OS 3.3 is available for download

Thanks to Mitch for letting me know that the Palm OS 3.3 upgrade is now available for download. Go here for more details and to get the update.

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ProxiWeb users beware

I.M. Anonymous @ 10/18/1999 6:28:01 PM #
Proxiweb doesn't work on my Palm Vx with OS 3.3 and I have sorely missed using it.

See below.

Indeed ProxiNet is aware that our current version of ProxiWeb (3.02a)
is not compatible with the newer Palm devices such as the Palm Vx
and the Palm VII.

Please keep an eye out on our website for a newer update. We cannot
give a hard date but expect it in the near future.


Thank you for your interest in ProxiWeb!


Suzie Watson
ProxiNet, Inc.

Palm OS 3.3 Upgrade & Flashbuilder III

Kay @ 10/18/1999 8:03:30 PM #
I have a TRG Superpilot II 8 mg memory board installed in my palm III. Flashbuilder III is part of the package because FlashPro is not compatible with the memory board (at least not when I bought the board). I checked with TRG about the new OS 3.3, and was told that Flashbuilder III is not compatible with the new version. That leaves me in a bit of a catch/22 since I count on having that Flash space for some of my programs.


Maulin Shah @ 10/18/1999 8:36:05 PM #
Right now there are also compatibility issues with PatientKeeper and the OS 3.3. I am working on a new release that will be compatible, but it may take two to three weeks. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Proxiweb, Palmscape and speed

Brian @ 10/19/1999 9:39:21 AM #
I threw OS 3.3 on my P3 yesterday and am pretty impressed.
DirectLink/LinkDirect is no longer needed and my little Palm
seems to open apps quite a bit quicker. I can also bring
up a local PPP connection at 115.2k! Sweeeet. :-)

However, (we all knew this was coming...) both Palmscape and Proxiweb
suffer from the same display problems, namely dialog boxes popping
up don't get drawn correctly. I have yet to tell either maker about this problem,
but I will. I also noticed that my beloved Battery Level Hack doesn't draw
properly, either. :-(

How do I Network Hotsync now?

Hal @ 10/19/1999 1:00:01 PM #
I got the 3.3 upgrade all installed, now I'm trying
to do the equivalent of a Network Hotsync. I've got
cradle attached to Linux, Linux can talk to my NT
system where Hotsync lives. This all worked fine
with OS 3.0.2 plus Network Hotsync stuff.

I created a Connection in Preferences and I can bring
up PPP to Linux at 115,200! That's good. But I can't
figure out how to make Hotsync use it! The new
connection shows up under Local Hotsync (cause it's
a Serial-to-PC connection I guess) but when I hit
the new Hotsync icon I don't see any connecting taking
place, just the three-icon sync screen.

So, it seems like I can't do what I used to do.


HotSync & MFC42.DLL

Tom Green @ 10/21/1999 5:48:07 PM #
This may have been a problem prior to the upgrade, but I didn't notice until I tried to "setup" HotSync and check the connection speed. I get an invalid page fault in mfc42.dll and HotSync Manager closes. It'll restart and everything works just fine, I just can't get into setup. Found other versions of mfc42.dll and tried them out, including the one in windows\options\cabs\pws, but with no success.

Haven't played much with the handheld since the upgrade, but AvantGo seems to load faster.



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