Quickies: Kyocera, Guyver, Pilot Install, Adapter Hack

According to a representative of Think Outside, maker of the Stowaway folding keyboard, "We anticipate that a keyboard to support the Kyocera Smartphone will be available Aug/Sept. 2001." -Todd Radel

RealVision showed off their upcoming PC Card adapter for the m500 series at last week's TECHXNY. A few more details are now available. The adapter, called the Guyver, should allow the handheld to use any PC Card, including wireless modems, GPS recievers, and microdrives. It should be available near the end of September for about $150. -Ed

envi.con has released a new version of Pilot Install which supports USB connected handhelds like the m500 series, the Visor, and more. This app installs software without requiring a full HotSync and performs numerous other functions. -envi.con

Justin Case, who first brought the homemade m505/III adapter to our attention, has made up a wiring diagram that he hopes will let someone make one of their own. He said, "I make no claim it will work (I'm no electrical wiring expert), but with the information/pics on the Japanese site, as well as Palm's hardware doc on the serial connector, it looks like it will work."

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Guyver info?

I.M. Anonymous @ 7/2/2001 8:46:53 AM #
What kind of stuff can the Guyver do? Will it be always-on, allowing the m500 to receive email and notify the user via vibration or beeping upon receipt of email? Does the PCMCIA slot support Novatel's Merlin CDPD PC Card wireless modem?

RE: Guyver info?
Ed @ 7/2/2001 8:55:23 AM #
Guyver is a PC Card adapter. It will only have the capabilities of whatever PC Card has been plugged into it and no more. According to RealVision, it will work with all PC cards but it is still in the development stage so it is a bit early to be able to say for sure.

News Editor
Palm Infocenter
RE: Guyver info?
I.M. Anonymous @ 7/2/2001 8:57:23 AM #
A PCMCIA adaptor is great idea. So that Palm users can use cheap laptop accessories. Why didn't anyone make this thing available before?

By the way, will Guyver work with Palm III series? The website says it's for 500 series. It would be great if they also make it for Palm III or an docking adaptor for III.

RE: Guyver info?
I.M. Anonymous @ 7/2/2001 1:09:51 PM #
The PCMCIA adapter for Palms is nothing new, but we have yet to see one
make it to production.

The Parachute from Unilinear (www.unilinear.com) was delayed for years, announced
several years ago, and they recently were acquired (?) by a company which wants
to see the parachute usedto deploy their PCMCIA medical devices in Palm OS devices.
The Parachute was designed for III series, but a V series version was supposed to
appear several months after the III model. The latest date to expect non-beta sales
was this year, but I'm not holding my breath...


Guyver & NIC

altema @ 7/2/2001 8:14:50 PM #
Ethernet would be the ultimate for my line of work... Software anyone?

Pilot Install

I.M. Anonymous @ 7/3/2001 2:17:05 AM #
Great Idea but I always get the blue screen of death when I try to use it and I have to restart.

RE: Pilot Install
I.M. Anonymous @ 7/3/2001 8:55:07 AM #
I noticed this too... I installed the program for the first time yesterday. After installing applications, I get the same blue screen... The first and second time I get it, I am able to recover and go back into windows. After that, it's all downhill.

No mention of this in their FAQ... and they don't seem to have a support/forum group anywhere.

Great program, nonetheless.

Palmpix for palm m505

I.M. Anonymous @ 7/9/2001 9:50:08 AM #
anybody knows when Kodak will release the digital camera for the m505?

anime anyone?

Swerv @ 7/12/2001 11:36:02 AM #
Doesn't anyone know the japanese animation called "Guyver"? Won't ThinkOutside get sued for use of this name? I know it is cprighted in th US for sure...
RE: anime anyone?
scnd2nne @ 12/17/2002 6:39:27 PM #
Not Necessarily, when you copyright or patent a product you have to list what its intended use is. . . for instance i can copyright guyver as a food company . . . only if the makers of "guyver" anime did not state that it is also a food company.



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