Quickies: Michael Jordan, PalmUser, Lots of Awards

On Monday, Michael Jordan and Palm are gojng to unveil a handheld similar to the Claudia Schiffer Edition Palm Vx that was released about a year ago. Jordan will receive 12% of the sales. -Wayne

Every subscribor to PalmUser magazine between now and June 30 will be entered into a 'mini-draw' to win a prize pack of a lifetime's supply of the magazine, plus the full 4-hour Palm OS Training CD, a neoprene carrying case and a high-tech replacement stylus. -Steve Litchfield

Pocket Quicken 2.0, WordSmith, and PrintBoy have won the Best of PC Expo 2001 award. Each year Smallbiztechnology's editor, Ramon Ray, analyses hundreds of different hardware and software products and selects the best ones for small businesses, showcased at PC Expo. -Ed

BIOBSERVE, makers of behavioral data acquisition software, have won CASLsoft's Developer Spotlight Contest. "BIOBSERVE's Spectator GO! is a good example of using the right machine for the right job. Leave all the CPU intensive stuff for the PC and the data gathering to the PDA. Spectator GO! illustrates both the power of the Palm OS platform as a mobile data entry device, and CASL as a means to customize Palm OS PDA's," explains Michael Buckley, co-founder of CASLsoft. -CASLsoft

Ababall, iambic's new game, has received the Palmtop-Pro Approved Award. It is the first game to receive this rarely-given distinction. Palmtop-Pro Magazine is a European mobile computing magazine well-respected for its exacting standards when recommending software. "This is the first time ever that a game has entered this elite 'hall of fame' of top solutions in the PDA sector," said Boris Michael von Luhovoy, Publishing Editor of Palmtop-Pro. "As a seasoned PDA magazine publisher, I'm not so easy to impress. The game flattens me indeed." -Kaerrie Simons

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Get real

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 8:44:54 AM #
Michael Jordan Palm....you gotta be jerkin' me. Once again the masterminds at Palm come up with a loser. This company is truly run by marketing weenies. is it going to be basketball orange? Hey Palm, how about a higher res screen that you can actually read, 16mb of mmeory minimum, and a faster proccessor. Palm is going down and its easy to seee why.

RE: Get real
jayhawk88 @ 6/15/2001 10:04:28 AM #
The thing is, where you see, "Palm repackaging the same old stuff with some worthless marketing tacked on", Palm sees, "Thousands of clueless newbies who suddenly think they now need to own a Palm because MJ uses one".

RE: Get real
Ed @ 6/15/2001 10:35:01 AM #
Actually, Palm Inc. has very little to do with this. The Claudia Schiffer Palm and this one too are the brain child of a separate company, PTN Media. I think Palm Inc. is just selling them a lot of handhelds and letting them do the rest. Apparently the Claudia Schiffer version did well enough that they are willing to do it again with another star.

People outside of a target market frequently think promotions are dumb. For example, tons of things get marketed to my wife that I think are stupid but she thinks are great. Just another example of one size doesn't fit all.

News Editor
Palm Infocenter

RE: Get real
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 10:53:04 AM #
If you look at PTN's filings with the SEC, you'll see that they didn't do as well as one would want you to think. In fact there's a letter from the dir. of OEM sales at Palm Inc. detailing terms for Palm to buy back devices that didn't sell. PTN's total revenue for the first quarter was $170,000, which is not a whole lot considering the price tag on these devices.

RE: Get real
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 11:08:19 AM #
please post links.

Looks like the Claudia edition has been a BIG BUST!
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 11:57:38 AM #
That's gotta hurt.

I still think they should have come out with a gold Mr. T version. ("I pity the fool that doesn't buy my PDA!")

RE: Get real
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 12:04:27 PM #

I can't believe people are bitching about this and saying that the only smart thing for Palm to do is a higher resolution screen, MP3 playback, etc. Have you ever just hung out at a BestBuy, Circut City or CompUSA and just listened to the people buying Palm's? Most of them probably would want (or have any idea how to, for that matter) use anything beyond the built-in apps. These people will buy a palm because it's becoming mainstream now and because someone they actually recognize (They want to be like Mike) is selling these.
I just hope that we don't have kids killing each other to get the latest "Air-Palm" off of each other...

RE: Kids might kill for "Air Palm"...
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 12:18:04 PM #
that's rich! I think it's unfortunate that there is no middle ground for some of us with Palm units. There's the high end, M500 series, for those who can afford it. And then there's the low end, m100 series, that Palm is pushing in order to get a new market. There's nothing in the middle anymore, unless you want am old IIIc. But it doesn't include any new technologies, like the SD slot. The Claudia Schiffer Palm Vx is being sold now here in Canada at local electronic stores too for about $460. Should not Palm instead spend some time and money building this segment? Anyone disagree? I wonder how this Jordan model will look like? hmmm.... a M105 with a orange basketball faceplate?! ;)

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 12:45:57 PM #
We can all agree that the MJ Palm will sell way more than the Handera 330. :o)

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 5:37:35 PM #
seems like the claudia's have just shifted to retail distribution rather than web only.

RE: Colored Palms
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 7:07:16 PM #
Why not just offer the Palm V (and 500/505)in a couple different colors like Handspring does?

I know there is an inventory problem with doing this (ask Apple with their original 5 color iMac choices -- now much fewer choices).

I think if they offered just 2 colors (the Claudia color and the standard color) there would be more appeal (i.e. more sales)

I've never seen anyone with the Claudia version, but would notice it if someone had one.

RE: Get real
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 8:59:26 PM #
Bill Gates must be laughing this one up.

RE: Get real
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/16/2001 3:04:25 PM #
The more I think about, the better the Mr. T Palm could be. You could have his picture appear on startup, and be faintly inscribed on all the screen. It would be gold plated, and have a large speaker with plenty of bass that could say stuff like "I ain't got time for none of that Jibba-Jabba" and the like during meetings. It could even speak the alarms with his trademark "Fool" at the end. "Time to wake up Fool" And after a few minutes it would say. "I pity the fool that doesn't listen to what I say" Cool idea.

Briliant Idea

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/15/2001 10:57:41 PM #
It seems a long time coming though. we've been hearing about this for a while now.

The fact of the matter is, that most of us already own palms, because we are either A.)total computer geeks, or B.) Have some uses that really improve out lives. or both.

The average Joe doesn't have one, and doesn't see the need to have one. The average joe, doesn't even write stuff down, so where would he get the motivation to learn how to grafitti his calander in?

If people knew how easy it was, and how much it can oraganize and improve their lives, they would jump on the idea to buy on.

If M.J. is shown using one, you can count on a ton of b-ball junkies will start buying them, and will see the benefit.

People always want to buy what the stars have.

this is no exception


RE: Briliant Idea
I.M. Anonymous @ 6/17/2001 11:56:04 PM #
how many basketball junkies are really munching on ball park dogs in their ford explorers while calling their friends via mci, using rayovacs?

on a more serious note, does anybody know just how big is the potential "basketball junkie" market? how many mjs or claudias does ptn expect to sell?

And SHAQ will be promoting the new "I-SHAQ" PPC for Compaq

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/16/2001 8:10:06 PM #

Jordan Palm

I.M. Anonymous @ 6/17/2001 7:55:30 AM #
Isn't this what Volkswagen did when the ole beetle was dying? You know the "Sport Bug", then the "Jean's Bug". Then the beetle died only to resurge years later as a retro. Don't get me wrong I'm an avid Palm user, and buyer, but come on, this is silly. Oh yeah, Palm could you make a Pittsburgh Steeler version for me, I'm a big Steeler fan!



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