Volume Shipments of m500 Series Delayed
Palm announced today that though they will launch the m500 and m505 on time, there will be a delay before they are shipping in large quantities. Palm CEO Carl Yankoski said, "Volume shipments are going to be a few weeks later than we had planned." When they were officially announced last month, Palm said the m500 would ship in April and the m505 in May.
Chief Marketing Officer Satjiv Chahil admitted that they pre-announced the devices early so Palm wouldn't be shown up by its competitors' new models at CeBit last month. "We didn't want the perceived leadership to shift away from us," he said. The m500 series was announced at roughly the same time as the new Sony Clié PEG-N700C and the Visor Edge.
When the m500 series was announced on March 19, Palm said, "The m500 handheld is scheduled to be available in the United States in late April" and "The m505 handheld is scheduled to be available in the United States in May". Exactly how much time is meant by a "few weeks" is not yet known and neither is how this will affect everyone who has pre-ordered one of the devices.
Palm's pre-announcement of the m500 series and the hints it released in the months prior to the announcement have been heavily criticized by analysts as leading to Palm's current inventory woes. The company is looking at hundreds of millions of dollars in unsold inventory it will have a hard time getting rid of as users wait for new models that aren't shipping yet.
Related Articles:
On the Web:- Palm faces delay as rivals bare fiscal souls
- New Sleek Palm m500 and m505 Handhelds Add Expansion, Mobile Connectivity and Vibrant Color
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RE: m505 vs Clie N700c
"A Sony representative said that the new Clié will launch in the United States this year, with an announcement expected sometime around midyear. "
I'm not sure if the release and the announcement are going to come at the same time. I hope they are but they might not. Palm announced the m505 in March but most people won't see it until June.
I think what makes me nervous is that I never see anything from Sony more specific than "this year". A few weeks ago, Fujio Nishida, president of Sony Electronics, talked a bit about the Clié and all he said was "This year we are bringing out a better product." Not "this summer" or even "in the next few months", just "this year".
Maybe I'm just paranoid because the U.S. release of the color version of the current Clié eventually got so delayed it looks like it is never going to happen at all.
Palm Infocenter
RE: m505 vs Clie N700c
I have had three orders for the m505 since 3/19/01 and all I get are delays, ooooppppssss, and "we don't knows." I canceled my order with Palm b/c the rep told me that volume e-tailers like outpost and egghead will get theirs first, plus they charged me tax and shipping. Not cool. I then canceled my order with egghead because they told me April 13 for a while, charged my card $456.94 and then told me mid to late May- yet they enjoy the float of MY money while I get the bill and no Palm. I'll keep my order open with outpost and I also have one with Staples because of the online coupons.
If Sony did ship their new unit to the States early on, I would almost certainly drop Palm in a NY minute. Mind you I have had Palms since the Pro and have turned on literally countless friends and family to their pda's- not sony, trg or handspring.
However, after a while it gets to be really obnoxious. Where in the hell are these units and why can't they give us a straight answer??? For their Chief Marketing Officer to come out and acknowledge that they only announced them at CeBit so as not to get lost in the shuffle is disgraceful. I work for a nationwide manufacturer as their Marketing Director and I do not pre-announce products with so little disregard for my customers.
As much as I love Palm (I returned 2 iPaq's) and can't wait for the m505 to arrive, I'm pissed and I think they should be taken to task. To be candid with you, I'm thrilled the stock is in the toilet...
...for now.
Just my $ .02.
RE: m505 vs Clie N700c
On the other hand, I'm not sure the m500 series offerings are any great shakes either. We've all heard about the poor screen on the 505. Now if they can release a wide variety of SD cards (bluetooth, mp3, gps, 2-way pager, etc.) then you've really got something.
RE: m505 vs Clie N700c
The article stated that the US launch of the Clie is sometime midyear. Well, Sony launch the Clie in Japan, and it was available within two weeks. If Sony follows the same time-table with their US launch, we should expect the Clie units to take a couple of weeks the be available also. There's no reason for Sony to not follow the same time-table, and they certainly are not Palm.
Relating to the Clie's speed, yes it will be a little slower because of the color and resolution, but I don't think that it will be so slow that it will become inconvenient. The benchmark from the article below was 137%, that's only a little slower than the Visor deluxe. I think most application that's not graphic intenstive will run fairly smoothly at that speed.
By the way, the review article below is great and very informative.
Good screen shot: 160x160 vs. high res. 320x320 at:
The thing that I like most of all about the Clie is NO GRID-LINES!! The color is nice too.
Now Palm the company, I think they have really gotten soft, uninnovative, and complacent lately. I'm not sure if this complacency is because of their (false)sense of security because of their domanant market share or if because Hawkins and company left.
I remember reading about how Palm took on the Microsoft giant, when MS first wanted to dive into the handheld market about 5(?)years ago. Palm refused to let MS bully them into submission like most small companies. They even formed a Task Force (I forgot the name) to counter microsoft's every move. Remember that? That was great!! Palm's dominance in the handheld market was largely due to those aggressive and innovative moves.
What happen to you Palm?
Delayed Shipment No Surprise
seem to remember that this has been the case with most of the new Palm's since the first one
was released. I ordered the very first PalmPilot from Palm (then USRobotics I believe) in March of
1996 and did not receive it until mid-May of that year. The same thing happened with other new
Palms when they were released.
I am not surprised by the delay, but just disappointed. However, you have to be fair to Palm; they
are in a much more competitive environment than when they first came out, and pre-advertising
products is nothing new to any company (think Microsoft and its Office and OS releases).
Me--I will stay with Palm. I have been very pleased with the synchronization and the stability of
the software; the primary reason I went with Palm in the first place.. Yes, there will always be
some better options on other products, but I'm not going to jump ship just because I can't get
my new toy as soon as I hoped. I would change, however, if Palm started creating junky hardware
or software--the IIIc came close to the former with the cracked case issue, but they replaced it
even after the warranty had expired at no cost. Not too many companies will do that.
switching products time after time.
RE: Delayed Shipment No Surprise
The original Visor was announced months before they were shipping in quantity. Sony didn't handle the release of the first generation of the Clié particularly well, either. They said the main reason the original color Clié didn't make it to the U.S. was because of hardware shortages. And let's not even get started on Compaq's handling of the iPaq.
I'm not thrilled with Palm right now; I also have an m505 on order and I like to see it sometime soon. But don't cancel your m500 order just try to prove something to Palm.
Palm Infocenter
Chief Marketing Moron
We've got Palm by the you know what's.
RE: We've got Palm by the you know what's.
RE: We've got Palm by the you know what's.
"You piece of s____. You have no interest in the Palm Os. If you do , You don't have the guts to admit it. What are you afraid of, liking something and having it fail. Does that mean it was not a good device?"
That makes no sense at all. You obviously are so loyal to Palm that you are freaking blind!
Look they mess up, they admitted that they mess-up, stock and technology analytists reported that they mess-up. Now because of their ill-planned, stupid pre-anouncement of the m500 and m505 way before the actual product is available, they are faced with this huge inventory of older units that they can't get rid of. As a result, they have to back off the shipping date of the new units. How many way can you step in it?
Now, any customer (besides a completely blind loyalist like you) would and have the right to complain and maybe not do business with a company with such near-sighted goals.
RE: We've got Palm by the you know what's.
RE: We've got Palm by the you know what's.
RE: We've got Palm by the you know what's.
i don't know if the argument above was 2 people going back and forth or 3 people.
RE: We've got Palm by the you know what's.
MS licks its chops?
Me, I still want to see the m505 in person, in my hands, before switching.
RE: MS licks its chops?
Probably why they stopped putting a year in the new product titles (little embarrassing to release your 95/98/2000 product half way into the year).
This message is for "Plenipotentiary"
Palm m505 Delay
I wish Apple computer would come back out with a new Newton series!
RE: Palm m505 Delay
I too have been one pins and needles waiting for the palm m505 (ouch!). Did you say months.
I was expecting them to be out by the end of April and have been calling frequently to Best Buy
and Staples.
Thanks for the reality check!
RE: Palm m505 Delay
Palm Infocenter
RE: Palm m505 Delay
Does Palm face so many comments they had to turn this system down? Fortunately, independent web sites still are here, and newsgroups too. But I'd like to get some official comments...
RE: Palm m505 Delay
any thaughts?
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m505 vs Clie N700c