These prices are not available from the regular Handango webstore. Only by visiting http://www.handango.com/friends and signing in with user name 'friends' and password 'family' you can get access to the special pricing.

This special pricing is only good through April 30 and quantities are limited to supplies on hand. No returns, no rain checks, no substitutions. All sales are final. No other Handango discounts can be applied to the Handango Family & Friends special.

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Better prices at Palm store?

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/6/2001 2:35:24 PM #
The Palm store also has some good prices, on refurbished units. For example, the IIIc is $209.


Don't buy used - just shop around
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/7/2001 8:15:14 AM #
I just bought a new Palm IIIxe for $119 at Staples, including next-day delivery. The TRGPro can be purchased for $260 new, and the other models can all be bought for much less than retail price. Handango was being less-than-honest when they recently sent out an email advertising this "special sale". They should have been required to clearly state these are used units.

RE: Better prices at Palm store?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/9/2001 10:57:06 AM #
How did you get that deal w/ Staples? The IIIxe is listed online at $179.98 - 30 rebate currently. Also, aside from this article, I couldn't find any indication at Handango that the models were used (other than the one Vx). Where did Ed get the information that all the models were returned?

RE: Better prices at Palm store?
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/9/2001 11:22:18 AM #
A clarification from Handango:

The information on the palminfocenter.com website is incorrect. The items that we have which are "returns, or used only one time for a show or demonstration purposes" are all labeled as OPEN BOX. We have tested all of them, and most of the items we have are actually new units which are overstock for us. We have not sold any units as new which are "open box". Yes, we are selling off some of them at a substantially lower price, but we have not been dishonest about any of them. All the Palm VIIx's, TRG's, etc. listed are new, unless they are listed as "open box".

RE: Confusion
Ed @ 4/9/2001 12:23:42 PM #
I was under the incorrect impression that all of these were open box. I'm sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for the clarification.

Palm Infocenter

Palm Vx Limited Edition Champagne for $199.00

I.M. Anonymous @ 4/7/2001 12:08:24 PM #
Just ordered Palm Vx for 209.00 with shipping. Good deal!

RE: Palm Vx Limited Edition Champagne for $199.00
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/7/2001 12:58:25 PM #
i would like to know, where can i but it?

RE: Palm Vx Limited Edition Champagne for $199.00
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/7/2001 6:54:29 PM #
Use the link in the original artice. Here is a copy of the link and access info:

"These prices are not available from the regular Handango webstore. Only by visiting http://www.handango.com/friends and signing in with user name 'friends' and password 'family' you can get access to the special pricing."

RE: Palm Vx Limited Edition Champagne for $199.00
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/7/2001 8:29:36 PM #
I see the price as $249, where do you get $199?

RE: Palm Vx Limited Edition Champagne for $199.00
I.M. Anonymous @ 4/8/2001 4:20:24 AM #
199 $ its the price for an open box model = difference whith others ? at 249 $ it's an non open box ;) ?

but this offer no long exists on the site = price 249 $ + 10 $ shipping

on cnetshop, i found PlamVX "normal" for 270 $ + 5 $ = i dont't know if the difference worth 15 $ ?

david from France



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