Quickies: Palm Emulator, Clié 9V Charger, $40 Modem
A Palm OS emulator for the PocketPC is in the works. A review of the current iteration of the emulator can be found here. -Keith Francis
Brando is now offering a Clié 9V Emergency Charger, which works with all Sony models. It costs $24. -Brando
The Handspring Wireline 33.6 Modem Springboard Module is now available from Amazon for only $40 with instant rebate.
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RE: What a joke!!!
Hmmm... I wonder if people who read the Linux article make comments such as, "Boy, can't these people afford a *desktop* machine to run Liunx?" Hint, hint.
RE: What a joke!!!
1 - currently the emulator only has support for os 1 and 2. So you can't run most of the apps, or play most of the games. in the future, this won't be an issue - but for now it is
2 - if the PPC people use the palm os's software, all its gonna do is strengthen the palm economy. so let them use the software, in the end it will help to make palm the domnant OS. Infact, in the past, every time an OS has been emulated on a competing OS that's the OS that comes out ahead (ex. microsft emulator on macs)
RE: What a joke!!!
This may be useful as if the next gen PPC's offer significant better battery life and are more user friendly, I'm switching immediately. Those are the two things keeping me back. Of course, if Palm comes out with something as innovative, i will stay. But in the meantime, a PALM OS emulator will allow me to run Quikbudget and Act Names still. Great!
RE: What a joke!!!
visit: http://www.geek.com/news/geeknews/2001july/bpd20010723006954.htm
for details
RE: What a joke!!!
RE: What a joke!!!
I am an ex-Palm user who now uses PPC... Yes I come to this site as I do with a host of other PDA sites everyday. I still like the technology, as in PDA..Not Palm or anything beyond that.
This is not to start any kind of war ..who's PDA is better than yours or anything like that. As one who has been following this emulator very closely, this is something very significant. Palm OS 3 and OS 4 is also in the works with this emulator. The big deal here is the emulator, emulates the dragonball process, so that Palm's OS can run on this. The ability to install apps will also be included..infact.. do I dare say it has already been done??? We'll just see.
In despite, for many people it is nothing more than the Geek Factor. Just as there is a Linux OS that can run on the Palm PDA..(which when you think about it, is probably not the brightest thing to do), the same holds true with all the different emulators for the PPC. The Palm OS just happens to be one of many, (like the Apple2, Atari, Colleco, Genusis, MANE, Linux, Dos, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, DOS Games like Doom, Hexon, Quake, and many, many others).
And as a PPC user, there are some Palm Apps that I would like to see move onto the PPC platform. Until then, this emulator could serve a good middle ground. Yes.. I think this can help the developers for the Palm community, and even the Palm OS. I don't think this could help Palm with it's hardware sales though.. But then again.. Palm has such a large market share.. How can this hurt??
RE: What a joke!!!
RE: What a joke!!!
If I were a PPC user, I would not be using a palm emulator. It doesn't utilize the whole PPC screen, and I don't need two address books in one PDA.
No not at all
RE: No not at all
re No not at all
[ No Subject ]
...the best thing that could happen to Palm!
Proof? Just look at the MS-DOS/Windows emulators for the Mac - this encouraged even more sw companies to write programs for Windows (instead of Mac sw). Same is true with PDA area: The higher demand for Palm programs will further accelerate Palm sw development. This won't help the PocketPC platform...
****** Pilot 5000 => Palm Pilot III => Palm Vx => M505 - I´ve had them all and loved each one of them.
Get the message, people!
It's not about whether PPC is better than PalmOS (it's not), or whether PalmOS is better (again, it's not). The simple truth is, that both are good operating systems with their own benefits and disadvantages. PalmOS is better at some things (I prefer Palm for PIM functionality), whilst PPC does have the upper hand for multimedia.
I don't need multimedia, I need an organiser, therfore I own a Palm IIIxe. If I felt I actually would make use of the features offered by PPC, I'd buy one.
Surely this argument makes sense? This whole thing kinda reminds me of the old 'my Atari ST's better than your Amiga' thing at school... when I was about 14...
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What a joke!!!
Obviously these PocketPC have psychological issues to deal with such as Palm Envy.