Quickies: United PQA, Pocket Quicken, Clié Cable, Parts

United Airlines now has a web clipping app that allows users to book flights, purchase tickets, check flight status, and more. -Ed

LandWare is offering a program that allows owners of competing products to switch to Pocket Quicken 2.01. Customers providing LandWare with proof of ownership of SplashMoney, QMate, Accounts and Loans, PMT, PocketMoney, or BankBook can purchase Pocket Quicken 2.0 for only $20 until September 3. -David Porfido

The Clié USB HotSync + Charger Cable, which before now could only be pre-ordered from Brando, is now shipping. It works with all Sony models and costs US $36. -Brando

Gethightech now carries complete original Palm m100/m105 replacement screens. They also have chrome and clear faceplates for the Visor. -Gethightech

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Pocket Quicken

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 10:14:12 AM #
What kind of Palm is LandWare using in their ad? I want one. The display is color, nice and bright. No markings on the case. the buttons are the wrong color to be an m505. It looks like it could be a Vx done in Photoshop.

Hmmm....Maybe it's the m505x with the 640x640 32 bit color screen.

RE: Pocket Quicken
mikecane @ 8/1/2001 10:47:01 AM #
Look at the balance!

RE: Pocket Quicken
palmcoder @ 8/1/2001 10:47:06 AM #
oops. I guess Palm's stock is going to tank again since everyone will hold off buying a m505 and wait for the this new hi-res color version to be released! (fyi, I heard that the model number is m505.710.C)

unless it comes with soft-graffiti, always-on wireless, a brightness knob, and DVD support I'm not buying it, tho'.



RE: Pocket Quicken
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 1:16:03 PM #
Don't need DVD Support. Didn't you read here in Palm Infocenter that future SD Cards will have 4Gb capacity?

That is more than enough to hold a DVD Quality movie on the card. DVD format will probably be doomed when the price of these cards come down enough, and TV Manufacturers can integrate SD Cards into their products.

Just to keep it on topic- Pocket Quicken Rules!!!

Pocket Quicken, not for all...

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 10:44:45 AM #
Everyone should be aware that if you do frequent hotsyncs, without using quicken on the PC between every one, your entrys into the handheld will temporarily dissapear. This of course leaves an inaccuriate balance on the handheld.

Unless you are already a very frequent user of the real quicken program, I don't recommend buying this program untill they have a fix for this.

Aside from the temporarily dissapearing transactions though, this is actualy a great program.

RE: Pocket Quicken, not for all...
Logan @ 8/1/2001 11:52:32 AM #
Although this subject has been discussed in length at this site and on Visor central I just wanted to reiterate for the benefit of the people that are just joining in.

Pocket Quicken does contain a preference setting that circumvents the above described behaviour.

RE: Pocket Quicken, not for all...
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 11:59:53 AM #
Find one program that does NOT do this for the Pilot. I'm sure your the guy who posted ealier and the Landware support guy gave you possible work arounds. Quite crying about this so called "bug". Pocket Quicken 2 is fantastic as well as it's support staff.

RE: Pocket Quicken, not for all...
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 2:55:58 PM #
Logan wrote:
> Pocket Quicken does contain a preference setting
> that circumvents the above described behaviour.

What preference setting is this? Thanks.

RE: Pocket Quicken, not for all...
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 4:07:26 PM #
I found the workarounds cumbersome and not worth the effort to switch to PQ2.

The support staff was no help. The 'workarounds' did not manifest themselves untill I complained here very loudly... Logan (who is in the management) responded and finaly thought up a fix to what I consider is a bug. (They say it isn't a bug, fine, then call it a limitation, whatever, its still a pain.)

And no, I won't quit complaining. I love it when I hear good and bad things about the products I am considering, makes me know that I am getting all the information and lets me know about how different people who have different needs feel about the product.

I am not the only one. LOTS of people are interested in how diferent people feel about products. Gosh, people even pay good money to hear about the good and bad by buying magazines and reading forums like this one.

If you are happy with PQ, BULLY FOR YOU! I am sincerely glad. I just wanted people considering making a switch to know that it did not work out for everyone...

RE: Pocket Quicken, not for all...
Logan @ 8/1/2001 4:34:48 PM #
As I mentioned last time you made this "public service announcement" is that it represents a distorted simplification that implies that Pocket Quicken is destructive to data. Its not. The behaviour you describe is not a bug it is by design and there is a very simple workaround you can make to stop it from happening if you desire.

I'm not going to repeat this whole conversation here as it can be found at:


RE: Pocket Quicken, not for all...
Raishe_werk @ 8/1/2001 5:13:35 PM #
i don't know why there is so much complaining. we all know that palm is going to tank at the end of the year. atleast that is the message i took away from the comments here http://www.palminfocenter.com/view_Story.asp?ID=2161 and from .bizyahoo this won't matter cause we will be a ppc world or even better a linux pda world then. and just as i start to bash the penguin luvers, have you guys seen this http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/newsbursts/0,7407,2800216,00.html?chkpt=p1bn ? Terapin Mine its pretty kewl. i know its not even a pda but more of a gadget still pretty nice. listen to mp3s and all that stuff.. yet big enough to throw at an assailent in case of assult due to its brick shaped nature. anyway what was i saying? ohyeah, quicken sux, palm sux, pda's suck, i am just going back to my ledger book to keep track of finances and appointments.

sorry ed, been rather ornery rescently. keep up the good work.

"Monster Pig kills Jesus
More at 11"

RE: Pocket Quicken, not for all...
Raishe_werk @ 8/1/2001 5:33:22 PM #
plus i can't spell

"Monster Pig kills Jesus
More at 11"
RE: Pocket Quicken, not for all...
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/2/2001 10:28:06 AM #

I am not implying that your product is destructive to data. I have tried very hard to be fair and accuriate.

Each time I have described the problem I was carefull to say "temporarily dissapearing transactions"...

If you are annoyed by my "public service announcement" why don't you put something in your literature or website about it?


Mac version please!

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 12:26:02 PM #
Timeframe? Updated conduit?


Pocket Quicken 2.0 is great...

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 1:07:00 PM #
If you are a "Quicken Addict" you will love pocket quicken. I beta tested 2.0 and it is so much more powerful than 1.0.

Do yourself a favor and give the 14 day demo a try!

Ray Purkis

RE: Pocket Quicken 2.0 is great...
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 1:49:15 PM #
I noticed that Splashmoney allows you to generate a generate cash flow analysis report. Anybody know if Pocket Quicken 2.0 can do this?

Disappearing Balances

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/1/2001 2:28:54 PM #
Actually, you don't have to run Quicken after EVERY hotsync. Only when you have entered new transactions on the palm must you hotsync, open Q, accept the transaction(s), then hotsync again. This done, you can hotsync to your heart's content without opening Q until you have entered another transaction.

Ultrasoft Money BLOWS Pocket Quicken away!

I.M. Anonymous @ 8/2/2001 2:42:06 AM #
There is simply no comparison - Ultrasoft Money is the best personal finance app for the Palm.


RE: Ultrasoft Money BLOWS Pocket Quicken away!
I.M. Anonymous @ 8/2/2001 10:20:10 AM #
I really shouldn't get involved in these sorts of comments but as good as the UltraSoft product is at synchronizing to *MS Money*, Pocket Quicken is probably a better bet if you are a Quicken owner no?



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