Quickies: Rebate, Final Fantasy, SnailRacer

Apple is offering a $100 rebate for the Visor Edge when purchasing any Macintosh.

In the new computer-animated movie Final Fantasy, look for the Palm ad in the ruins of Time Square.

SnailRacer from WAGWARE has won the CASL Developer Spotlight Contest for July. "SnailRacer is a game with the fun of a day at the horse races, but with some unique perils that can be used to try to skillfully influence the outcome, or add an element of luck. It's enjoyed huge user acceptance since it's recent release, and we at CASLsoft have become addicted as well," said Frank O'Brien, CASLsoft Marketing.

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And in an ironic twist...

dmccarty @ 7/20/2001 10:11:00 AM #
> [...] look for the Palm ad in the ruins of Time Square.

I think that's a strange idea for an ad, considering their current financial position. Here's hoping that it's not a foreshadowing of Palm's future...

RE: And in an ironic twist...
I.M. Anonymous @ 7/20/2001 10:23:54 AM #
Their current position is shared my MANY tech companies. Hard drives are getting fuller and software is getting better. This too shall pass.

not just ruins of time square

kisrael @ 7/20/2001 10:51:37 AM #
In the future world they have, Palm isn't just in the ruins... my friend pointed out one of their larger handhelds (well, larger than the Palms we know and love) that they can use to communicate with had a "powered by Palm" logo. Actually it was almost laptop sized, come to think of it.

Palm survives

cookie464 @ 7/20/2001 11:59:13 AM #
The fact that the palm is still around in the future is a good thing-this means they will survive!
RE: Palm survives
Coyote67 @ 7/20/2001 1:08:06 PM #
that or they have good PR people

OH my god...becky, look at her....Prism.

Other cross promotion...

I.M. Anonymous @ 7/20/2001 4:36:57 PM #
In LA, i've seen a few billboards cross-promoting both Final Fantasy and the m505 (with a slogan that's something like "fantasy becomes reality with the m505").

Also, the Final Fantasy web site links to the Sony Clie web page.

And also......

I.M. Anonymous @ 7/20/2001 4:46:08 PM #
In the movie towards the end on one of the lcd screens on the top right of the screen it says "palm powered" as it says on the boot up screen on the palm os 4..... Funny Huh? I dont remember the ad though....





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